Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 176: The eve of the night (on)

"Ice, you are sure that the boss is there!" He has already asked him several times. The throttle of this military red flag has been stepped on by the lowest, and the body has a slight shake, but he still feels too slow.

"OK!" Chen Bing held the gprs locator in his hand and confirmed and answered again and again. The face of the evil charm is gloomy, and the eyebrows are tightly squeezed together.

At about three in the morning, there were almost no pedestrians on the street, and Xiao Tian was unscrupulously driving the maximum. He has no time to check the car, but at least, it has already passed two hundred yards.

"Parking, just 50 meters nearby!"

The car has a long, harsh brake sound. Before they stopped, the two men had already rushed out of the car and searched in two directions.

A dark alley, under the slight light, Chen Bing was stunned by the scene in front of him, and both hands could not help but tremble.

blood! The whole body is blood.

The black night coat has been completely dyed in red, and numerous tiny cuts are glued together by the condensed blood. Underneath, the blood of a large beach is glaring, and a black, short knife has a strange glow in the blood.

Who is it... who hurt him like this...

Chen Bing felt that his heart was exploding. He ran wildly and picked up the popular body. But his constitution was too weak. He only fell barely on the ground after two steps. He slammed himself. Start a flustered call to Xiao Tian.

After a dozen seconds, Xiao Tian ran over with sweat and saw the blood on the ground. The pupils shrank and the teeth almost chopped.

The two lifted the windy body into the back seat of the car, and rushed the car to the popular home with the fastest speed.

Only his home is the safest.

Along the way, the two were silent, and Chen Bing continued to release the cold to weaken the blood flow of the wind, and there was only a clear air flow in the car. Suddenly, Xiao Tian stepped on the brakes and slammed the door.

"Ice, you drive, take the boss back and pick me up... I am going to catch a doctor."

Chen Bing nodded. When Xiao Tian’s figure disappeared, the car moved at the same time, and the degree was not slower than before.

Five minutes later, the car stopped in the wind and was not far from the wind. Chen Bing looked at the blood that was almost drained, the scent of the air, the smashing of a tooth, bursting out of unprecedented power, and picking up the windy body through the chaos in front of the door.

Chaos chaos, this world is only him, Xiao Tian, ​​Feng Yan, Feng Yao know how to go.

"Open the door!" Chen Bing gasped and tried his best to make a shout. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't said so loudly, and the sound was severely distorted, with a near-women-like softness in the cold.

Yang Xiruo was woken up by a voice in her confusion. She subconsciously extended her hand, but did not touch the warmth of imagination.

"Big Brother..."

No one answered.

"Open the door" and "open the door"!

This is... the voice of Xiao Bing.

Yang Xiruo’s keen sense of ability that he has cultivated for a long time tells himself that it is definitely a very early time, but the big brother around him is not there. Xiao Bing is at the door of this time, is it...

Yang Xiruo suddenly panicked and fumbled to wear her own clothes. She struggled to open the door. When she opened the door of the bedroom, the door was opened by Chen Bing who found the key in the wind.

"Xiaobing, I am a big brother, he is not an accident!" Hearing the sound of the door being opened and the small ice rushing, Yang Xiruo's heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

"Look at him, come back soon." Chen Bing exhausted the last effort to put the wind to Yang Xiruo, quickly locked the door and rushed out.

A **** smell came out, mixed with the familiar man's breath, Yang Xiruo trembled and reached out, but touched the liquid close to the solidified hands.

Is this... blood?

Yang Xiruo’s dimly lit world suddenly turned around, unable to drop his hands and completely become a blank world, so her breathing seemed to stop completely. Without crying, no tears, she clung to her body and held him tightly, as if she had lost her hand.

Ten minutes later, the harsh brakes sounded outside the door, and the eyes of Yang Xiruo suddenly saw the dawn of hope, instantly waking up from the abyss of despair, struggling to climb.

Xiao Tian and Chen Bing set up a woman with a disremarkable dress and came in, and dragged a first aid kit that was temporarily packed.

They only have this choice. If they are sent to a large hospital, the ruthless identity will be exposed immediately, causing a series of disasters.

"Little ice...help the wind brother..." Difficult to say a few words, the heart of the evening is painfully twisted together.

Under the light, the female doctor saw the black man with blood in his body, and suddenly he was so trembled that he couldn’t help but scream.

"If you are a sister, don't worry, the boss's life is harder than Xiaoqiang. There is absolutely nothing going on... What are you doing? If you want your son's life, save him soon!" Xiao Tian comforted. Yang Xiruo’s sentence is more like comforting himself, and then screaming at the female doctor who was arrested.

Yang Mei is a female doctor at Jinghua Hospital, the strongest hospital in China. Her doctors are also famous for her many masters in Jinghua City. She won the title of “Physician” when she was less than 3 years old. At home, there is a husband who hurts her, a well-behaved four-year-old son, who is full of happiness.

Just now, she was awakened by a sullen person in her sleep. The man threatened her son and asked her to save a person immediately. If she didn’t go or did not save, then her family would die. . So she rushed to pack all the medical equipment that she could bring, and was brought here by that person.

This man has so much blood in front of him... is it still alive?

Yang Mei put his flat body on his body and slowly opened his clothes. The wounded upper body was shocked. The scratches in the body are woven into a red net, so that his upper body is almost no inch intact.

Xiao Tian and Chen Bing looked at each other and they all showed a faint color.

The length, depth, and distribution of the wound are evenly creepy, and it is obviously injured by a sword in an instant. Such a wound, dumped and only one person in China can do it - Xiao Tian's master, Jian Shen Ye Huangtian!

"His wounds are very deep, but they don't hurt the guilt, and the wounds have already condensed. Just...just he has too much blood loss. It is a miracle to live, so he must transfuse blood immediately." In front of the patient, Yang Mei quickly entered the role and showed a calm job.

"If you don't lose blood right away... he will not last long."

"Blood transfusion..." How can Xiao Tian not see that the wind has lost too much blood, and the amount lost is enough for an ordinary person to die and can no longer die. However, at this time, where to go, he is looking for a suitable blood source!

Xiao Tianqi’s grasping the scalp... Going to the hospital to find? Nonsense! Sent to the hospital? The consequences are more serious than the direct death!

"Fast! Use our blood! Immediately!"

Yang Mei quickly nodded and took a stack of long and narrow pieces of paper from the first aid kit: "I must judge the blood type first. If the blood is rushed, the consequences may be more serious!"

Blood test paper, the instrument used in the emergency diagnosis of blood type in the 21st century. Its role is not to identify the blood type, but to determine whether the blood type of the two is consistent. It is made of a special micro-biological material that allows the two blood types of the same blood type to fuse together quickly, while the different types are repelled without being affected by the slightest blood relationship.

Chen Bing grabbed the first, tore off one, and the hand lit a cold white light, and pointed to a finger that was even more white than a woman, and looked at a drop of blood to the top.

Yang Mei silently, these people obviously do not want to expose this seriously injured person... just, regardless of the outcome, will they let themselves go? Yang Mei’s heart trembled, but he thought of his lovely son and finally calmed down.

A drop of slightly blond blood dripped from the fingers of the wind, fell on the blood test paper, and spread quickly... But the moment of the red blood, it was strangely stagnant.


Chen Bing’s face is colder.

Xiao Tianxun refers to the drop of blood, but also rejection.

crazy! Xiao Tianyi bit his teeth: "Let's go to the hospital! Which doctor dares to reveal a half point, I kill his family!"

"Small day! Don't try it with my blood." If she stretched out her fingers in the silence, she felt vaguely that they all failed.

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