Vol 3 Chapter 166: Legend of the Heart of the Sea

This is the room of the Archbishop's own, and there is a different kind of elegance in the simplicity. He slowly spread an old map and said to the wind: "Mr. Fengshen, this is a map of the whole world 50,000 years ago. Do you have any difference?"

After a sneak peek and a close observation, he soon showed a very conspicuous difference. He was surprised to say: "Ada is 6 and the beauty is 6... is it actually connected?"

In the whole "reincarnation" world, it is divided into four big sixs, which are divided into four big ones, six big ones, six big ones, six big ones, six big ones, and six big ones in the middle of Yazhida 6. Dongpuda 6, Goryeo 6, etc. are similar, but with the beauty of the 6 across the vast sea. Therefore, if the borders of the world are open to each other, the Asians think of the beauty of the 6th, but also through this large area of ​​the sea. According to the wind and eye observation, if you do not use any other props, it will take at least two months to reach by directly crossing the ship.

But on this map, there is a relatively long and large 6-piece two big 6 connected between the Azusa 6 and the Beauty 6 . The big 6 name is Lian Zhida 6, which means connecting things. The meaning of the party.

"Yes!" The Archbishop nodded and sighed and said: "This piece of the big 6 has completely disappeared 50,000 years ago, and the reason for the disappearance of the Big 6 is the two ocean hearts. !"

"What?" The wind was shocked.

"Mr. Fengshen, are you interested in listening to a story?"

The wind nodded.

"That was the time when the demons were robbed 50,000 years ago. At that time, the Mozu was rampant, and the human beings suffered unprecedented disasters. Everyone rose up and resisted. Among these rebellious human beings, there was a young man named Yunuo who was heroic. There is a courage and a courage to stop the Mozu from invading the human race. It is a true young hero and the enemy of the Mozu who wants to be removed.

"In a battle, the Mozu sent the first beauty among them - Zen, and wanted to surrender the Yunuo Shimei people of the Terran. But Yunuo simply ignored her and the two fought fiercely. Winning and losing, the two were convinced by each other's abilities and agreed to fight again tomorrow. In the process of constant engagement, the two young hearts slowly attracted each other. The last battle, because they were too focused, they fell together and fell into the abyss. ""

"At the end of the world, Yunuo and Zen quietly put down racial hatred. The two rely on each other to support themselves. They have completely released their feelings in the nine deaths. I don’t know what happened between them, but I don’t know what strength. They were separated from the sacred abyss. One month later, when they finally got out of the abyss, they could no longer leave each other.

"But in the world where people and demons hated each other, the Terran and the Devils were destined to fall in love." The bishop sighed, and there was a hint of anger in his voice.

"Zen back to the Mozu, requesting freedom. At that time, the Mozu knew the ins and outs of the matter, and they were furious and reprimanded the Zen and went to the sky, and they were punished by burning... Yunno learned that he was alone. Going to the rescue, after killing hundreds of Mozu people by one person, they finally died in battle. The Zen sorrows tied to Xingtai were sorrowful and screamed with great power to break the shackles and succumb to the body of Yunnuo."

"How could this be... how could this be..."

The wind seems to have seen the courage and determination of Yunuo to care for the lover, and it seems to have heard the tears of the sorrowful tears of tears, and a heart slammed tightly.

If it is Yao, no! I will never let Yao children have the slightest danger, never!

"The bodies of the two men were cremated in the presence of all the people of the Mozu. In order to warn the other people of the Mozu, to prevent the same thing from happening again, the ashes of the two were thrown into the North and South Oceans respectively. It’s completely impossible to have a sea of ​​intersections.”

The Archbishop extended his finger and pointed to two huge sea areas on the map that were connected by a large 6 partition.

"Later... Is it because the two oceans are connected because... because..."

The Archbishop glanced at him and said slowly: "This incident became a beautiful love tragedy that was circulated at the time. When everyone thought that this was the ending of two people, even the people on both sides of the 6th and the North were shocked. I don't know from which day, the sea began to move more and more away from their homes, and every day they swallowed the glory 6 with great speed.

"The power of nature is irresistible. No one can stop the spread of the sea. A thousand years have passed, and even the Big 6 has been covered up by nearly a third. Even the people of the Big 6 are completely panicked. Beginning to immigrate to Asia's Big 6 and Beauty's Big 6.

"Finally, three thousand years have passed, and there is no trace of the big 6 on the map. It is said that on the day when the North Ocean and the South Ocean are completely integrated, all the big 6 are raining at the same time. It’s salty, they say, the tears of this pair of lovers.

"It is said that on that night, the greatest sacred archbishop of Tianlongda 6 met Yunuo and Zen in his dreams. They asked the Holy Archbishop to help them find a pair of dying lovers to make up for their separation for three thousand years. Regrettably, they will bless them with their lifelong feelings. The next day, the Holy Archbishop woke up and there were two ice-blue rings floating around him."

"The heart of the ocean!" The wind is somewhat confusing.

The Archbishop nodded: "From that day on, a new custom has been circulated in the church. Every couple who come to the relationship must first accept the trial of the heart of the sea. But 50,000 years have passed, and no one has ever been found. The lover recognized by the heart of the ocean. Now... this great wish of the past ten years has finally come true in my hands."

The Archbishop admired the wind and his eyes were grateful.

"Mr. Fengshen, do you understand why he is called the heart of the ocean?"

The wind nodded nodly: "The heart melts in the ocean, and the deepest feelings connected by the soul are touched by the ocean. It has done a counter-attempting action that swallows a big 6 and only the hearts of the lovers can be merged together."

"Yeah, even the ocean can be integrated, even the huge 6 interval can be destroyed, not to mention a small confinement space!" The Archbishop looked at him with gaze.

"I understand, thank you Archbishop."

The wind has never thought of it, two beautiful rings, actually hidden such a earth-shattering story - destroying a big 6 love.

"Mr. Bishop, does this ocean heart have other functions?"

"Yes, there must be! Although no one knows what other functions are there, if the two people are deeper than the sea, there is no miracle that is impossible to give birth," the Archbishop said.

The wind nodded and prepared to leave. Suddenly, I turned around and asked: "Mr. Bishop, what is the story of the second mermaid tears?"

"The tears of the mermaid, telling the story of a big 6 man and a mermaid to death. There are fifteen pairs of tears in the mermaid, and it is said that the man and the mermaid shed three at the end of their lives. Five tears have been formed, and three generations of lovers have been recognized for their 30,000 years."

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Bishop, goodbye!"

"Dragon goddess bless you!" The Archbishop folded his hands together.

The footsteps of the wind are soft, and it is hard to stabilize the body.

"Dragon Goddess... It’s not good to kill me, but also bless..."

Twenty minutes later, the wind entered the Tianlong Palace, and the unimpeded guards passed through the layers and went straight to the Imperial Study Room.

Even the Queen, should I also work in the Imperial Study Room?

"Her Majesty's Majesty, Tianlong secretly makes the soul of the soul to see!" A maid looked at the majesty of the majesty, awkwardly reporting.

"Wind Soul?" The Moon Moon Queen's eyebrows wrinkled, and the urge to beat him out of the stick was calm, saying: "Let him come in."

"Oh, cough, I have already come in, I thought that Her Majesty will drive me out..." The wind came in with a look of sorrow, and glanced at the little maid: " Oh, this lovely little sister, trouble you to go out and watch if no one else is coming in?"

This is the temptation to find a little girl who does not understand the world. The little maid immediately became red-faced. She walked to the door of the royal study room and loyally guarded him.

The Queen of the Water Moon is not angry, said indifferently: "What is the secret of the adult to find the palace?"

At this time, the water moon seems to have changed completely like a person. There is no arrogance and innocence when the princess is a princess. The moths are swept away and the beauty is high. The thin powder lips are tight, noble and inviolable, and the majesty of the majesty is undoubted.

The golden crown is dazzling, and numerous strings of crystal-clear jade beads hang down, lining her water-like beauty and crystal-clear jade. The embroidered emperor's robe is adorned with golden eyes, and the stars are dotted with gemstones in the shape of stars. . Coupled with the majesty and momentum that deliberately dissipated, the faint chill and sharp eyes made the wind look good.

Is this... still the water moon princess who was almost bullied by me?

At this moment, the wind smacked her illusion that she should have been so. It seems that she should be a queen by nature, and she should be in charge of the entire Tianlong 6 in nature.

The next chapter: The second female host is stunningly debut, Loli control... You finally have a head.

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