Lee Sin's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 275 Breakthrough

In this peaceful town, a little chaos finally occurred.

Diavolo was actually stuck in front of the cashier because he was short of money.

This is an extremely incredible thing——

He doesn't like money, but he has never been short of money, even after someone robbed the organization's foundation.

Because Diavolo, a guy as low-key and cautious as a thousand-year-old tortoise, had already prepared countless escape routes for himself when he gained power:

He has more than a dozen fake passports with different names and nationalities, and he also has safe haven accounts opened with fake identities in more than a dozen major countries. There is enough money in each account to allow him to escape to the corresponding country and continue to be rich for the rest of his life. Huge amounts of money for people.

The card Diavolo just handed over contained a full 500 million yen.

No money in the card?

Did you make a mistake? The balance in my card won't even be able to pay for the goods at the convenience store?

Diavolo questioned in slightly broken Japanese.

He has a very high IQ and a strong learning ability. Although he only studied suddenly, he has been able to achieve daily communication with the locals in Morio Town with difficulty.

I really don't have any money, the cashier said awkwardly, I won't joke about this kind of thing.

try again.

Diavolo asked the cashier to try again.

But this time the result was payment failure.

How can it be?

Really no money?!

Diavolo suddenly widened his eyes in a rude manner:

This was not because he had poor concentration, but because this strange incident made him unable to help but think of more:

How could such a large amount of money, a total of 500 million yen, just disappear out of thin air?

Could it be that the fact that he secretly set up a hedging account had been discovered by Li Qing and others using the technology of the technology team?

Is all this money recovered by the organization?

The more Diavolo thought about it, the more frightened he became - if Li Qing and others could find his safe haven account, it would only be a matter of time before they could find his whereabouts based on the account records.

Damn it. Am I going to be exposed now?

Diavolo felt extremely heavy in his heart.

In the face of such a major matter of life and death, he unknowingly forgot about such small things as being unable to pay the bill.

However, whether it was the ordinary office worker behind him who was eager to spend time with his girlfriend or the young cashier with a strange look in front of him, they were all slightly dissatisfied with Diavolo's time-wasting distraction.

Sir, sir?

Can you pay directly with cash?

The cashier boy urged very restrainedly and politely.

Diavolo's behavior of occupying the cashier and not paying the bill is indeed very troubling. His ability to maintain such a polite attitude depends on his professional ethics and respect for foreign friends.

But it is a pity that the cashier and the onlookers are too small. They do not have a broad vision of internationalization and globalization, and do not understand the overall diplomatic situation of maintaining Japan-Italy relations.

I saw this foreign friend's face changing from green to red, and he seemed to be too depressed to even take out cash.

Not only did they not sacrifice their own money to help foreign friends pay their bills, nor did they solve the urgent needs of foreign friends in a hospitable manner, but they could not help but put on their ugly faces and unabashedly showed their dislike:

Hey, hey.

Gringo, if you don't have money, just stay out of the way, okay?

There are so many people waiting behind you. If you waste three minutes, we will lose half an hour in total!

There were some dissatisfied shouts from behind the team.

Sir, if I may

Please also wait aside for a moment.

The cashier boy also started to use guns and sticks to see off customers.


Diavolo was silent for a while.

His face had never looked so dark.

Because he had never been so depressed that he couldn't even pay the bills - this kind of embarrassment of lack of money made him feel the humiliation of being a bereaved dog more deeply and intuitively.

I have fallen to this point.

The discordant greetings of passers-by rang in my ears.

Diavolo quietly clenched his fists:

The Crimson King!

This ferocious, terrifying, and blood-ridden sinful king finally reappeared in the world in a domineering manner:

Let time leap forward!

Almost before everyone had time to react, time was cut off.

The disturbing noises from passersby became a complete background, and Diavolo entered his own time latitude.

Then, he suddenly turned around.

The Crimson King then aimed his fist at the man in the blond suit behind Diavolo.

Finally, Diavolo took a deep breath.

He gave the Crimson King the most unpromising order since the Awakening of the Stand:

Bring me his wallet.

The Crimson King carried out Diavolo's orders without hesitation.

It stretched out its arm directly, and at an extremely fast speed, stretched out its black hand towards the bulging jacket pocket of the blond man in the suit.

Diavolo, on the other hand, turned around neatly and waited for his substitute to give him money.

The Crimson King is very fast and can be used for theft, and it can be done while it is open.

It succeeded in an instant.

Diavolo had just turned around when the Crimson King handed the contents of the blond suit man's bag into his hands.

Diavolo subconsciously took it in his hand and was about to borrow some spare money from this wallet to spend.

Then, right after, he suddenly felt something was wrong with his hand.

This wallet is so soft and seems to be a little wet.

Look down again.

This! He! Horse! Is! What! What!

Diavolo was shocked.

He was shocked to realize that the thing he stole from the pocket of the blond man in the suit was not a wallet at all, but a severed female hand that was still bleeding!

Diavolo was certainly not a rookie who had never seen a severed hand before. He just had never seen such a pervert who kept a severed hand in his pocket and stroked it all the time.

Although he, Diavolo, was also a pervert who could lock his biological mother alive under the floor of his house, kill his adoptive father, neighbors, lovers and subordinates, and also liked to make human body slices.

But this way of killing people without taking care of them and keeping them as souvenirs was really too wild. He was caught off guard and suffered a big psychological shock.

No wonder there is a faint smell of blood

So that's it!

Diavolo's eyes changed instantly when he looked at the blond man in the suit:

This is a murderer, a perverted murderer.

After all this tossing, the time for cutting is almost over.

Diavolo thinks he has no interest in being an enthusiastic citizen who reports criminals. This kind of publicity will only bring him trouble.

So he just thought for a moment and asked the Crimson King to put the severed hand back into the man's pocket intact.

This whole process was carried out in real time, so the blond man in the suit wouldn't even know that the girlfriend in his pocket had just been touched by another man.

His entire being was in a state of time-worn apathy and sluggishness, just like all of Diavolo's past enemies.

Then the time cut is over!

At this point, Diavolo has no interest in stealing money to buy anything.

Now he just wants to stay away from this perverted murderer, keep a low profile as much as possible, and reduce the possibility of being involved in trouble.

However, at this moment, at the end of time.

The blond man in a suit, who had gotten rid of the shackles of time and suddenly returned to his sobriety, suddenly took a step back.

He couldn't help but instinctively took a step back, and there was an uncontrollable vigilance in his pupils.


Diablo was keenly aware of something:

What is the other party wary of? Why the sudden retreat?

Everything he just did happened in the middle of time, so no one should be able to discover it.

But now, that guy is obviously wary of me.

why is that?

Diavolo was puzzled, and then he followed the gaze of the blond man in the suit carefully:

Wait a minute. He's not looking at me, but

The Crimson King!

He lost his composure because of the Crimson King who suddenly appeared in front of him after the time cut——

This guy can see the substitute, he is a substitute messenger!

Diablo's heart suddenly surged, but his expression remained very calm.

After the blond man in the suit came to his senses, he tried hard to pretend that nothing happened and continued to act like an ordinary citizen.

This small convenience store seems to be returning to peace soon.

But in Diavolo's heart, there was a bigger storm quietly brewing:

Pervert, murderer, substitute messenger.

It's really interesting.

A subtle smile appeared at the corner of Diavolo's mouth:

The breakthrough I wanted seems to have been found.

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