Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 178: Master... injured! ?

"I saw the most beautiful picture in the world in my dreams. I saw my favorite big wind brother... I woke up, but I still saw the big brother." Yang Xiruo smiled happily, tears were uncontrolled and vented. Out.

"God, boss, this is a miracle!"

"If you, you really... you really..." The beginning of the wind was incoherent, and then, it was a laugh that could not be suppressed...

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The wind slammed into the body of Xi Ruo and laughed with impunity. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't laughed.

"Boss, must be the eve of the sister's kindness moved God, and gave her a bright light." Xiao Tian also laughed, and the feeling of guilt was finally swept away.

The wind screamed and laughed. In Xiao Tian and Chen Bing, they beat each other and punched Xiao Tian’s awkward, painful grin, but the smile and excitement did not stop for a moment. Chen Bing’s eyes also showed a rare splendid color, watching the girl silently, sincerely happy for her.

If she slept slowly in the mad voice of two men, she needed to rest too much.

"Small ice, you have to pay attention to your family for so long, come back soon."

"Good! Forgive the old man and dare not treat me." Xiao Tian patted the shoulders and left with Chen Bing.

Sitting in the air, silently sitting next to Xi Ruo, looking at her, as if to remember every feature of her body. At the same time, I was thinking about something that made him confused.

If the body, there must be hidden wonderful power! What kind of power is it?

Suddenly, the wind flashed in his head, as if he had thought of something. He quickly concentrated himself but did not grasp anything.

When Xiao Tian came home, it was already six o'clock in the morning, and the sky was gradually becoming brighter. When the door was opened, the old man Xiaoying was sitting on the sand in the living room, and he looked at the look and didn't close his eyes overnight.

"Dad!" Xiao Tianyi walked over uneasy, and his heart was mad.

Did the old man notice what?

Xiao Ying glanced at him and sighed and said: "Small day, don't run out to play the car so early. You think the cameras at the intersection are dry meals... forget it, this time you will spare you. You have to eat breakfast to see your master."

Xiao Tian secretly sighed with a long sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Dad is really reasonable, generous, profound, and a good example of a father... Oh? Go to see the master? Why?"

"He had a stab wound with the **** movie last night, and the wound was very strange. The internal force of your master could not make it heal. Hey, now his left arm is still unaware."

"What? The master is hurt... Dad, aren't you kidding?" Xiao Tian couldn't believe his ears. In his memory, the master never had a wounded experience, or he could not be injured at all. He is recognized in the world as "the person closest to God in the East."

He admits that his boss is very abnormal, but if he can even hurt the sword god... then it is not what the metamorphosis can describe.

"I will lie to you like this kind of thing? I was there at the time... Hey, your master is not hurt, the shadow is too fast, and even your master has no time to return to the sword."

Xiao Tian immediately returned to the room to change clothes, while worrying about the master, while secretly screaming, the admiration of the boss is like a flood.

Boss, how many secrets are hidden in your body.

At the moment when Xiao Tian closed the door, Xiao Ying's face sank suddenly, and the sharp, like an eagle's eyes flashed a complex and strange light.

Chen Bing returned to his home and glanced at his father coldly. He walked back to his room without saying a word, and closed the door with "啪".

Chen Yan sighed deeply, his eyes showing pain and helplessness.

Was my original decision really wrong? I just want to train him into a suitable heir!

Early in the morning, the wind was fed, and if I had breakfast, then she slept slowly and entered the game compartment. I promised someone else's things, and I can't talk about it, not to mention the other person's cute little baby who can't wait to swallow it.

Seeing that the baby is still on the line, the wind sighed with a sigh of relief, accompanied by a small soft and soft love breakfast.

"Small sister, if your sister may not come today, you may want to look at the house by yourself." The wind smirked, and the eyes looked straight at the softly bulging chest, and the face of the wolf The water that looks at it is soft and soft.

"I know the young master. Right, if my sister asked me to give this to you." Water gently walked into the backyard, and when he came back, he took three green leaves.

"Lingmu Xianye!" Windy eyes blinked. This is a spiritual medicine that can be encountered, and it can be instantly filled with life and magic. It is definitely a magic weapon for saving lives. If you sell it, you don't have to think about it.

"Soft, what are you and if you got these pieces of Lingmu Xianye?"

"It was the seed of the seed that the young master gave a few days ago. I don't know why, the plants in the flower garden have grown very fast recently, more than ten times faster than before. I and Ruo Ruo are quick to trim. If my sister said that for up to a week, Lingmu Xiancao can open the scent of the medicinal material Lingmu Xianhua."

"Ten times the length of life? Is it Shennong Ding?" The wind quickly thought of the only possibility.

"If my sister said so, and her current planting, medicine, and refining techniques are so good, if her sister has been collecting all kinds of high-quality medicinal seeds yesterday, she said that she can give the young master a variety of advanced. Herbs." Water is soft and full of excitement, although she can only be a sister's assistant, but as long as she can help the young master, she is happy.

Thinking of the weak girl, the wind hurts. Whether it is Yao children, if the night is still soft, their world seems to be only around themselves. And myself... there are too many owed to them.

"Aotian! If the eyes are rehabilitated." To the talker, the wind said softly.

"..." The talker was silent for a long time, and finally a trembling voice came out: "Boss, what you said is... is it true?"

"If you have time, let's see if you can."

"No! It was because I had to suffer such a big torture. I didn't have a face to see her before I took revenge... Boss, thank you, your kindness, I will repay you after Yang Aotian's revenge." Yang Aotian hangs up the talker, the coldness on his face is completely melted. He wipes away the long-lost tears in his eyes. He stands alone in the monster group, but the intrinsic eyes are more firm.

"As long as you can be happy, there is nothing in the world that can be worried about... Simon mad, ready to accept my vengeance... Game, reality, I will become the shadow of death, entangle you to die!"

"I should thank you for being right..." I was helpless and looked at the talker that was hung up.

"Hey, your friend ‘The Universe is invincible, baby’ is on the line!”

The wind stunned unconsciously and said to the softness: "Small, the young master left, look at the house!"

"Come back soon..." Looking at the position he had stood before, the water softly said softly.

When the baby was just on the line, she was taken into a warm embrace. The familiar atmosphere made her enchanted. She laughed and ate: "Shu Luo brother, have you been waiting for me?"

"I sensed that the baby is coming, and it drifted over."

"I knew that the first thing I saw was the brother of Shura. This is not the heart of the mother." The baby licked the cute big eyes, and the ultimate cuteness made the wind and the gods take it for granted.

"Well! The heart has a good heart... Baby, let's go, go to a place closer to the Vulcan capital." The wind handed the baby back to the city scroll, which was the return of the village that he arrived yesterday.

The baby has no possibility of being abducted, no matter what, asks for the scroll, and the wind has been transmitted to a strange village.

"Little white, take off." Pick up the baby's petite and weak body, the wind leaping on the white, the spirit of the wind at the same time. Xiaobai unfolded the cloud wing and rushed to the southern capital of Vulcan.

Although there is only one day to get along, but the wind is now, I seem to be inseparable from her. The ultimate kind of cute, the ultimate purity, the ultimate ethereal, the ultimate beauty, all of them deeply attracted him.

The elf who wants human life.

Fengyao is on the third year of college. It is the busiest period of college life. It is basically only available in the afternoon and evening. Therefore, these days are popular in the morning with the baby flying to the capital of Vulcan, on the way to bully bullying mobs, in the afternoon is in the wind building with Yao children, Xi Ruo and soft. Your own level is not important. Even if he has not been leveling, the hate of the second person has thought that it would be impossible for him to have no hard work for two weeks.

"Yao Er, is that the proud Iraqi really joined?"

"Well!" Feng Yan took out the "Love Fengge" gang's roster, clearly written above: Helper: Feng Yao, deputy lord: Yang Xi weak, members: Nangong Xiangling, Nangong Xiangxue, Nangong Xiangning, proud Yue Yiren.

"Have she ever asked anything?" The wind frowned. He hasn't found the trouble of this woman yet, she really came to the door first.

"No, I didn't ask anything. I didn't even ask why I set up this gang. It was the three sisters of Nangong's family..." Feng Yao looked at him with a smile and said: "It has been entangled. I asked about your whereabouts, as if you didn't find what you vowed to stop."

"Is it..." The wind and sweat, the three little gimmicks are inexplicably wrapped around him. Although he was playing the idea of ​​these three little gimmicks, he did not become the consciousness of their prey.

These three little girls often find some amazing words in their mouths, and they will ruin a person’s reputation.

This is simply terrible.

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