Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 173: Blood King's unbeaten myth (on)

Scorpio helps the main hall.

"Isn't the news of Shura?" Scorpio squinted at the shadow of the sky in front of him, pinching a grape into his mouth, seemingly casually asked.

The shadow of the Scorpio stunned, and the voice trembled and said: "Return to the Lord... Shura is out of the ghost, unless he shows himself, otherwise no one can detect his whereabouts... It is suspected that he must be hiding the map or Stay away from the map of Tianlong Imperial City..."

"Oh, that is to say, more than 30,000 people scattered in the big 6 can't find his shadow when they stay up all night." The green grapes in the hands of the Scorpio are squeezed and the green juice flows out from the fingers.

"Forget it, this can't blame you, after all, this is not in the real world."

The shadow of the trembling scorpion can't believe his own ears, and the sizzling little master actually...so he spared him?

Scorpio has not yet killed him, at least not yet, because it is not an easy task to train a loyal and skilled dog, at least in time.

"Don't stop looking...and, in the past few days, you have to prepare for marriage."

"Yes! Little master... Little master... Forgive me, the big lady of Duanmujia does not seem to be married to the young master. I am afraid of the time..."

"Do you think that you can see it out? I still can't see it? Oh, she is only a woman, a woman who will become my plaything." The eyes of the sky are shining with the evil spirits.

In the game, there is no harassment punishment between husband and wife. It seems to be a good choice to come to the overlord.

"Wedding... Tianlong Church...Oh." The wind licked his chin and his face sneered.

Continued to fly for three hours and finally looked forward to a village. The wind sighed and sighed slowly, and fell into this small village.

Not big, just relative to the Tianlong Imperial City. Although this is only a village, the scale is comparable to that of Ganzhou, which is many times larger than the villages in the present.

As he expected, there are no other players here. There are all kinds of npcompcs everywhere. More or less big or small will have some common tasks, but unfortunately, the wind is not interested in ordinary tasks.

Although the village is small, there are no appraisal stores. The shops, pharmacies, warehouses, weapons stores, hotels, tea houses, and mount shops are all available, and the items sold are not less than half a minute.

The wind swayed around the west, and finally found the prop store, very simply bought a dozen village back to the city and intermediate herbs.

Intermediate reply herb: use requirements: 4o level, instant recovery of 13oo life, cooling time 5 seconds.

"Hey! Your wife's love story is on the line!"

The wind rushed to a quiet corner with the fastest speed, pinching the talker and said: "Yuyao, you are coming! Come over and let your brother kiss."

Feng Yao smiled happily and said softly: "Brother, it’s so weird, I just got a lot of messages when I got on the line... Actually, there are four beautiful women to join the Love Wind Pavilion."

"Four?" The wind is awkward, and the dark road is unfortunate. If you count these four, there are six of the most beautiful women in China, and there are six in the love of the wind - it is estimated that the love of the wind will become all men The holy place in your heart.

"It's the three sisters of the Nangong family you told me, and one is... Ao Yue Yi."

Ao Yue Yi people?

The wind brows wrinkled, and this Duanmu woman actually wants to withdraw from the gods field to join the love wind pavilion, which can be interesting.

Want to set my bottom? I am making it easy for you to come... no!

"Let them all join in... Well, there may be more than one elf in a while." When I think of the baby, I can't help but feel warm, and the dark mood is slowly relaxing.

"The elf?" Feng Yao doubts.

After a brief smile, and asked the location of Feng Yao, an "infinite space door" was directly moved back.

"Brother!" Seeing the winds that appeared around him, Feng Yao clung to him desperately. Although she only saw one day, her thoughts were like the flood of the dyke.

It’s not so popular. Without Yao's day, he is counting the date every day waiting for her to go home.

"Oh, good Yao, it’s the same size as a child." The windy smile said, his fingers swayed a small circle on her plump buttocks.

"But... I can go home once a week. I can't touch my brother's real body for a long time. I will be so sad."

"Hey, your two brothers and sisters are not finished." Yang Xiruo walked softly and came over, and when he looked at the windy eyes, the smiling face flashed through the moving blush.

Looking at Yang Xiruo’s look, the wind Yao Yao gently hit his brother, ran over and grabbed her hand, gently said in her ear: "If the sister, my brother did not eat last night. you?"

"Eat me?" Yang Xi Ruo stunned, when the reaction came over, the face brush became red, and the branch said: "Where is it... Yao's sister said indiscriminately."

"Yes? My brother will be so honest? Who gave you a bath yesterday?"

Yang Xiruo's face is even reder: "Yes... is the big brother..."


I couldn’t help but laugh at the softness. If I found the best way to cover my shame, I would chase it with her. One time, two small butterflies in the courtyard chased and danced, and they continued to spread. Sweet sound.

After watching it for a while, I ran through one hand and pulled them back.

"Three little fairies, let's see what is called the elf today." Every time I think of that lovely baby, I can't help but smile at the windy face. He carefully takes out the camera and opens himself to sneak a shot. A picture below.



"so cute……"

On the clear picture, a beautiful and cute girl who can't believe it, is lightly biting the delicate snowy fingers, sleeping sweetly, and the cute little face is as white as the innocent ice jade, black and beautiful. The long wind is blown in the air, and the crystal clear skin looks supple and jade under the black background. The girl's rich and rich lips are slightly curled, and the small nose is wrinkled with the small mouth of the cherry, which is even more lovely.

"Big Brother... She is... it’s like coming out of a comic, God, so cute..."

"Hey, my brother, where did you turn from the little angel? Look at how safe she is sleeping in your arms."

The soft water is just watching the baby on the photo, and I like it in my big eyes. I can’t wait to bring the doll in the photo into my arms right away, so I have a good love.

"Big Brother, if you can, you must bring her to play, I like her very much." Yang Xiruo's favorite color is not less than soft, so the wind can not help but sigh the charm of this little baby, real men and women Pass kill.

"I don't worry if my sister, my brother will bring her back... um... maybe it can be our good sister?" Feng Yao squinted at the wind, the beautiful face is covered with Intoxicating smile.

The wind coughed and coughed twice, took up the baby's photo, and looked at his baby Yaoer and said: "Yao, how are you going to receive them? Where are you going to arrange them after receiving them... or let them do?"

“I don’t know!” Feng Yao’s eyebrows are bent, and Meimei’s obsessive look at his brother: “As long as they belong to the 'Love Fengge’, the little love club outside is the place to meet, any other time. They are all free."

"But I believe that as long as they join, they will not leave."

A glimpse of the wind, he suddenly understood that Feng Yao formed the purpose of this gang.

"Yao, how are you so stupid, so wronged by yourself." The wind gently hugged her. This action has been done countless times since he was young, but every time he hugs, his inner incitement will be more intense, and his feelings will be more intense.

"Brother... I don't feel wrong at all. As long as my brother can be good, I will always be the happiest in the world." Feng Yao is fascinated by the warmth of her arms. In her world, any corner is his. The figure, he is her day, her land, her life, everything about her.

If you can be with him as you are, you must have the best woman in the world, regardless of appearance... temperament...born...

"Yao, do you want to hear a story?" The wind pulled her hand.

"Well, as long as it is my brother."

The wind has long known the only answer, the heart is softer, and began to slowly tell her the story of the heart of the ocean.

Joro and softness in the fun of laughter and laughter are slowly attracted by the popular narrative, sitting quietly beside him and listening to the beautiful love myth.


In the evening, the wind broke down early and started his life as a cook.

Feng Yao admired the three identical girls in front of me. The beauty is absolutely beautiful, the red lips are dripping, and the charms with a little bit of ecstasy are like three fairies that do not eat human fireworks.

The three young girls, each with a beautiful beauty, the perfect body to the ultimate body, the innocent atmosphere revealed in the beauty adds to the conquest of people**. Feng Yao looked at their first sight, they have already set them as their brother's private favorite.

"Love sister, Shura brother? He ignored us..."

"That's it... We even yelled at my brother, but he left us and escaped, so angry..."

"Lianfeng sister can definitely find the bad guys in Shura..."

The charming smile on Feng Yao’s face is even stronger. My brother has already started to work on these three little fairies that I have seen.

The distant horizon began to slowly dim, and the light was recovered little by little. Gradually, the darkness replaced the light, and the night fell inadvertently.

The moon gradually rose to the middle of the sky, and the room was also subjected to its grace and was sprinkled with light. The wind opened the eyes of fake eyes, and the handle was slowly pulled out from the hot thighs of the eve, then carefully separated from the entanglement of her hands, and gently took out the night clothes to the balcony.

After a while, a shadow of a black shadow flew out from the balcony.

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