After coming out of Qin Family, Su Ming was in a good mood. After all, he came over to make a big game today. When he thought of playing with Qin Old Lord for a while, when he hit the face of these Qin Family people, Su Ming felt the time. It will definitely be cool.

However, Qin Shiyin and Qin Xiaoke’s sisters are obviously not too high. Qin Shiyin is mature after all. Without saying a word, she clearly estimates that the Old Lord’s body is really in a state of exhaustion. Even Su Ming has nothing. Method.

After Qin Xiaoke came out, he asked directly: “brother-in-law, my grandfather can’t stand it for a few days.”

Because Su Ming was amazingly able to save Professor Li, who was going to die, Su Ming’s medical skills were in the heart of Qin Xiaoke.

As a result, Su Ming couldn’t help it today, and Qin Xiaoke couldn’t help but ask.

This question made Su Ming a bit difficult to answer. After Su Ming was silent, he said: “The physical condition of Qin Old Lord is really bad, but it is not as serious as you think. It should last for a while.”

Su Ming thought for a moment and added a comforting sentence: “I will think about it again during this time, don’t worry.”

As for the plan with Qin Old Lord, Su Ming can’t say anything about killing. In order to ensure that the play with Qin Old Lord can be played smoothly, Su Ming can only hide the sisters.

Qin Xiaoke usually went back to Qin Family to live, but today things have become like this, Qin Xiaoke is obviously not quite suitable to go back, so Qin Xiaoke went to Qin Shiyin today.

Along the way, the mood of Qin Sister Shiyan’s sisters was not too high, and even Su Ming’s mood became a bit dull.

After going to Qin Shiyin’s home to give them a stop meal, Su Ming went home.

Two days later, Su Ming received a call from the famous eagle master, Huang Wei, and let Su Ming go to him.

Su Ming remembered that his own Imperial Green Jadeite was also carved in Huang Wei. If it wasn’t for Huang Hao to call, Su Ming might not remember this.

If you know it by someone else, you can’t wait for a slap to kill Su Ming. The top quality Baby of Imperial Green has a little bit of it and can’t wait to sleep together, for fear of losing it.

As a result, Su Ming throws it to someone else and doesn’t ask.

However, Huang Wei called, not that Jadeite’s sculpt Studio has ended. At present, Jadeite has entered the stage of detail carving and polishing, which means that some patterns such as Jadeite need to be engraved on it.

So Huang Wei let Su Ming look at it and give some advice. After all, this pendant is carved by Su Ming. What is specifically carved on it, Su Ming is needed to give some advice.

Su Ming without the slightest hesitation agreed, and went directly to the address given by Huang Wei after class.

“Jubao House, it should be here.”

Su Ming came to Ningcheng City’s most famous Antique market, went in and found a circle, and then stopped in front of a shop called “Jubao House”.

After Huang Qi intends to retire and no longer sculpt people, he came to the flower and bird market two years ago and put down a facade and opened an Antique Store.

After all is engaged in the industry of jade stone, and for a long time it is also very interested in the antiques related to jade stone. It seems that it is not difficult to understand an antique shop.

After entering the antique shop, Su Ming found that the antique shop was very deserted. The two rows of shelves were filled with antiques of various shapes. Among them, the jade stone occupied a large proportion but there was no guest, and an apprentice wearing glasses sat now. Yawn in front of the counter.

The industry of antiques is actually the case. It is said that the half-year is not open, and it takes half a year to open. It only takes one or two transactions to be dealt with occasionally, so no other guests can understand it.

“Is Master Huang there?” Su Ming went to the apprentice wearing glasses and asked.

“Is it Mr. Su?” the apprentice asked after seeing Su Ming.


The apprentice was Su Ming, and immediately said: “Mr. Su has a request, my Master is upstairs, told me, and you will bring you when you come.”

The apprentice’s attitude was not bad. In front of the respectful lead, Su Ming walked up the second floor. After seeing Huang Wei, he said: “Master, Mr. Su is coming.”

“Mr. Su is coming, hurry and sit down.” Huang Wei immediately saw Su Ming’s polite greeting and said to the apprentice: “Okay, go on.”

“This little friend is?”

At this time, there are a few old men next to Huang Wei, and I saw Huang Hao being so polite to Su Ming, one of the slightly fat old man said.

“I will introduce it to you. This little friend is Su Ming. This is the young man who opened the Top Quality Imperial Green Jadeite at the Jades & Stones Business Convention last time. The Imperial Green Jadeite that I am carving is in my hands. His,” Huang said.

“It turned out to be Little Friend Su. I am so lucky.”

“The ability to open the Jadeite of Imperial Green, the luck of Little Friend Su is really unusual.”

“I want to say that Old Huang is the light of Little Friend Su. Otherwise, I am afraid he will not be able to engrave Imperial Green Jadeite in his life.”

The old man around Huanghua said, and it seems that the attitude is not bad, it is obvious that the Imperial Green Jadeite occupied a big reason.

Huang Wei said to Su Ming: “These are all doing Antique sales on this street.”

Su Ming also raised his hand and said politely to these old men: “Fortunately, I will be lucky.”

After Su Ming sat down, Huang Wei personally gave Su Ming a cup of tea and said: “Little Friend Su, wait a moment, we are appreciating the Purple Sand Pot. It will take about a while, so I will take it. Go see the pendant.”

“it is good”

Su Ming nodded, saying that he was not in a hurry, so he looked at the table not far from the front and found that the most middle part is a popular Purple Sand Pot. It doesn’t look like a product, it should be a piece. antique.

At this point, several old men stared at the Purple Sand Pot and completely left Su Ming aside. Obviously, for those who like antiques, it is inevitable that the whole attention will be attracted after seeing the baby.

“ding dong, congratulations to the host successfully triggering random Mission Appreciation of Purple Sand Pot”

As a result, Su Ming opened the teacup cover in his hand and was not ready to drink tea. The system’s prompt tone rang, and at this time, Su Ming was released to the Mission.

Mission Name: Appreciation of Purple Sand Pot

Mission Request: Ask the host to appreciate the authenticity of this Purple Sand Pot in front of everyone and to convince everyone present.

Mission Time: One hour

Mission Difficulty: four and a half stars

Mission reward: 40Integral Points.

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