Sisters love, Qin Xiaoke is more able to understand the mood of Qin Shiyin at this time, she knows that Qin Shiyin is definitely in the midst of this moment.

After about a few minutes, Qin Xiaoke said, “Sister, don’t go down with the family at lower oneself to somebody’s level. Just go back and visit grandfather and say a few words to grandfather.”

“I haven’t seen you for five years. I believe that grandfather will be very happy if I see you.” Qin Xiaoke continued to speak.

Qin Family Old Lord has been very fond of both of their sisters. Qin Xiaoke is very aware of the thoughts of Qin Shiyin in grandfather. If Qin Shiyin can go back and see it, one can solve the pain of Acacia, and the second may be grandfather. After Qin Shiyin, the mood will be better for the disease.

Qin Shiyin still didn’t speak. She also had deep feelings for Qin Family Old Lord. After Qin Shiyin left Qin Family in the past few years, Qin Shiyin could not guess.

It must be that the Old Lord exerted pressure on those people of Qin Family, so in the past few years, Qin Shiyin started his own business outside, and Qin Family people did not come out to find trouble.

But Qin Shiyin thinks about what happened in the past, and what other people in Qin Family have done, and Qin Shiyin’s eyes have a hateful look.

Qin Xiaoke continued: “And, sister, I still have an idea, we can let the brother-in-law to give grandfather a look, with the brother-in-law technique, maybe there is a way.”

The last time I went shopping with Su Ming, the scene of Su Ming’s treatment of Professor Li was still engraved in Qin Xiaoke’s mind. Qin Xiaoke felt that medicine was so magical for the first time.

Qin Xiaoke thought about this problem two days ago. Su Ming’s medical skills, if you let him try, maybe Su Ming can cure the Old Lord’s disease.

Qin Shiyin showed a thoughtful look after listening. Although she had never seen it before, she listened to Qin Xiaoke and said that Su Ming’s godly medicine.

Su Ming is a person full of magic. Qin Shiyin also has this feeling in his heart. If you let Su Ming try it, maybe there is a way.

However, Qin Shiyin not at all gave a positive answer, but said: “You brother-in-law should come over for a while, then you will talk to him later, see him agree to disagree.”

Maybe Qin Shiyin didn’t find out about herself. She is now used by Qin Xiaoke. When she doesn’t consciously talk to Qin Xiaoke, the name for Su Ming has become “you brother-in-law”.

Su Ming did not come in a while. If it wasn’t for anything, Su Ming would come to Qin Shiyin to cook at this time almost every day, even on weekends.

“Hey, Little Ke is coming.”

After Su Ming walked into the villa with two big ingredients, Qin Xiaoke said with a smile, I can see Qin Xiaoke here.

Su Ming put on his exclusive slippers at Qin Shiyin’s home and continued to say: “There is just the right thing, brother-in-law will go to cook right away, you must miss the brother-in-law cooking.”

“Don’t rush to cook, brother-in-law. Come over first, we have something to tell you.” Qin Xiaoke said to Su Ming.

“What’s the matter?”

Su Ming came to Qin Shiyin and Qin Xiaoke and said.

“It’s like this…” Qin Xiaoke had long thought about how to say it, and said that he wanted Su Ming to treat his grandfather.


Su Ming agreed without thinking, Qin Shiyin and Qin Xiaoke grandfather are seriously ill, and this busy Su Ming said anything to help.

After the result, what made Su Ming unexpected was Qin Xiaoke not at all, but looked at Qin Shiyin and said to Su Ming: “But my sister is not willing to go, brother-in-law, you follow a bit.”

“I don’t want to go? Why.” Su Ming snorted for a moment and couldn’t understand it. Qin Shiyin grandfather was so sick, why didn’t she want to go?

Qin Shiyin, who has been silent for a while, spoke up and said, “Because I have left the Qin Family and said that I will not go back.”

Su Ming suddenly understood, and it is estimated that this involves some of Qin Shiyin’s past events. Su Ming was very strange. Qin Shiyin is a member of the Qin Family who is famous in Ningcheng City. Why do I live alone all day, and it seems that I have never Go back to Qin Family.

“Five years ago, because of Qin Family’s things, I completely broke with them and withdrew from Qin Family, and I promised that I will not step into Qin Family after that.” Qin Shiyin explained with Su Ming.

Although I didn’t specifically explain why, Su Ming probably guessed it. It must have been a particularly bad thing. Otherwise, how could I sit down and not go home?

“My sister has never been home since the past five years, and I have not contacted anyone except me.” Qin Xiaoke also said at this time: “This grandfather is really ill and wants to see the elder sister side, brother-in- Law, you should persuade your sister.”

Su Ming already knows what’s going on. I saw Qin Shiyin and didn’t return to Qin Family for five years. This kind of thing is hard to say, but Su Ming believes that Qin Shiyin can do it.

However, Su Ming can also see that Qin Shiyin’s heart should be more entangled. She should still have feelings with the Qin Family’s Old Lord. Otherwise, Qin Shiyin would not be entangled at all.

Su Ming from the bottom of my heart still feels that Qin Shiyin should go back and see, after all, this world is speaking of which, or family is the most important.

So Su Ming pleaded: “Shiyin, I advise you to go back and see your grandfather, and only if you go back, I will go to the Old Lord to cure.”

Su Ming’s words took a lot of weight in Qin Shiyin’s mind and played a big role. As a result, Qin Shiyin was nodded directly and said: “Well, I will go back tomorrow.”

When she said this, Qin Shiyin had a glimmer of glory in her eyes. This time she returned to Qin Family, and she would never be bullied again.

“be at ease/reassured, what happened tomorrow and I am there, no one dares to bully you if I am there.” Su Ming probably guessed that Qin Shiyin and Qin Family estimated that the relationship was very uncoordinated, so Just sitting next to Qin Shiyin and making a comfortable.


Su Ming’s words seem to have an invisible magical power that makes Qin Shiyin feel warm, so Qin Shiyin is very gentle nodded.

“Oh my God”

Qin Xiaoke caught his eyes at this time, exaggeratedly loudly shouted: “You two are too much, this dog food is fed, it really makes me completely unprepared.”


Su Ming then went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the sisters. Su Ming was still thinking when she was cooking, and she went to Qin Family with Qin Shiyin tomorrow, and I don’t know what will happen.

Ps: The ninth is coming, there is tenth at ten o’clock, and the brothers are picking up.

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