The two cars that came at this time are still Limousine, and the luxury level can’t help but stared wide-eyed.

The front is a black Land Rover Aurora Off Road Vehicle, which looks domineering, while the latter one is even more scary. The white Bentley sedan looks much more luxurious than Land Rover.

Even more terrifying is the license plate of this Bentley car, “Ning a666666”, even if you don’t know anyone, you don’t see what the same number represents.

This kind of license plate is in Ningcheng. I am afraid that it is not a big man who can’t get such a sturdy license plate.

“Fcuk/idiot, who dares to bully Young Master Su, is it courting death?” Just when everyone was stunned, the black Land Rover’s door was opened, and Wang Wei, who was tall, walked down from the car. Directly open the road, the sound is like a bomb.

In the inflation figures that Su Ming knows, Wang Wei is a relatively vulgar one. After all, this product is also climbed from the grass roots step by step, so it is inevitable that the style of work will be more unconstrained.

Then I can see that the goods have not been seen by the individual after getting off the bus.

Cao Yiheng, who was sweating by Yang Xiaowen’s hands and feet, saw Wang Wei and suddenly the whole person was shocked. With Wang Wei’s name in Ningcheng City, Cao Yiheng might not know.

Wang Wei’s net worth is much more than that of Yang Xiaowen. In Ningcheng City, he is a real big-name character. Cao Yiheng is like a small shrimp in front of him.

I saw Wang Wei came directly to Su Ming and said, “big brother, whoever asked you for trouble, just tell me, Laozi was the first to kill him.”

Upon hearing this, Cao Yiheng suddenly fell into the 18th-layer hell, and suddenly the whole body was cold, and a heart was cold.

Su Ming knows that Yang Xiaowen is such a big Boss. Even Wang Wei knows this big man. Anyone who can think of ordinary ordinary Su Ming has this kind of energy.

“Is it yours?”

Although Su Ming not at all speaks, Wang Wei is very savvy. After a little look, I found out that the culprit should be Cao Yiheng.

Wang Wei didn’t know Cao Yiheng, but did not prevent Wang Wei from dealing with him. I saw Wang Wei came to Cao Yiheng and said with a bad look: “Whoever gives you the courage, dare to provoke me big brother, do you not want to All right?”

Wang Wei this person Long is relatively rough, when he speaks with a disgusting expression of fiercely, the knife on his face slams, it is really scary.

“You big brother?”

What really scared Cao Yiheng was not the face of Wang Wei, but his horrible identity. Cao Yiheng couldn’t believe it. Su Ming turned out to be Wang Wei’s big brother.

“Su Ming, are you okay?” Li Yuanshuang from Bentley’s car came down when Cao Yiheng was so scared that he was sweating.

Li Yuanshuang looks very well dressed in a professional outfit and walks up to Su Ming and says.

After seeing Li Yuanshuang, Cao Yiheng is even more scared by the whole person. If you want to do business in Ningcheng City, you don’t know Wang Wei or you can know Yang Xiaowen, but you know Li Yuanshuang.

To know Li Yuanshuang, but Ningcheng City’s Business World Legendary, with its own background and powerful capabilities, forcibly created a business empire in Ningcheng City.

For the richest man in the Ningcheng City, the richest man, Cao Yiheng is strange if he doesn’t know.

It can be imagined that Cao Yiheng’s emotions in the heart, in addition to shock, can not find a second adjective, even Li Yuanshuang, the Ningcheng City Business World, the influential figure.

“Isn’t it going to be related to that kid?” Cao Yiheng thought very weakly at this moment.

Su Ming saw Li Yuanshuang and saw that Li Yuanshuang must stop at Studio and then rushed over, so Su Ming said with a little embarrassment: “Not good means Sister Yuan, but it doesn’t matter much, it gives you Adding trouble.”

“What are you talking about, what are you doing with Sister Yuan?” Li Yuanshuang’s face had an unpleasant expression and said, “I would like to see who dares to bully my younger brother.”

“Li Yuanshuang, her brother?”

After the words were finished, the people who knew Li Yuanshuang were almost shocked. In particular, Cao Yiheng felt his legs weak and almost couldn’t hold back and sat down on the ground.

Yang Xiaowen, who is also on the side, is also fibulous shrank. He naturally recognizes Li Yuanshuang’s identity. He knows that Su Ming’s background is not simple, but he did not expect him to be Li Yuanshuang’s younger brother.

The three influential figures were all present at the moment and stood in front of Cao Yiheng, putting tremendous pressure on Cao Yiheng.

You need to know Li Yuanshuang. These people don’t say anything else. Just because the property is added up, they can directly surround Earth for dozens of laps, enough to scare people.

“I, I really don’t know…”

Just as Cao Yiheng was trembling, I didn’t know what to say and so on, but I came back with a Limousine, extended version of Rolls Royce Phantom.

Rolls Royce Phantom is Limousine in Limousine. The price of Limousine opens to this old neighborhood, and it feels weird to look at it.

The owners of this old residential building, at this time, stood there without saying a word, they have never seen so many Limousine, and now they are all open one after another, giving them visual impact too big.

Cao Yiheng, who is about to lose his feelings, can’t help but “ge-deng” after seeing this Rolls Royce Phantom. Who is this time?

Not to mention Cao Yiheng, even Su Ming this time did not expect, the heart said that this Rolls Royce is the car, but he just called Li Yuanshuang alone.

Wang Wei came over Su Ming and didn’t expect it, so who is sitting on this Rolls Royce Phantom, Su Ming really doesn’t know.

In full view, Rolls Royce Phantom came down with a tall black clothed bodyguard, and immediately came to the door to open the door, then Hongkong rich & powerful Zeng Tianqi came out.

“Isn’t this Hongkong’s big rich & powerful Zeng Tianqi?”

“Do you know this?”

“How come you don’t know, I used to see this person in the news.”

Zeng Tianqi is a rich and powerful Hongkong. His fame is relatively large. Even the group of ordinary people recognizes Zeng Tianqi’s identity. For a time, he was shocked. How did the influential figure come over?

“Mr. Su, which guy is looking for you, tell me, I let him disappear from this world.” Zeng Tianqi came to Su Ming and said with respect.

Cao Yiheng See Zeng Tianqi also knows Su Ming, his body trembles violently, then his legs are swaying, and a buttocks squats on the ground, and he is almost scared to death.

Ps: Sixth today.

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