Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 156: madman……

Looking at the level of Xiao Tian and Chen Bing, the wind can't help but brighten the eyes and praise: "Yes, it's actually 32, and the few on the ranking list are only 35?"

"Well, the ice has been eating a strong ** since it was taken from your hand that day. The attack has become so fierce that it is even worse than me, and the leveling level will rise."

Chen Bingbai’s face twitched, and he resisted the urge to cast ice on his face.

Xiao Tian suddenly changed his face, his eyes gave off the wolf's general light: "But the boss... you are actually 42 level! You don't know that the game forum is going crazy now, your fans are exploding." Now, almost everyone with a bit of strength is desperately looking for a hidden profession like you. For the boss, the Shura counter that appears on the equipment list should be yours."

The wind nodded, and the thoughts moved, and the black gloves with dragon scales appeared on the hands.

Xiao Tian’s saliva flowed through the half-cylinder, and I wished that this Shura, which had no ambiguity in shape or attributes, could be robbed.

"Soft, if you, I and Xiaotian Xiaobing, they will go out first, and soon come back, wait for me." The wind handed the "Lingmu Seed" to Xixi, and by the way touched her silky little hand. Touch and walk to the shop that is "popular".

"Maniac, how is the recent business." Looking at the seemingly empty shelves, I was looking forward to it.

“The shop sells 138 pieces of 3o to 35 silver equipment and earns 480,000 gold coins; the auction house sells 18 gold items of 35 grades, the net income of tickets is 140,000 gold coins, and the net income of auction is 42 million gold coins; the restaurant recruits chefs and The waiter's work has been basically completed, everything is on the right track, the restaurant location is full every day, the daily purchase of materials consumes about 250,000 gold coins, the other costs about 120,000 gold coins per day, the daily net income is about 350,000 gold coins, and it is still starting now. At the stage, the time will increase significantly."

The madman accurately reported all the data, and did not blink his eyes. Finally, he added: "The people at the Tianlong Palace said that ‘popularity’ is not taxable, all of which are the result of no taxation.”

No tax, how much money it saves! The wind suddenly felt that the old man was cute.

"Crazy, nothing more to open the auction, there are too many things to be auctioned." The wind screamed out of the backpack, very coquettishly poured out a lot of gold equipment, there are hundreds of pieces, followed by a lot Advanced cooking materials.

Xiao Tian’s eyes almost came out.

The madman promised a sigh of relief, and he had to sort out the equipment and materials in front of him.

"There are five broken brands. If you have time, you can take out the appraisal and shoot it. Well, you should be able to sell a lot of money." Five black wooden signs were traded to the hands of the madman.

Xiao Tian’s stunned himself a few times before he asked hard: “Boss...the five will not all...not all build tokens?”

The wind is very satisfied with Xiao Tian’s reaction. He is smirking and laughing: “Yes, it’s all built to help the token! Well, it’s against Xiaotian, this golden wolf suit is all for you, and the golden wolf you used. The tooth sword is just a set and should be able to activate all the set properties."

Xiao Tian was completely speechless, looking at the wind with the eyes of the monster, but the degree of taking the Golden Wolf suit was unambiguous.

If you let him know that there are more than one hundred pieces of gold and more equipment in Fengyao, there are even a lot of identification and explosions, and I don’t know what to think.

Now there are only four gangs in the Huaxia District, the Love Wind Pavilion, the Devil Wolf Gang, the Scorpio Gang, and the Soul Gang. These five building help tokens will determine the only remaining position of the gang leaderboard, which will definitely cause a few gangs. The big gang’s looting.

The wind screamed and sneaked out and took out more than a dozen pieces of equipment that flashed red and white light.

thump! Xiao Tian hit the floor.

I drop a god, this also makes other people live.

"Small day, Xiao Bing, come pick the equipment you need, especially the ring and the chain."

Each player can wear a necklace, a pair of earrings, and two rings. The two rings that are popular are not intended to be replaced for a lifetime. Although the guardian chain has no attributes, it is also an important amulet. As for the earrings, all of them are added to the magic attack, and there is no difference to him.

Xiaotian and Xiaobing will naturally not be polite, and each person chooses three pieces of jewelry and some equipment that can be used around 4o - all are fairy and spirit, and one piece can make an ordinary person burst into a night. Rich equipment.

"Small ice, we leveled, now you can also get the experience." Feng Hao just wanted to leave, suddenly stopped and walked over to pat the shoulders of the madman and said: "Maniac, come on, put these things After all become rmb, your plan can be started earlier."

The madman trembled, the expression of dead silence appeared unprecedentedly, and the tears of excitement slowly slipped. For a long time, he slowly squatted in front of the wind, choked and said: "Low wind... Thank you!"

The wind helped him, sighed and went out with Xiaotian Xiaobing.

This thin man with square glasses, wrinkles and vicissitudes, and his head covered with white, who would believe he is only thirty years old.

Who can recognize that he is the horror stock **** who once played the Dongpu stock market in the applause for a month, who can recognize that he is the financial **** who once shocked the world, and who can recognize him as that Let all business opponents be frustrated with geniuses, geeks, all-rounders, and ghosts!

Everyone thought he was dead, but he did not die, but was dragged back from the abyss of death. Since then, he has changed his original elegance and goodness, and he has become a complete madman.

A madman who only survives for revenge!


Along the way, the wind smashed his own trials in Shennong Ding and killed 136 gold bosses. They talked about them and stunned them.

"Boss, this is the place where I and Xiao Bing are leveling. Usually there are a lot of people who are leveling here, and there are many people who are robbing, but we keep in mind the teachings of the boss, and we can endure it. The map in front is 45. At the site of the giant toothed beast, no one dared to go. "Xiao Tian seriously introduced some ridiculous maps in front of him. When it comes to robbing, his face unconsciously emits a suffocating temper. For such a proud person, it is really unbearable.

"In addition, there is a news boss who may be very interested. It is the woman that the boss asked me to call ‘Ao Yue Yi Ren’. She usually occasionally leveles here.”

"Ao Yue Yi Ren?" The brows of the wind are clearly picking.

"Let's go, maybe we will be lucky to meet her."

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