Lee Sin's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 273 News from Morio Town

I haven't fully conceived it yet. One week's vacation is not enough.

Please give me three more days, and updates will be officially resumed on the 10th.

This chapter is my forcible code (water) to prevent readers from failing to invest if they are not updated for 7 consecutive days (/ω\)


April 4, 1999, morning.

The new headquarters of the organization in Rome, a beautiful European-style mansion.

In the past, the passion organization didn't even have a boss who dared to show his face, let alone a serious organizational headquarters.

But things are different now. There is a new era and a new atmosphere. The first thing the new leader Giorno Giovanna did after taking office was to change the secret agent management policy and white terror policy implemented by Diavolo in the past and transform the organization's administrative Management work is completely open and transparent:

In the past, Diavolo was used to being secretive and sneaky, and he had to be secretive when cleaning up the house.

Li Sin and Giorno are different.

They never engage in underhanded tactics like assassination.

They kill people openly.

There was no way. Once Giorno and Bucciarati's new policy of banning trading of souvenirs was proposed, it had already aroused a fierce backlash from many vested interests before it was even officially implemented.

Now, even the lessons learned from the assassination team's defeat were not enough to deter those careerists.

Therefore, this so-called organizational headquarters is actually a platform set up by Li Qing and others for these ambitious people.

They have been guarding this arena for the past week, investigating Diavolo's whereabouts overtly and covertly, while waiting for those rebels who are extremely dissatisfied with the new leadership and new policies to come and seek death themselves - yes, He is indeed seeking death.

Because when those anti-bone guys come to the door with surging hearts, they will find that the situation is completely different from the information they obtained in advance:

First of all, Li Qing's strength is two levels higher than what the intelligence described.

This huge and fatal intelligence error made several challengers who relied too much on intelligence tragically fall into the hands of Li Qing.

Secondly, these rebels are completely unaware of the existence of Jotaro and Star Platinum.

There is this man with invincibility written all over his face guarding here.

Many of the cool guys who came to challenge the boss couldn't even go up the stairs of the mansion. They didn't even know what methods their enemies used, and they were beaten to serious injuries inexplicably like ghosts.

Just like that, because all the people who came to challenge the headquarters of this organization never came back, and because the abbreviation of the new boss Giorno Giovanna's name in Italian is GIOGIO

Therefore, within the organization, among those members of the organization who have been silently paying attention to the recent changes, the mansion that Li Qing and others selected as the headquarters has been nicknamed Gio Magic House.

It's been three days in a row.

No rebel guy has come to give me experience for three days in a row.

Sitting on the sofa, Li Qing sighed in boredom:

It seems that you have completely secured your position as 'boss', Giorno.


“Enough has been learned from the past.”

As long as the remaining people are not stupid, they will settle down and recognize us as their boss.

Giorno said calmly

His sitting posture maintained his usual elegance, which was in sharp contrast to Li Qing, who was slumped on the sofa like a slime:

However, this stabilization is certainly only temporary.

When our policy of banning 'specialty trade' is officially implemented, there will definitely be more conflicts... or even divisions in the organization.

Reform is never easy, not to mention that Giorno wants to touch such a large piece of cake.

The mafiosi don't work in passion organizations for any kind of loyalty. All they want is profit, just a chance to share the cake.

At the beginning, Diavolo was able to feed at least the top management of the organization with the profits from the specialty trade, but Giorno wanted to take away such a large piece of cake, but he could not come up with new cakes to share with everyone.

Without financial resources, no matter how much you save, you will be left with nothing. When the time comes, the members of the organization whose income will drop sharply will definitely be dissatisfied.

Thinking of this, Giorno couldn't help but feel a little numb.

Unlike Li Qing, who has no interest in these mundane things and only wants to transfer all sentient beings, he is truly treating the passion organization as his life's work.

The difficulty of managing such a huge underground violent gang was enough to give him, a precocious first-year junior high school student, a headache.

It doesn't matter. In the end, it's all about money.

As long as we can make enough money to feed everyone.

Li Qing gave the solution in his nonchalant tone.

make money?

We have to fill a lot of holes.

Is there any business more profitable than selling specialty products?

Giorno asked with great confusion.

Yes, don't forget-

I am also an 'economist' who can predict economic trends in the next twenty years.

Li Qing reminded him mysteriously, and Giorno suddenly remembered that Li Qing seemed to have some kind of strange ability to predict the future trend of the world.

This inexplicable ability has saved everyone's lives on the way to escape.

But now, I heard Li Qing say confidently:

Let's not mention those investments that take several years to bear fruit. I remember. Ahem, I predict.

The Internet economic bubble in the U.S. stock market will probably reach its peak in March next year.

With such abundant liquidity in the organization and no shortage of professional financial talents, we can definitely seize the opportunity to do long and short positions appropriately, and repeatedly cut two waves of capitalist leeks.

You know, cutting leeks is more ruthless than selling specialties to get money.

Li Qing spoke loudly and clearly about his plan to make money.

Giorno, who was almost as amateur in investment as Li Qing, a guy who only heard about things from hearsay, also listened very seriously.

If it can be realized, the future development problem of the organization will be solved.

The policy of prohibiting trade in specialty products should also be implemented smoothly by then.

Giorno's expression finally relaxed.

He has almost changed the country.

As never before, dreams are about to be fully realized.

Thinking of this, a rare smile appeared on Giorno's always resolute face.

But he was a precocious young man, and seemed to be born with a mind that couldn't rest easily.

After completely finding a solution to the internal conflicts in the organization, Giorno began to struggle with the unresolved external conflicts:

Then, the first problem now is Diavolo.

The technology team has investigated almost all of Italy within this week, but they have never been able to find any trace of this guy.

According to the opinion of the technology team, if Diavolo is not hiding in some remote place and has completely stopped his activities, he has already fled abroad.

The passion organization's control over Italy is almost absolute. Polnareff had been trapped for so many years before and could not find a chance to leave.

But Diavolo is different. He founded the Passion organization by himself.

No one understands passion organization better than him.

Therefore, the technology team believes that if it is Diavolo, it is entirely possible to escape abroad while avoiding the eyes of the organization.

After hearing the news, Li Qing, who had always had a calm expression, became less relaxed:

The earth is so big, who knows where Diavolo will escape to.

And Diavolo's ability is absolutely invincible when used in assassinations and sneak attacks.

Having such a big worry hiding in the dark without a trace is as scary as seeing a cockroach disappear under the bed at home.

Where do you think he will escape to?

Li Qing had no idea at all and could only ask Giorno for his opinion.

I think

Giorno seemed to really have some guesses.

But before he could express his suspicions, Jotaro hurriedly pushed the door open and entered:

No more guessing.

I may already know Diavolo's whereabouts.

He said it straight to the point.


Both Li Qing and Giorno looked a little surprised.

Morio Town.

That's where I came from.

Jotaro said solemnly.

Who spread the news? Giorno asked cautiously: Is this news credible? How did the provider of the news identify Diavolo as the Duoh Town?

It was Dongfang Jiao who helped me.


Jotaro was silent for a moment before he managed to hold back the title that suited his seniority:

He said that he had just rescued a substitute, and the enemy of that substitute showed what seemed to be the ability to 'cut out time'.

In other words, Diavolo is probably in Morio Town now.

Why? Li Qing was a little puzzled: Why did he go halfway around the world to Duwang Town? Change homes?

This may be because there are arrows in Morio Town.

And I accidentally revealed this to him on the phone.

As he said that, Jotaro frowned tightly:

There is more than one arrow in the world, and other arrows may also have the effect of strengthening the substitute.

I'm afraid Diavolo wants to take advantage of this to make a comeback.

I see!

Here, everything becomes clear.

Li Qing immediately said impatiently:

Anyway, the organization has temporarily stabilized, so we might as well rush directly to Morio Town now.

Yes. Jotaro's mobility is stronger than that of Li Qing: I have asked the consortium to prepare the tickets. Everyone can leave at any time.

With almost no hesitation, the two of them finalized their travel plan spanning half the world.


Giorno noticed something that everyone had temporarily ignored:

Who was the substitute who was rescued by your uncle?

Why would he fight Diavolo for no reason - if that is really Diavolo.


Jotaro thought for a while:

From what Josuke said, that guy is just an ordinary citizen.

It seems that he has never seen other substitutes before, and he doesn't even have a clear idea of ​​the concept of substitutes.

As for why Diavolo got into trouble, I heard it was just an accident?

ordinary citizen?

Or a pure layman?

Hearing this, Li Qing couldn't help but marvel at it:

A rookie stand-in user can survive in the hands of Diavolo. This guy really has potential.

What's his name? I'd like to get to know him.


Jotaro carefully recalled this name that he didn't pay much attention to:

That guy seems to be barking

Yoshikage Kira?

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