Lee Sin's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 9 Predicting the future


Li Qing muttered this inexplicably familiar name in a low voice, and couldn't help but think of the strange scene of the 'time jump' just now:

Could it be that you are the 'boss' that Amor mentioned before he died?

After you killed the person, you didn't leave the area of ​​the hotel at all!

That's right.

Diavolo replied calmly:

I never leave any traces of what I do, so I have to make sure that stupid woman disappears from this world 'completely'.

I didn't expect you to appear here silently without me even noticing.

Oh, this is really incredible!

He praised Li Qing, but his eyes were filled with a kind of disdain for a dead person.

Diavolo now committed a taboo that a smart man should not commit, which is to despise his opponent.

In other words, he didn't regard Li Qing as an opponent at all.

In Diavolo's eyes, Li Sin is now like a fly that accidentally broke into his house - annoying, but he can be swatted to death with a wave of his hand.

This is not because he is arrogant, but because he is confident enough to kill Li Qing:

Putting aside his invincible substitute ability, the strength and speed of his Crimson King alone are enough to crush the current Li Sin.

According to the strength system of the JOJO world, the attributes of the Crimson King are:

Power and speed double A.

Its power is so strong that it can easily penetrate steel plates, and its speed is so fast that it can't be seen clearly by the naked eye.

And now Li Qing is only at the limit of human body. According to JOJO's power system, he is only a double C of strength and speed at best.

In addition, the health bar floating above Li Qing's head exposed his fragile body and weak health. The substitute ability he had shown before was still biased towards simple melee physical attacks.

This means that the Crimson King can defeat Li Sin with just a flat slash.

This gap in absolute power alone is enough to give Diavolo a 100% chance of winning.

Therefore, his eyes looking at Li Qing now are very calm:

Say it!

After realizing that he had completely dominated his opponent, Diablo no longer rushed to send Li Sin to his death:

Why are you here?

Do you have a grudge against me, or is there someone behind your back?

The Passion organization does a lot of business.

They import local specialties from the Golden Crescent region from West Asia, transport them to Italy in the Mediterranean via land transportation and sea routes, and finally sell these West Asian specialties throughout Europe through Italy's sales channels.

This is a huge business, earning hundreds of billions (lira) every year.

Because of this enviable huge benefit, Diavolo, as the leader of the Passion organization, faces extremely dangerous challenges every day:

Some of them are organizational cadres who are trying to subdue their superiors, some are fellow gang members who want to take advantage of others, and some are elite agents who come to law enforcement agencies around the world.

It was impossible for Li Sin to come to investigate him for no reason. Killing Li Sin could only relieve a temporary crisis. What Diavolo wanted most was to eliminate the root cause and prevent future troubles forever.

Therefore, he once again tried to restrain his murderous intention.

Say it quickly!

Tell me the true purpose of your coming, and I might be able to let you go back alive.

Diavolo asked condescendingly in a tone that left no room for doubt.


Li Qing was unmoved at all: Don't be ridiculous!

I just beat Amor and his group to death, and you didn't even show up to save them.

That's because you know in your heart that everyone who sees your true form will die - including your subordinates.

Then how could you let me live?

Upon hearing this, Diavolo immediately stopped his sincere smirk:

You're not stupid.

So, is this your final answer?


Li Qing pursed his lips tightly and tried his best to think:

He simply couldn't fight against that kind of monster-level speed and strength.

Not to mention, Diavolo also has the invincible substitute ability that can cut away time.

The so-called deletion time, simply put, means that you can leap and then delete a time of up to about ten seconds.

During this time, Diavolo can predict the future actions of others, and only he can act freely.

He cannot be attacked or attack at this time, but he can move around freely and move objects.

After time is removed, all creatures in this world will not experience the passage of that time, and of course there will be no memory.

To understand it more simply:

This is like everyone playing LoL together. As long as Diavolo releases his ability, other players will collectively fall into a high ping state.

During this time, other players can only act unconsciously in the lag, and only Diavolo can control the character to move freely.

What's even more frightening is that Diavolo's body and substitute were special existences completely independent of the timeline during the time cut period - which means that nothing can harm him in the process.

Just like a vampire using W, he is unselectable when using skills and is immune to all attacks.


This is simply an invincible substitute ability.

After the personal experience just now, Li Qing had a clear understanding of Diavolo's power:

The strength and speed of his stand are far superior to mine. He can easily crush me without the use of his stand.

Even if I can find a way to attack his body, I can't break his invincible skills.

How to fight this?

The more Li Qing thought about it, the more he felt like a toad living in the grass on the flower bed. He had just eaten two small bugs with great effort, and was whipped with a whip by the naughty child who suddenly appeared next to him.

Not only unfortunate, but desperate, too desperate to resist.

At this point, he can only

Do not kill me!

Li Qing directly put down his fist and shouted sincerely:

You may not believe it, but I am really just an ordinary citizen passing by!

It's just an accident that I'm here.

You don't. Can you spare my life?


Diavolo frowned tightly:

beg for mercy? Could it be that he has lost his mind in despair and thinks begging for mercy is of no use?

No, Diavolo doesn't believe this.

He knew that Li Qing was definitely stalling for time and trying to find a way to counterattack.

As for what the other party’s plan is?


Diavolo didn't bother to guess, he preferred to see directly:

The Crimson King—Epitaph!

Li Qing only knew that Diavolo had the invincible secret of cutting out time, but he didn't know that he had another substitute ability that could be called a bug - predicting the future.

This predicting the future is easy to understand without explanation:

Diavolo can activate the Crimson King's second ability - Epitaph, to predict the future about ten seconds later, and to grasp the actions that the enemy will take in the future.

At this moment, he activated his mysterious and inexplicable ability to foresee.

The future that has not yet happened within the next ten seconds is all seen by Diavolo:

At first, Li Qing pretended to be desperate and cried out for mercy.

After some useless pleading, at about the 8th second, Li Qing suddenly burst into action and shot a marking light ball towards his body.

Sadly, Lee Sin is really not that fast.

There was no need for the substitute Crimson King to take action. He himself avoided this marking light ball with a slight tilt of his head.

At 9 seconds, the Crimson King fought back on the spot, piercing half of Li Qing's shoulder with a hand knife.

Li Qing's digitalized body healed instantly under such a terrifying attack, but the red blood bar floating above his head plummeted in an instant.

However, at about the 10th second.


A terrifying bloody hole suddenly opened on his head.


Diablo's pupils shrank:

His plan was not to escape, but to find a way to fight me to the death.

Oh, what a bold guy.


He curled his lips dismissively:

I have already predicted the future trend!

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