Zhang Mao was speechless at such an instant. When he was standing outside, he was still thinking about where Su Ming was looking for Cheng Ruofeng, and there were countless thrilling pictures in his mind.

As a result, Su Ming said directly to Zhang Mao that Cheng Ruofeng really went to great health care, which is not the same as what I imagined.

After the whole person was speechless, Zhang Mao continued: “Why would you be injured when you go to big health care?”

Zhang Mao As a person in the society, especially when he is mixed with those who are not serious, how can he not go to the big health care, but shouldn’t it be cool to preach the big health care?

No big health care can be injured? And look at Cheng Ruofeng’s appearance of Exhaust, the injury is not light, this is … … body was hollowed out?

Su Ming stunned the urge to laugh. I didn’t expect Zhang Mao to really believe it, so he continued: “I didn’t tell you that he didn’t have money. After the big health, there was no money to pay, so he was taken. Give a stop.”

“If it is not for me to rush in time, it is estimated that I will be beaten.” Su Ming is a serious talk nonsense.

As a result, Zhang Mao believed, his face was very admired, and he couldn’t help but erect a thumbs up. He said with admiration: “Chen Ru, the Cheng Ruofeng brother is really powerful.”

“In the past, I only heard people who were courageous to dare to eat overlord meals. I have never heard anyone dare to go to the overlord health care. Today, Zhang Mao is really serving.”

Su Ming: “……………………”

Su Ming was very low-key in the past few days, because Su Ming was also injured. Although the injury is not serious, it will inevitably have some impact.

Even more boring is not to look at Su Ming’s Soraka Ability. It is very easy to face many complicated diseases in the world, but the doctor does not take care of himself. Su Ming cannot use it for himself.

Su Ming feels that this is an obvious shortcoming of Soraka Ability, so Su Ming can only recover slowly. In the same time, Su Ming is also very careful, and people who are afraid of Song Family come to the door.

But fortunately, Su Ming’s worry is not at all. It has been more stable in the past few days, and Su Ming’s body has recovered almost in the blink of an eye.

Ningcheng middle school is already a more humane school. At least the weekend students are given a holiday on the third year of high school. It is hard to have a rest time. Su Ming naturally has to sleep well.

I almost slept all morning. After I got up at noon, Su Ming got something to eat. The boring Su Ming went to the Internet cafe with Jiang Xiaojun in the afternoon.

Two people are not the kind of people who like to learn, not to mention that Su Ming is not under pressure at all. The two people will meet in the Internet cafe.

“dīng líng líng ”

After two games with Jiang Xiaojun, the third game only started a little while, and the cottage phone that Su Ming placed next to the computer monitor actually rang.

At first glance, Mukè called, and Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun walked down the road together, so Su Ming took the headset off and said, “You must be wretched for a while, Mukè called.”

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Su Ming said after turning on the phone.

“Su Ming, where are you, I have an accident here at home.” Mukè’s rushing and slightly crying sound came over.

“What happened?”

Su Ming couldn’t sit still when he heard this, and immediately said, “Is your dad running back to find you bother?”

“No, my mom was beaten.” When Mukè spoke here, there was a messy voice on the phone.

Su Ming is probably able to judge. At this time, there should be a lot of people in Mukè’s home, and things may be more serious.

“Well, you are waiting for me, I will come over soon.”

Su Ming didn’t even have time to ask Mukè what the situation was. It was a waste of time on the phone, and Su Ming had to rush over as soon as possible.

“Xiaojun, Mukè has something going on the other side of the house. I have to hurry up. You can play it yourself.” Su Ming immediately got up and said.

If someone suddenly starts to say no to fight, he must be defamed, but Jiang Xiaojun heard Mulè’s family accident and realized that the situation was quite serious. He quickly said, “Hurry and go, it’s important to do business.”

“Young man, do you want to take a taxi?”

Su Ming rushed out of the Internet cafe at a speed of 120 yards per second. When he was preparing to take a taxi, suddenly a blue taxi came to Su Ming in front of him.

Su Ming looked up and found that it was the driver Master that he had encountered before. The driver Master was very impressed with Su Ming of the items/weapons, and he recognized Su Ming on the roadside.

For Su Ming, this driver master is equivalent to provide timely help, Su Ming opened the door with almost no hesitation, sat on the co-pilot and told the driver Master about the address of the Mukè home, and then said: “Master, try to open faster.”

“Well, you are seated.”

The driver Master saw that Su Ming was in a hurry, so he rushed out as soon as he stepped on the throttle car, which was very fast.

After getting off the bus, Su Ming directly smashed a hundred dollars to the driver Master, so that he didn’t have to look for it. It wasn’t that Saming was a Local Tyrant, but Su Ming felt that it was a waste of time to find money at this time.

After Su Ming entered the old-fashioned residential building where Mukè’s home was located, he saw several tools such as excavators, and many people gathered here.

Look at this such Su Ming can probably guess, it is estimated that this district is to be demolished.

After coming to the floor where Mukè’s home was located, what surprised Su Ming was that Mukè’s home was different from what he thought, not at all, only Mukè and her mother Liu Huifen.

“How is Aunt?” Su Ming asked immediately after coming in.

“Su Ming is coming, I have nothing to do, just hit them on the head,” Liu Huifen said.

Su Ming walked over and looked at it and found that Liu Huifen had his head bleed. At this time, there was a lot of blood on the ground. A part of Liu Huifen’s hair was also stuck with blood.

Mukè has apparently been scared of the six gods, holding a bag of napkins in his hand to help Liu Huifen stop bleeding.

Su Ming said, “Is there something like sterilized water gauze at home?”

Liu Huifen’s wound is just some skin trauma. It is enough to dress up. Su Ming does not need to use Soraka’s Ability.

Mukè reacted. He quickly found the medical kit in his home. Su Ming took out the gauze and disinfectant water to help Liu Huifen wrap the wound on his head.

“Where are those who beat people?”

After handling the wound, Su Ming asked in a bad tone that even a middle-aged woman would fight, and this thing must not stop.

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