Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 144: Time konjac (on)

(This chapter is extremely evil, and infinitely rubbing == minors are careful!)

If the previous winds hit such a large blood-sucking mosquito, it is estimated that you can only choose to escape while letting the little wind attack with magic. Now he just looked at it with disdain and swayed the Xuanyuan sword in his hand.

"The Holy Light Cross!"

The sword of Xuanyuanjian has a holy white light. Then the windy body rushed to rotate, and the white underneath was also rotated. One person and one tiger were like a bright tornado, rushing into the blood-sucking mosquito group, and touching the white-light poisonous mosquitoes. Strangled. The poisonous mosquitoes that escaped the net were also slowly solved by the small wind magic.

Pity in these horror forests, the poisonous mosquitoes that have been stunned by the beasts, and the **** that has not been solved before they have encountered the enemy's body are left. The remaining vitality of the golden blood-sucking mosquito is also emptied by the two darkness of the stars. The huge experience has brought the stars directly to the 2o level, and the attack power has gone far beyond the wind, but the shape has not changed any more, and there is no trace of the slightest dragon.

The wind is a little envious of the attributes of the stars. The length of this little guy's ability is too horrible. If you upgrade to the first level, you will increase the attack power of 1oo. The attacking ability of the 2o level has already reached 3ooo, and it is still a double attack.

The wind whipped up the golden bloodthirsty mosquitoes to explode two pieces of gold equipment and a few intermediate gems. As for its body, there is no interest in collecting it.

What can be found on a mosquito? It’s disgusting to look at it.

A door opened in front of him, and the wind suddenly caught.

"This is the third trial? Is it too challenging?" The wind groaned for a long time and stepped into the door.

The white light flashed, and the wind was unexpected. This scene did not change in the slightest, as if it was a copy space. Still pure green, three big trees are in the middle.

Black light falls from the sky, this time, it is two.

Hell Spider: 35-level gold boss. Life 3oooo. The nine-clawed spider from Hell can be accompanied by a horrible state of death. Weakness: Fear of light attack. Skills: hook the soul, horror and scratch.

Gold Black Widow: 35 gold bosses. Life 26ooo. The king of the poisonous spider is extremely poisonous. The attack is accompanied by a 1oo% poisoning state, fearing the light attack. Skills: poisonous spider silk, deadly poisonous fog.

It is the golden boss that I have seen before, and it is two. The wind and the slight thoughts, have already thought about the coping method, and directly patted Xiaobai and rushed up.

The Beastmaster roars!

The white roar can shock all creatures, even these giant spiders are no exception, the two spiders that are stunned still maintain a crawling posture. How can the winds let go of the opportunity of robbery? Long Yanxi has greeted him unceremoniously. The stars and small attacks are moving at the same time. Xiaobai is not willing to show weakness. A purple lightning flashes in the eyes.

-18o6, -32oo, -1823, -465o, -1854, -112o.

Six gorgeous figures appeared on the top of the Hell Spider's head, and life suddenly lost more than half. The attack of one person and three beasts did not stop. The **** spider that had not had time to take out after three seconds became a dead spider.

"No wonder Confucius said that people are more powerful." Windy mouth, a wind wheel slammed into the gold black widow just woke up.

Hey! The body of the gold black widow just about to stop is violently stopped, and the symbol of zzz is constantly floating overhead.

"...so good luck." Looking at the golden black widow who went to sleep, the four animals that did not understand the rules of the rivers and lakes rushed up to be an indiscriminate attack.

The golden black widow is a little better than the dead spider, and finally a deadly poisonous mist that surrounds the five-meter space around her death.

"Hey, your mount "Nether Cloud Wing Tiger" level has risen to level 28..."

“Hey, your pet’s Yin Yang Magic Star Dragon has risen to level 21...”

The only one who is poisoned is the one who is popular. The little ones with the roots of the sacred beast and the stars with the potential of the sacred beast ignore all abnormal conditions, while the mount white directly ignores all attacks.

The wind quickly realized why this skill was called "fatal poisonous fog", and looked at the number of -6oo that was constantly emerging from the head. He even had the preparation for using Lingmu Xianye. Fortunately, the toxicity finally disappeared after lasting 1o seconds.

Picking up the golden equipment and gems on the ground, after the cooling time of his life and white skills slowly recovered, the wind entered the next door.

There is already a bad premonition in his heart.

The same scene, the same three big trees, the difference is that this time is three gold bosses.

The wind and the brow are locked, and the scene in front of me proves that my prediction seems to be correct. Every time I switch a scene, the number of gold bosses will increase by one. According to this law, how many will you face in the end?

And these golden bosses are obviously in front of the cave before.

Goldwing Bat: 35-level gold boss. Life 32ooo. Skills: bloodsucking teeth, sound waves oscillating.

Gold 螳螂: 35 gold boss, life 3oooo. Skills: Gold thick, silent, and cut.

Gold Iris Bee: 35-level gold boss, life 28ooo. Skills: The tails are chained, and the bees are dancing.

The wind took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions.

"Three...you must use the Pluto wave and the time domain."

Three gold bosses flew at different heights, and when they first approached the target, they were shocked by the sound of a shocking soul.

Four animals swarmed and smashed the gold to death. After three seconds, the two survivors of Shura Mongol wave frozen and continued to solve the golden iris.

With a short knife, the shadow of the Golden Wing bat was firmly nailed to the ground and could no longer be moved, let alone flying.

The angry Golden Wing bat screamed with a piercing scream, and his wings were smashed, and the body had several colored halos, welcoming the enemies who attacked it.

Sonic oscillation: no attribute magic attack. The colorful sound waves deal a fatal blow to the enemy's soul, and add 1oo% of the flying effect when attacking, and the cooling time is 2o seconds.


One person and three beasts were simultaneously shaken, and the wind was shaken directly from Xiaobai. He quickly took a bottle of water to restore the potion, leaving only a little **** skin to force the pet space back, and rushed up with the stars.

And the 35-level gold boss is cut, and the words of one person are absolutely not dare. Adding a star is another matter.

After the three dragons and the darkness, the golden wing bat is dead and can no longer die, and the windy life is also more than half of its blood-sucking teeth.

"Hey, congratulations to the player's spirit level has risen to level 35..."

“Hey, your pet’s yin and yang magic star dragon has risen to level 22...”

Another door opened, the wind bite and bite, and drilled in again. The face to face this time is four 35-level gold bosses.

The stars and whites are taken back into the pet space, and they are rushing to the four giant ants. Four huge ants of different colors joined him together.

This is exactly what he wants to see, and the sneer can't help but reveal a sneer.

"Xuanyuan Shengyan!"

Near the moment they screamed, the whole body was wrapped in a golden light. After the attack surged to the third seal, the duration of Xuanyuan Shengyan increased to 3o seconds, and the invincible time was extended to three seconds.

With three seconds of invincibility, an unsuspecting "ice break" swept toward four gold ants.

-14533, -13o46, -12865, -14865.

The four-way attack hit the wind and did not bring the slightest damage. Three seconds, the wind smashed three ice breaks, and the four gold ants were all killed.

Quickly close the items on the ground, the wind rushed into the next door with the fastest speed.

come on! Let me see the limits of the trial!

The five black shadows haven't had time to shape, and the wind can't wait to rush.

"Absolute time field!"

The time around 2o meters was completely stopped. The wind rushed up with a cautious look, and the ice of the bursts was unrelenting.

Although the five golden bosses are more scattered, they can still attack three at a time under the wide-scale attack of ice. After three seconds, three newly born gold rattlesnakes fell to the ground, and another time zone of the wind moved at the same time. In the three-second static space, the remaining two gold bosses were solved.

Xuanyuan Shengyan's double attack and absolute crit status disappeared, and the wind was sitting on the ground. Now all his dependencies are used up, and the next thing he has to face is most likely six gold bosses.

The 15 golden bosses that were killed before not only gave him more than 30 pieces of gold equipment and more than 500 reputations, but also saved him two days of hard training, the level rose to 35, and the small also rose to level 34. , Xiaobai rose to level 29, and the stars rose directly to level 25.

Such a luxurious leveling method is something that ordinary people can't even think about.

But if this way is placed in front of all players, there are several people who have suffered.

The wind is long and comfortable, the original underground line.

Tomorrow, let's go.

The windy and uncomfortable drilled out of the game cabin, just to see the wind Yao coming out of the bathroom, suddenly a pair of eyes can no longer move.

Feng Yaomei was fascinated and smiled softly. "Brother, I got off the line so early today, huh? Your face is so strange."

Feng Yao's body is only wrapped in a layer of bath towel, tender and soft skin such as sheep fat, white flowers are exposed. A fascinating fascinating scent of sorrow, let him burst into the air. I saw Feng Yao’s jade hand draped over his face, and the jade arm that was so pink and white was actually beautiful.

"No burning. Brother, are you in a bad mood." Feng Yao looked at him seriously.

The wind did not speak, the eyes fell to the wind Yao Yao pink lips, the eyes of the jade face, a strong virgin daughter fragrance is even more swaying. Feng Yao felt the gaze of the wind, and suddenly understood what it was. The eyes were more like a drop of water. When I saw the wind gaze down, I looked down and couldn’t help but be surprised.

It turned out that when she just reached out, the white pajamas had already slipped a corner, and a white snow was like a condensate ** high bulge, letting the windy look swaying.

Feng Yao whispered, and quickly pulled the towel, and ran back to the room, not forgetting to leave a sentence, "Good night!"

The wind screamed and forced to press down the fire in my heart and returned to my room.

Lying in bed, but how can not fall asleep, full of brains are how to deal with the trial of Shennong Ding. Sleeping in the middle of the night, I finally couldn't help but get up and went to the balcony to watch the moon.

The bright moon shines, the windy figure seems lonely and lonely. He has forgotten the habit of watching the moon that he has developed from a few years old, because only in the faint moonlight bathing, there will be rare peace and peace in his heart. But he doesn't like the moon in the half moon shape today, because it reminds him of many unbearable memories.

"Yao Er, there are still ten days to start school." After seeing the half moon covered by the dark clouds, the wind sighed and sighed, and then a hint of laughter appeared.

The closed window was pushed open silently, and a black shadow sneaked into the room silently, touching the two seductive bodies on the bed. Although it was in the middle of the night, he still saw it clearly, and a bad hand gently touched the delicate face of Feng Yao.

A gentle and slippery jade hand was caught in his hand. Feng Yao opened his eyes. The reddish little face looked at the wind and looked at it with a slight smile. The corner of the mouth slanted slightly to indicate the eternal life of Yang Xiruo. .

The wind did not care, his hand stayed on Feng Yao's face, and she couldn't help but tease her red lips. She seemed to want to open her lips and explore her warm and moist mouth. Feng Yao suddenly became red and sneaked into the wind and sneaked into a gentle eye.

The wind smirked and gently picked up Feng Yao, silently through the open window and hugged back to his room.

"Brother, you haven't been sleeping with me for a long time." Feng Yao was tired in the arms of the wind, and for a moment the mind was drunk, the whole body seemed to have no bones, and the sound was even softer.

"Yeah, it’s been a long time." The wind was soft, and her hand was tight, but I didn’t know which sensitive part I took. Fengyao screamed, and the body was slightly trembled, but the body was shrunk. .

Feng Yaomei eyes are blurred, open mouth and delicate mouth, greasy channel: "Brother! You kiss me!"

The windy nose is full of the fragrant aroma of Feng Yao's small mouth, and the two lips rosy in front of the eyes.

"Well!" Just hit the popular lips, and there was a satisfying embarrassment in the wind and throat. He bit the windy mouth tightly, and the slippery tongue quickly rolled up, wrapped around his tongue, sucking in love. Hey, in addition to satisfying the happiness of the throat, there is a slight sound, but she is swallowing the swollen body fluid.

The wind was so tight that the body was tight with a fragrant pink tongue. The lips that were just gently attached immediately sealed her delicate red lips, and the warm and powerful tongue slipped into the secret, strong. And hegemonic encroachment on the attack, wild sucking her tender little tongue.

The two men's breathing gradually became heavy, and the wind and the big hand fell down. They passed through the thin pajamas and grabbed a fullness. They slowly moved, and the silky, jade-like perfect touch made him love it. The other quietly sneaked into the nightdress, and found two wet places, slowly put your fingers in and gently stirred.

"Oh... my brother, I will bully me..." Feng Yao unbearably twisted his waist and twisted with his fingers. A pair of soft arms wrapped around his neck, like a silver snake. The neck squirming, her rose-like aroma is light in his ear, it seems to be teasing, and it seems to be naughty.

The popular body is hot and hot, and its own ** has skyrocketed to an unprecedented height. He sucked the scent of Feng Yao, and the heavy breath continued to spray on her face. The movements of both hands became more and more wild.

"Don't..." Feng Yao was very shy, and the wind and wildness made her body hot and uncomfortable. The two white **** were swollen and painful. The two pink ** were more dazzling and stiff. It's like a small stone. The lower body is constantly scraped by the rough fingers, and the seemingly numerous currents pass through the crispy, and the clear springs flow out uncontrollably, which is very beautiful.

The wind felt like he was exploding, and the movements on his hands were even faster and faster. With the tremors of Feng Yao, a sweet liquid rushed out of control. Her lower body and ** played **.

Feng Yao's white body reclines, trembles constantly, and the black and elegant show is like a waterfall on the bed. The beautiful picture makes the wind smash and want to collapse. Gently apply the liquid on the hand to the wind and the lips. Strongly pushes her legs and opens to the maximum angle.

"Brother, don't!" Feng Yao has not yet come down from the cloud of extreme happiness, the whole body is very numb, feeling his intention, half-sudden and half-screaming.

Feng Yao’s voice made the wind regain a little bit of wisdom. He clenched his teeth hard. I don’t know how long it took, and the mind was barely recovering, and the arm holding her legs was released.

Fengyao struggled to sit up on his own body, hugged his brother's body, and held a hot hand in his hand. He apologized softly: "Brother, is it hard?"

"Put the fire up but not responsible for extinguishing it? How can there be such a good thing in the world!" The wind forced the heat of the abdomen. If it was not for the promise of the righteous father, he would definitely ask her a hundred times. Then another hundred times.

"Yao, the chest is getting bigger and bigger."

"Well... there is no big eve of the night..." Feng Yao gazed at his jade snow chest, and the sensitive **** tip still left the silky itching caused by the popular hand.

"...all big..." The swallowing slobber, waiting for her to react, suddenly tore her pajamas, rolled over and crossed her chest, using her tall Yufeng, holding him Hot, Yufeng softly wrapped his **, and he rubbed it fiercely.

Feng Yao's face is tender and fascinating, and there is a sigh of sorrow... I don't know how long it took, the wind blew out a low-pitched voice, spurting out her own **, on her face, lips, and a little white turbid on her chest. .

(I have something tomorrow, I have to go to bed early at night, so the evening update will be merged into the noon tomorrow, everyone will not have to wait ==)

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