
The palms of the two people slammed together and made a loud noise. In a flash, there was a feeling of discoloration in the martial arts book, even when it was just like Su Ming and the thin old man. Quite a lot.

After a stroke, the two men stepped back a few steps, and the expression on the face of the skinny old man was suddenly stiff, obviously not taking advantage of it.

Gu King wears a cloak on his head, so no one can see through his face’s expression. From the action of the two people, it should be a five-fifth open.

“Ancient Warrior?”

Su Ming’s face suddenly changed. At the moment when the two people touched the palm of the hand, Su Ming could clearly feel the center of the palm and emit a Qi Stream/Flow.

When I was confronted with this skinny old man, not at all produced this effect, that is, Gu King turned out to be Ancient Warrior.

The Ancient Warrior, which is rarely seen in the secular, has appeared two times at a time. This is a confrontation between Ancient Warrior.

“You have already shot, let’s come back to receive my one move!” I saw Gu King shouted in the mouth, and then suddenly a group of Poisonous Insect appeared around the body.

If people with intensive phobia see this picture, they will be uncomfortable. The Poisonous Insect on Gu King is so numerous that even Su Ming doesn’t know how many Poisonous Insect he has.

These Poisonous Insects are nothing in Su Ming’s eyes, because Su Ming has more powerful mental power to control Poisonous Insect, the skinny old man knows nothing about Gu Technique, and naturally does not have that ability, so the densely packed Poisonous Insect makes him feel a little tricky.

Gu King’s movements are far more than these Poisonous Insects. This group of different Poisonous Insects rushed toward the skinny old man with an irresistible momentum. At the foot of Gu King, it was like a wind, slamming Bounced the past.

The double attack between Gu King and Poisonous Insect made the skinny old man a headache. He finally stopped taking his hands and suddenly gave up the energy. There was a hurricane around the body. After resisting many Poisonous Insects, forcibly I took Gu King’s hand.

However, most of the energy of the skinny old man was obviously placed on the Poisonous Insect, which was densely packed. When it was out of the palm, it was very hasty, and it was actually a spit a mouthful of blood from Gu King.

“Master, are you okay?”

Song Jiji The whole face suddenly changed. I didn’t expect the skinny old man to be vomiting blood. This is something I have never seen before.

At this time, Gu King also stepped back a few steps. Although he vomited blood to the skinny old man, Gu King also stepped back a few steps, showing that the strength of the skinny old man is still relatively strong.


The skinny old man sent out a sullen smile. At the root, there was no reason to take care of Song Jiji. If the average person dared to ignore Song Jiji, I am afraid that he had been thrown into the river by Song Jiji to feed the fish, but in the face of the skinny old man, Song Jiji even had a little temper. nothing.

The skinny old man sneered twice and said to Gu King: “Let you go today, I can’t leave you, if you meet again next time, you will not be so lucky.”

Obviously it is impossible to kill Su Ming and Cheng Ruofeng today. Don’t look at Gu King’s head is not high, but at this time like a majestic mountain standing proudly in front of Su Ming and Cheng Ruofeng.

The skinny old man is already injured. If he continues to fight with Gu King, although he does not necessarily beat Gu King, it will definitely spread the toxins that are controlled by the palm of his hand. In that case, it will not be worth the candle.

I mentioned it before, the skinny old man is more afraid of death, the more powerful people, the more they cherish their lives, only Cheng Ruofeng is a different kind.

“Master, let’s go”

Gu King didn’t hesitate at all. He immediately took the Poisedous Insect, which was densely packed in midair, and turned to Su Ming. He didn’t seem to want to continue to fight with the thin old man.

At this point, Su Ming has gradually slowed down, and the chest still has pain from time to time, but within the acceptable range of Su Ming.

So Su Ming immediately raised Cheng Ruofeng, who was more seriously injured than himself. Su Ming held Cheng Ruofeng first, and Gu King was behind him to prevent the skinny old man from suddenly repenting.

Because the thin old man is open, so Song Jiji of Song Family Patriarch, forcibly did not speak, just watched Su Ming and the three of them left.

“Master, did you let them go back?” For Cheng Ruofeng who had already assassinated himself twice, Song Jiji obviously didn’t want to let him go.

There is a person who always remembers his life, which is a thing that makes people sleep well.

After Gu King left, she was thin and old man sat on the floor with her legs crossed. She closed her eyes and began to meditate. After listening to Song Jiji’s words, the skinny old man said, “Don’t let them go, it’s hard to let the guy put Are you all killed?”

“If I didn’t make a mistake, the old man wearing a black cloak should be Miao Region Gu King.” The skinny old man confessed to Gu King’s identity.

With such a strong strength, and also able to control that many of Poisonous Insect, in the perception of the lean old man, it seems that only Miao Region Gu King has such a capability.

“Miao Region Gu King ?”

Song Jiji was completely scared, and after the expression on his face was sluggish, he asked: “Is that person really Miao Region Gu King?”

However, the thin old man continued to close his eyes at this time, not at all answer Song Jiji’s words.

Song Jiji was also a bit grateful for a while, but fortunately, Gu King left, otherwise it would be very embarrassing to just pick it up.

“For a while, I will heal you after I go back.” Su Ming was holding Cheng Ruofeng with one arm at this time, feeling a little hard, but still exporting comforted.

Cheng Ruofeng not at all Speaking, he can see that his status is not very good. Fortunately, this person is more tenacious, and he was seriously injured twice and did not die.

Holding Cheng Ruofeng while walking, Su Ming asked again: “Gu King, how did you suddenly appear today?”

Su Ming has a Twisted Fate’s Ultimate so she can come over with the precise Teleport, but what makes Su Ming unexpected is that Gu King has come so promptly tonight, and rushed over to save Su Ming.

“It’s such a Master. The Master-Servant Blood Pact between us has mutual sensing capabilities, and because I am the one who initiated the bloody contract, I feel more emotional.”

“In the afternoon, I suddenly felt that you were in danger, so I immediately rushed over to your position.” Gu King said at the moment.

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