Lee Sin's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 222 The assassination team is online

Late at night, in a cheap hotel in a small town in southern Italy.

A man with simple silver short hair, a pair of black and red eyes, and a calm and steady temperament is quietly meditating under the fluorescent light of his laptop.

He is the leader of the assassination team under the Passion organization. Lisu Tenero is only 26 years old this year.

The laptop in front of him was currently using the hotel owner's free broadband and running an online conference call across the country.

The target of the group chat is the other members of the assassination team, a group of six people including Holmaggio, Iluso, Meloni, Prosciut, Bessie, and Gacho who are scattered across the country because they help the organization perform tasks.

They are now scattered across the country, each running around on the killing mission assigned by the organization.

Yes, as the name suggests, the assassination team does the dirty work of killing people.

Except for Bessie, a rookie who has just joined the team two months ago, the remaining members are all killers who make a living by killing people. They are cold-blooded, ruthless and murderous villains.

But unlike what ordinary people think, the profession of killer is not cool at all in reality.

Instead of being as dashing as described in the poem A Thousand Miles Away, Risot and others were enslaved by the passion organization and became poor social animals whose surplus value was squeezed out by the company.

Yes, they can only get about 20 million lire (approximately 80,000 yuan) for one business, and it has to be divided equally among the nine people in the group.

Taking into account the per capita wage level in Italy as a developed country, the income level of assassins in the assassination team is really similar to that of ordinary office workers.

A one-of-a-kind stand-in messenger does the dirty work of killing people, but his income is most likely not as good as that of a middle-aged man selling hot dogs at the station gate.

This obviously violates the distribution principle of distribution according to work and is a bottomless exploitation of workers.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Lisut and others have repeatedly asked their superiors for promotions and salary increases.

But the boss’s attitude has always been the same:

People who can't work hard are not my brothers.

Ordinary companies can also regularly deliver high-level talents to society, but the mafia is not a place where you can leave just as you want——

Since they are not brothers, they are naturally enemies.

If you want to be an enemy, you can try it.

And the assassination team really tried it.

A few weeks ago, Sorbey and Gerald, two members of the assassination team, finally began to secretly investigate the identity of their boss after suffering oppression.

Through investigation, they try to find a way to defeat the boss and seize the specialty business that generates hundreds of billions (lira) in profits every year.

And this investigation was very productive.

Within two days, their two corpses were made into human slices, soaked in formalin, embedded in crystal glass, and sent to the residence of Lisute and others using the world's most rubbish FedEx.

At the same time, the experiences of the two unlucky men were also used as promotional and educational materials for the love group, which quickly spread to the ears of every member of the organization.

The boss is killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, and the assassination team is the chicken.

After such a torment, they immediately became completely honest.

No one in the assassination team dared to discuss challenging the boss anymore, and no one dared to reveal their ambition to replace the boss.

They kept the death of their companions in their hearts and continued to work honestly for the enemy who killed their companions.

Just like the pigs raised by the head of the technology team, the assassination team is just the boss's dog.

Until these two days, until tonight, until now.

Boss Lisut!

Opportunity, this is an opportunity given to us by God, boss!

Gacho's excited roar came from the laptop.

He behaved impulsively as always:

That guy who was said to be invincible is now like a cockroach that was beaten to pieces by a slipper and died in an unknown corner.

As for the people who succeeded him, Li Qing, Giorno, and Bucciarati, their stand-in abilities have long been known to everyone!

The reason why the boss can become a boss that everyone fears is not only invincible, but more importantly, mysterious.

No one knows who Diavolo is or what his Stand ability is, so even if he wants to rebel, he doesn't have the confidence to do so.

Now, the new boss is Li Qing and his team.

Their details have long been spread throughout the country along with wanted orders, and no one will be afraid of these young people who have no sense of mystery.


Gacho's exciting speech had just been transmitted across the Internet.

In the group chat, Formaggio, a usually meticulous assassin, could not hide the excitement in his voice at this moment:

The scale of the organization's specialty business is so large, why should Li Qing, that little-known guy, swallow this piece of fat in one gulp?

That's a big business with an annual net profit of tens of billions of lire!

Across the computer screen, everyone can imagine the way Holmaggio was swallowing saliva at this moment:

As long as we can defeat Li Qing and take over the organization, we will become rich people in no time.

“You don’t need to use the hotel’s free broadband to surf the Internet. You don’t have to order milk just to save money when you go to a restaurant. When the weather is hot, you don’t have to let Gacho be responsible for cooling. You can turn on the high-power air conditioner that consumes electricity when you want.”

He talked about his beautiful thoughts, which made his companions' hearts move involuntarily.

And Diavolo was very well prepared.

In order to encourage everyone to actively cause trouble for Li Qing, he also specially arranged a shocking treasure for the rebels:

Even if it is difficult to take over the organization, there is still the 'legacy' of the boss.

That bank account contains the cash surplus accumulated by the organization over the years. There may be hundreds of billions of lire in it!

If I can get the money.

Everyone couldn't help but launch a second round of imagination.

Only Bessie, the newcomer who was unconsciously ignored by everyone, finally spoke tremblingly after a moment of hesitation:


There is already a rumor refuting announcement from the boss on the intranet.

The boss said that was false news released by traitors. For example, if we go to Venice now, would we be betraying the organization, right?

In the past few weeks, senior Sorbey and senior Gerald just...

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere of the previously heated discussion suddenly came to a standstill.

Sorby and Gerald, their extremely tragic deaths have become a lingering nightmare in everyone's mind.

Shut up!

Jiaqiu cursed across the computer screen angrily:

Bessie, you have no courage, a coward, a rookie who doesn't even dare to kill people.

The boss is dead!

It's dead, it's dead! You idiot, can't you read?

Do you want me to crawl along the network cable, grab your stupid cabbage-like hair, and teach you our elegant Italian language word by word?

Amid the scolding, the newcomer Bessie, who had no status, obediently kept her mouth shut.

However, Prosit, who had always been silent, suddenly spoke.

He is the master responsible for getting Bessie familiar with the killer's job. He has criticized and corrected Bessie's endless mistakes countless times.

But this time, Prosit rarely stood on Bessie's side:

Bessie is right.

He showed no expression of the enthusiasm of his companions, and his voice was as cold and sharp as an ice cube:

Is that last word really credible?

Are you so sure this is an opportunity, not a trap?

This is a game where your life is on the line. I hope you can calm down before making a decision.

Prosit poured a basin of cold water on everyone.

Then, he handed over the decision-making and speaking rights to the real leader of the assassination team, Lisut:

Boss Lisut.

What do you think?

Risot didn't speak from beginning to end, just listened silently.

Now everyone was silent waiting for his speech, and he finally made a move:

This is truly an opportunity.

Whether that last word is true or not, yesterday's Naples turmoil, the death of cadre Polbo, today's intranet fluctuations and the boss's last words all clearly illustrate one point:

The boss's reign is under attack.

Lisut saw through the situation sharply:

In the past, Li Qing killed Naples head-on, and in the later, there was an unknown rebel spreading rumors on the intranet, which shows that the boss is indeed not as invincible as the legend says.

After the twists and turns of these two days, even if the boss is still alive, his men's combat strength must have suffered a certain degree of damage due to the successive rebels.

If you want to rebel, now is the best time.

Risutte expressed his judgment calmly.

The main militants like Gacho and Holmaggio were immediately excited and wanted to shout.

But Lisut suddenly changed the subject:


No matter who our enemy is, this battle will not be easy.

If you want to achieve great things, you must have great awareness——

Formaggio, Iluso, Meloni, Prosciut, Bessie, Gacho.

Lisute read out his companion's name word by word in an extremely serious and deep voice:

Do you have the consciousness to sacrifice your lives for this?

A moment of silence, then

Ha ha ha ha!

Everyone laughed in unison from the loudspeaker:

Stop joking, Boss Lisute!

Is there anyone among us who is afraid of death?!


Bessie, a rookie who had just joined the team less than two months ago, mumbled something feebly.

The voice as thin as an anaconda was quickly drowned in the roar of united forces:

Towards Venice—toward!

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