Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 162: Nangong Xiaoyue

(Prevention: If you don't think that the three gimmicks are a little idiot, it means that you == is not a little idiot, um.)

"If you, you are a natural stunner." Gently let go of Yang Xiruo, the wind gaze at her, bowed her head, gently kissed her white forehead and red cheeks, and finally paused at her matte On the lips.

"Well..." Yang Xiruo was dizzy when he was kissed by him. The little tongue was entangled with him and his entanglement, until the suffocation, the two talents slowly separated. She gasped a few times and bravely spit out the hot love in her chest.

"Big Brother, I... like you..."

Since she first saw him, she has this man in her eyes. Over time, he appeared in life again and again, bringing hope and warmth to life again and again, she completely fell, she increasingly loves to stick to him. When I didn't touch him in a day, my heart seemed to have lost the most important thing. She knew that she was in a state of incompetence. Now she can't think that she doesn't have his life.

The wind smirked and kissed her forehead, gentle but firm: "If you, I will cure your legs and eyes, and then make you happy forever."

The former luxury has become a reality, and the huge ecstasy and happiness make her suspicious.

"If you go to bed early! I will go back to my room first." The wind helped her cover the blanket and walked out gently.

Standing on the balcony, the wind swayed casually and spread out the five fingers, facing the sky and hanging high in the bright moon. The silver moonlight seems to penetrate his palm and bring out a strange white light: "Shangguan family, will you choose to be a tortoise turtle or a self-defense rebellion? A seventeen wounded swordsman on my body It will appear again, I really look forward to it..."

"Big Brother...Wind Brother..."

Suddenly, Yang Xiruo’s nervous shouts came from the room, and the wind was shocked. The body turned into a shadow that was invisible to the naked eye and flashed into her room.

"If so, what happened?" When Yang Xiruo was safe and sound, the heart of the wind was released.

"Big brother... I am so scared, can you sleep with me?"


In the arms, the delicate skin of the snow, constantly rubbing his hot chest, provoked his fire. It made him feel all the pain. The wind smothered the mourning in the heart with great force, and pitifully held Yang Xiruo in his arms until she slept with a happy smile.

This poor girl who has experienced too much pain has never had any terrible nightmare since this evening.


"Small ice, where are you?"

"Boss, we are at pk... Oh, oh, stinky boy! Look at my purple eDonkey!"

Windy and sweaty, shouted: "What position!"

"The place where the boss was good yesterday."

“Where is my place?” The wind was first, and I tried to remember the position, and then an “infinite space door” disappeared.

Xiao Tian clasped the golden wolf's tooth sword with both hands, and looked at the boy in front of him. Chen Bing stood ten meters away, saying nothing, just watching the two men’s showdown coldly.

This boy seems to be only fifteen or six years old, but his eyes are sharp as an eagle, as if everything in the world could not escape his eyes. The still childish face is full of perseverance and pride, the golden bow in the hand has opened a full moon, and the arrow points to Xiao Tian.

At a glance, he recognized him: now the seventh in the rankings.

Shura suddenly appeared, letting the two people look at the same time. The eyes of Xiaoyue stared at him like a prey, and the direction pointed by the bow and arrow was transferred to Shura.

"Wow! Linger Cher, look at it, that person seems to be the legendary Shura!"

"Really! That mask, and that strange glove..."

"Wow! It's so cool!"

"I finally let my brother meet with you. I don’t know if my brother is awesome or Shura is amazing."

"Of course, Shura is amazing! He is my idol!"

"No, no, even if Shura is powerful, we must say that my brother is amazing! Because Shura is not our brother!"

"Well, right, my brother is amazing!"


As soon as the wind appeared, the sound of the yellow scorpion out of the valley kept ringing in the ear. The wind and the sorrowful look turned around, and suddenly was dizzy by a beautiful scenery.

Three girls in white palace costumes stood not far away, and they were pointing at him with crystal-clear hands. The eyebrows, blue silk and shoulders, the beautiful face reveals a faint blush, Qiong Nao Dan lip It seems to have been carefully carved, three imitations of the face of the fairy face revealing the innocence of the face, accompanied by a sweet smile hanging on the face, as if three elegant turbid Qinglian.

Nangong Xiangxue, Nangong Xiangling, Nangong Xiangning.

Wake up from the charm of the three women, the wind is amazed at the heart: I have heard that every three children of the Nangong family are not like the mortal women. Anyone who sees them will be shocked and lost. Now see you. It really deserves a good name.

"Sura! I want to challenge you!" Xiaoyue has completely forgotten Xiao Tian in front of him, and waited for the wind to return, the two arrows have already shot out, and the body is running fast.

Tearing the arrow, Xiaoyue got the trick skills from a gold boss. As soon as this arrow comes out, the average player will have absolute confidence and will kill if he is not a shield. But he was not arrogant enough to think that he could kill Shura. The tearing arrow just shot, and the body immediately opened the distance with Shura, preparing to hold the opponent with the archer's remote.

The two golden arrows have a bursting sound, and the speed is so slight that the wind is slightly different, and then the smile is disdainful, and the figure instantly disappears in place.

With the screams of the three girls, Xuanyuanjian stopped at less than ten centimeters in front of Xiaoyue.

"You lost!" said the wind faintly, and took back Xuanyuanjian. As long as there is a shadow, no one can escape the tracking of "shadowing" stunts.

Chasing! The real thing goes hand in hand.

"Wow, hahahaha, your kid’s head was stunned and he dared to challenge my boss. It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous!” Xiao Tian laughed at the violent face, as if he had just beaten Xiaoyue in a second. .

Xiaoyue’s teeth are crunching, and the muscles on his face are constantly twitching. He can't accept failure, but it's too fast to fail. He quickly caught him off guard, and he felt helpless. He felt that his high dignity was slap in the face.

Always paying attention to the movement of Shura, how can he not understand the power of his attack. So just then, when you hit it, you will be spiked.

"I will defeat you." Xiaoyue looked at this incomparably powerful opponent, and his heart ignited a strong warfare that had never been seen before. He did not say hello to the three fairy sisters and went to the north.

"The younger brother is hit, what should I do?"

"I don't know! I blame this bad guy Shura!"

"Yes! Do we want to teach him?"

"But we don't seem to beat him."

"Yes, then what should we do? Do you want to call those little men who want to follow us all day long?"

"No, they are all unreliable, not as good as ourselves."

The wind smashed his head on the blue ribs, and the three little hoes began to discuss how to deal with him, completely when he did not exist.

"Hey, boss, these three women... Hey, everyone can have a man's life, I want to get one of them... cough, when I didn't say it. Well, boss, are you interested in them? No By the way, I have never seen you so hypocritical in this life."

The wind is mad, and helplessly said: "I don't want to say if I have any interest in them. They are not interested in me."

The three girls seem to have discussed the strategy of dealing with Shura. They are coming to him lightly, and the beauty of the gesture is like a fairy.

These three little girls will not be watching me? The wind touched his face.

The three girls directly ignored Xiao Tian and Chen Bing, and they surrounded the wind. The three pairs of smart eyes looked at him without hesitation. They kept looking up and down, as if they were not looking at one person. It is a big cake sold in the city.

Even if the wind is as thick as the city wall, there are some people who are seen at the moment. Xiao Tian and Chen Bing have widened their eyes and have no intention of stopping.

The boss is too fierce! Just go to the Nangong family triplets in the war and want to hang down...

"Linger condensate, really want to do this? Will it be too cruel?"

"No, no! Who told him to bully our brother!"

"It seems like our brother first bullied him."

"That won't work either, because the last one was bullied by our younger brother."

"Well, if there is this Shura, let us be the followers, we can bully whoever bullies..."


The wind and Xiao Tian were sweating, and these little gimmicks began to talk again and again, and there was no awareness of the people who had to deal with them.

Let Shura give you a shift? Xiao Tian and Chen Bing look eccentric.

"Big bad man Shura! You ran off our brother, you have to pay us!" A little girl finally opened to him, the sound was crisp and pleasing, the cherry mouth slightly picked up, the seductive lips could not help I want to take a bite.

I was very interested in watching the girl in front of me, and I was surprised to see it. Although the body is slightly green, but the curve is still unspeakable, Yang Liu is quite a waist and a grip, the pair of plums on the chest is full and round, and the skin of the snow is full of jade-like hydration, soft and tender. It is like a newborn baby.

"Little sister, what is your name?"

The girl licked her beautiful big eyes and thought for a long time that she did not know how to answer. She asked the two sisters: "Would you like to tell us our name?"

"Don't!" the two girls replied in unison, and looked at the wind with a sullen look.

"Well! I won't tell you that my name is Nangong Xiangling!" The girl looked smug.

thump! Xiao Tian fell down.

The next chapter notice: the wind and hate the sky, the top two of the two rankings, the man who did not have any intersection, but in the first meeting, they chose the showdown.

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