Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 149: nameless

The top floor of the downtown building of Beijing...

The two men stood silently by the window, looking down at the world. A face is majestic and peaceful, and there is no wave in the face of an ancient well. Under the natural momentum of the two men, the air in the entire room seemed to stop flowing, and the atmosphere was heavy and depressed.

Longwei sighed softly and broke the silence: "Who will that person still appear?"

Ye Huangtian nodded: "He is a proud man, not only will appear on time, but will still reveal his position."

He has been secretly chasing him for more than a year, and he is enough to understand him.

Long Wei turned around and his face floated down: "The four great families have once again put pressure on them. After all, they have mastered the economic lifeline of China. I have to compromise. If he is really so powerful, this time, still It depends on you."

Ye Huangtian’s eyes looked at him in a complicated way and snatched his favorite man. He used to be arrogant, conceited, romantic, and one-man-one-sword-song Jinghua, what a slap in the face; now he, for the safety of the whole China, had to Let go of your pride, forget your hatred, bind your freedom, learn to be steady, tolerate and compromise. He no longer lives for himself, but the whole of China.

This kind of transformation requires a tough mind and a broad mind.

Ye Huangtian suddenly felt that it was not awkward to lose to such a man.

"Ye brother, how much do you have to protect that person?" Longwei asked.

Ye Huangtian shook his head and flashed a trace of frustration in his eyes: "He wants to kill, I can't stop."

Long Wei silently said, after a while, he sighed and said: "How confident you are to convince him or kill him."

Thinking of the unpredictableness of the man, Ye Huangtian shook his head again: "Persuasion. Basically impossible. In frontal confrontation, only three rounds. If he chooses to escape, I only have 30%."

Longwei's face became more dignified: "Even you only have three points to grasp? Is he really so powerful?"

Ye Huangtian nodded, remembering his last night's shocking body, and said: "His degree is too fast, it is almost a force against nature."


"No, I don't even feel that there is a real flow of gas on him."

Long Wei meditated and looked up and said: "If you bring Xiao Ying, you have a little confidence."


"Plus Chen Yan?"

"Jiucheng!" Ye Huangtian blinked.

Long Wei smiled bitterly: "One person, disturbing the hearts of the four great families in the South, and sleeping hard; one person, I need to dispatch the three strongest people in China..."

"If you can, try to get him to the country side. If he is willing to accept it, after all, he has not had too many **** people in the past few years. If he really has no choice..." Longwei sighed.

Ye Huangtian silently turned and prepared to leave.

"Ye brother!"

Ye Huangtian stopped and turned around.

"There are too many things that will determine the future of China. There are countless secret forces waiting for the opportunity to rise and fall... This matter is still resolved as soon as possible. It is not good, just use Xiao Ying's ‘诛神弹.'

Hearing the words "诛神弹", the heart of the rock-solid Ye Wangtian slammed his eyes and suddenly stayed, then nodded faintly and turned away.


"Brother, is it good to discuss a thing with you?"

The wind slammed her little hand on her lap and waited for it.

"It’s been a few days since I started school, so my brother has to stay with me... the time of the game is not allowed to be half an hour, because the time there is so fast that my time with my brother is getting shorter!" Feng Yao looked at him with a look of hope, with a hint of pleading and coquetry in his charming voice.

"Hmm! Yao Yao said what I will promise!" The scent of the wind sipped the natural fragrance of her body. The next time, I will be with Yao. Every day, just kill the gold boss once on the game. Even so, the level of promotion is much faster than the 24 hours online madman.

"Yeah!" Feng Yao cheered like a little girl who loved the toy: "Brother, let's go into the game now, then go shopping with me in the afternoon, my brother hasn't been with me for a long time."

Looking at the windy Yao who ran back to the room, the wind smirked and smiled, and some guilty in her heart.

Yes, this summer has been too little to accompany Yao, and most of the time I stayed with my Xuanyuan sword in the game. The purpose of Yao’s game is just to be able to be with him and help him.

With a pleasant system sound, the wind appeared again in the green world, and then, his white light flashed, and a white flower body appeared in front of him.

Feng Yao’s clothes were not returned to her after he used the “Flying Dragon Clouds”. At this time, the wind Yao was naked, the white tender body was finished, and the whole body was all beautiful, all white, only There are a few shallow fluffs in the middle of the legs...

The wind forcedly resisted the nosebleed blood that was about to be sprayed, and traded his clothes to Fengyao with a look of disappointment. The beautiful ** was slowly covered up by white veil, and his heart was raised several times to completely shred it. idea.

Feng Yao finally pressed down the shame and burning on his face and took his brother's arm into the next door.

With the help of Feng Yaofu Qinqin, what the wind can do is to keep the eight wolves and tigers and leopards in different shapes behind him, and sing along with the sound of the sound of the scorpio, occasionally encountering an accident. The "Pictures" ran without a trace, how can it be a pleasant one.

The little ones and the stars are even more boring. The only thing that can be done is to scream and sleep on the little white back. Only Xiaobai will fly for a while without stopping, secretly scorning the three riding on its back. Livestock.

In less than a minute, all the eight 4o gold bosses slept like pigs, and the wind immediately turned around. "Xuanyuan Shengyan" was opened, and they were all killed in less than half a minute.

"Yao, train your ‘identification.’” Looking at the golden equipment in the land, there is no feeling in the wind.

Looking at Feng Yao's somewhat cautious expression, the wind can't help but smile: "Don't be afraid of failure, it's okay to count all the abolished. There are too many gold equipment here. There is no way to take away our backpack space." ”

Feng Yao showed a smile, completely let go of his heart.

The wind cockroaches simply took out dozens of pieces of gold equipment on her body to let her identify, even if all failed to scrape him, there would be no slight pain.

(Next chapter: The final test finally showed its true face: 17 4o gold bosses. But this time, without the help of Fu Qinqin, he chose to challenge alone... Seven systems, The anti-day scroll and the Shura equipment reappeared, and his harvest was far beyond his expectations.)

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