Lee Sin's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 246 Methods of Perception

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Most people would never think that Formaggio would dare to shrink himself to such a defenseless figure and then hide on the enemy at the risk of being easily crushed to death.

Mista also made the mistake of being dark under the lamp like most people at the beginning, without even thinking about himself.

But now, after a while, Mista had already stopped escaping and began to check his pockets with great purpose.

It was obvious that he had noticed his opponent's hiding tactics.

Formaggio couldn't figure out why his traces were exposed so quickly:

The intelligence did not say that Mista had any other sensory abilities.

Did Mista get an unexpected inspiration, or did he just accidentally make something move in his pocket?

Or maybe the guy just wanted to take his phone out of his pocket?

It was difficult to get an answer to this question at the moment, but no matter what, Mista's big hand was already slapping him in the face.

Although Mista's hand had shrunk to the size of an underdeveloped child, this was still a fatal attack for Formaggio, who was currently less than ten centimeters tall.

Now the why is not the most important, but the how is important.

Of course Formaggio knew what to do: he dared to hide in Mista's pocket, so he was naturally prepared with means of escape at any time.

So, before Mista was about to slap himself into a pancake with his palm, Formaggio suddenly took out a ballpoint pen from his pocket.

This ballpoint pen had also shrunk in proportion to the size of Formaggio, and now it was only about the thickness of a hair.

Get bigger!

With a thought, Formaggio released the ballpoint pen from its shrinking state.

The ballpoint pen suddenly grew in size from a small size, like a magic golden cudgel. During the instant expansion, it lifted the still small man into the sky in one fell swoop.

Relying on the thrust generated by the object's enlargement and expansion, as well as the elasticity of the ballpoint pen spring itself, Holmaggio successfully jumped into the air before Mista's big hand came, and safely avoided this... A fatal blow.

Just like that, Holmaggio's small figure drew a hidden path in the air, and soon fell silently to the edge of the road a few meters away.

The physical impact that a person can withstand is related to the cross-sectional area of ​​skeletal muscles and is proportional to the square of the length; while the kinetic energy depends on its own mass, which is related to the volume and is proportional to the cube of the length.

If the height is reduced by 10 times, the ability to withstand impact will be reduced by 100 times, and the impact force endured by the human body during free fall will be reduced by 1,000 times.

Because of this, after humans are scaled down, their ability to withstand external physical impacts will actually be greatly enhanced.

This human cannon escape method would definitely kill or maim a human of normal size. But for Formaggio, who was nearly twenty times smaller in proportion, such damage could be easily withstood.

Therefore, he landed on the side of the road unscathed, and then hid behind the street tree standing next to him.

When Mista's hand hit the second pocket heavily, all he touched was a ballpoint pen that suddenly popped out of the pocket.

That guy really found me -

He was 'slapping' instead of 'groping'.

This shows that he has determined with high probability that I am in that pocket, so he directly attacks with such great force!

Hiding behind a tree on the street a few meters away, Formaggio was thinking solemnly.

He has put away his previous contempt and is full of caution.

At this time, Mista, a few meters away, was thoughtfully holding the ballpoint pen that suddenly popped out of his pocket.

He seemed to have seen through Holmaggio's escape technique, so he was just stunned for a moment before turning his head and looking around nervously.

Formaggio quickly hid himself deeper behind the tree trunk:

Is that guy looking for me with his eyes? It seems that what the intelligence said is not wrong.

He really doesn't have any sense of perception, otherwise he wouldn't have searched with naked eyes as soon as he discovered that I had escaped.

If that's the case, then why was I discovered just now?

Is it really just because of his 'whim'?

With doubts in his heart, Formaggio carefully hid them.

He was waiting for Mista's figure to shrink further due to Little Foot's ability, and he was also nervously thinking about how the other party had just discovered him.

But amid Formaggio's vigilant observation, Mista's performance was somewhat unexpected.

First of all, Mista did not continue to try to escape.

Formaggio can understand this:

After all, his enemy is not a clay puppet that cannot move. Even if he runs away, he may not be able to escape his pursuit.

Now that he has some kind of ability to perceive the enemy, it's better to stay and solve the problem once and for all before he shrinks to the point where he can't fight.

However, Mista's behavior after staying became a bit puzzling:

He no longer looked around to observe with his naked eyes. Instead, he closed his eyes and lowered his head, showing no intention of looking for the enemy.

He just stood there blankly, staring at the ground with concentration, as if money was growing out of the ground.

The ground. Is there something on the ground?

By the way, he also stopped and looked at the ground for a while before suddenly checking his pockets.

Could it be that the secret that that guy can find my traces is on the ground?

Formaggio suddenly thought of Mista's strange behavior just now.

He quickly followed Mista's gaze and looked at the concrete pavement over there.

After looking into the distance for a long time, he finally saw clearly those little things crawling around on the ground:

Ants, a group of ants.

I don't know when these tiny creatures gathered more and more on the road, and even formed a long column in an extremely disciplined manner.

Ant. Why does he want to observe ants?

Formaggio vaguely thought of something.

He had doubts in his mind when he suddenly heard another piercing and strange squeaking sound in his ears.

It turned out that there were several huge sewer rats that poked their heads out of the wide drainage opening, and they were staring at him from afar with excitement on their faces, grinding their teeth.

Looking at the excited expressions of those mice waving their claws, they seemed to be unable to restrain themselves and would pounce on Holmaggio at any time.

There's something not right about these rats either.

Formaggio felt increasingly uncomfortable:

Although rats are not weak in aggression, this animal is cautious and timid by nature.

When they encounter unknown creatures, even small creatures like Hormaggio, they will first hide and carefully observe and judge, instead of being like dogs that smell meat like they are now. Drooling at him from a distance.

Unless these mice have directly skipped the observation process and judged him as food as soon as they met.


Holmaggio suddenly thought of something:

Yes, I am now food in the eyes of ants and mice!

Because I was covered in ice cream, and ice cream is the bugs and mice's favorite sweet treat.

No wonder Mista has been observing the ground. He is using those ants to find my direction!

This is all because Formaggio was so hasty that he spilled the ice cream on himself. These high-calorie sweet things have always been stuck to his body and cannot be shaken off no matter how hard he shakes them off.

Ants can use their sense of smell to sense food information within dozens of meters. Holmaggio, who was covered in ice cream, naturally became the target of these little things.

He was now like a chicken drumstick with bran fried into golden brown on both sides, which made the children nearby cry.

Therefore, just by observing the direction in which the ants follow the scent, Mista can roughly deduce where he is hiding.

And the fact is just as Holmaggio expected:

After some observation, Mista suddenly revealed his pistol. He had roughly confirmed the direction of the enemy:

Over there, near the street tree!

Bullets shot out in the firelight.

The No. 1 in the Sex Pistols rides on this bullet, driving the mount like a chasseur on the prairie, galloping freely, and carefully observing the surrounding movements all the time.

After all, the ants could only point out a rough direction, and the exact location of the enemy had to be detected by Mista's stand-in with the naked eye.

Soon, when the bullet whizzed past the tree trunk,

The livid face of Hallmaggio appeared.

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