Song Zhe didn’t expect Jiang Xiaojun to dare to do it directly. He was hit by a fist like Jiang Xiaojun.

“Fcuk/idiot, you are courting death?”

Song Zhe didn’t expect Jiang Xiaojun to dare to beat him. I want to know that his Eldest Young Master Song was notorious at school. No one dared to provoke him at all. In a moment, he sent his heart and anger, and rushed directly toward Jiang Xiaojun. The individual wrestled together.

Jiang Xiaojun and Song Zhe are both kind of people who are thin and thin, but Song Zhe is very proficient in eating and drinking, and his body has already been hollowed out. How can he compare with Jiang Xiaojun?

After a few twists, Jiang Xiaojun suddenly pressed under the violent temper, and the surface was chaotic.

“Okay, give me a hand!”

Xia Qingchan shouted loudly, and it was rare to bring some harshness in the voice. She said: “This is not the place to fight for you.”

Seeing Xia Qingchan was a rare fire, Jiang Xiaojun and Song Zhe stopped immediately, and the two men climbed up from the ground in a mess.

“I tell you, if you dare to fall into Su Ming and try to see if I don’t kill you.” Jiang Xiaojun said to Song Zhe after he got up.

Although Song Zhe was beaten, but still disdainful to Jiang Xiaojun, he said: “It is useless to say that many. If you have the ability, you can find Su Ming and let him confront this woman. When we don’t Do you know the truth?”

“Where did Su Ming go?” When talking about Su Ming, Jiang Xiaojun realized that he hadn’t seen Su Ming since the beginning.

After someone reminded me around, Jiang Xiaojun knew that the co-author had been working for a long time, and they didn’t see Su Ming at all.

So Jiang Xiaojun couldn’t help but said, “Song Zhe, you are like this, you say Su Ming is looking for Young Lady, but Su Ming is not in the room.”


It was said by Jiang Xiaojun that the expression on Song Zhe’s face was a bit unsightly. He had to find out the guy of Su Ming. It was so big today that it would be a shame if it fell short.

“Hey, wasn’t there anyone in the room when you came in?” Song Zhe deliberately pretended to be a tall woman who didn’t know look at the bed.

“Someone, there is a long, pretty little boy who says he wants to play with me.”

The tall woman put on her upper body clothes and talked, and then stood up, facing the eyes of so many people, her face was not red.

“You don’t talk nonsense!”

Jiang Xiaojun continued to say: “How can my brother be able to see you like this?”

“If you really need your service, then why do you have this room when you come in?” Jiang Xiaojun continued to ask.

“I don’t know.” The tall woman’s face showed a confused expression, saying: “At the time, he said that he had some excitement with me, and then people suddenly disappeared.”

“You didn’t see where he went? Did you open the door or open the window to escape?” continued Song Zhe.


The tall woman can be sure that Su Ming not at all opens the window or opens the door and says, “I feel that he disappeared in the room out of thin air.”

The tall woman just said his true feelings, but this is relatively nonsense. No one believes at all, how can someone disappear from the air?

Song Zhe was so angry that she naturally attributed her responsibility to this woman. She had a plan to look at the seamless, but the result was a problem in the final section.

A heart-wrenching Song Zhe couldn’t help but say, “I really don’t know how you guys do business, don’t they have long eyes?”

“Fcuk/idiot !”

The tall woman couldn’t help but cursed in her heart. The heart said that this can blame me. It is obvious that you are not coming in time. People have disappeared and have something to do with the aging mother.

But when I thought of Song Zhe’s five thousand dollars, the tall woman looked at the face of money, but she still resisted talking.

For a time, the atmosphere in the room was a bit weird. Jiang Xiaojun and Song Zhe each held a word, and they couldn’t get the exact evidence. Everyone didn’t know who to believe, so everyone was in silence.

Su Ming, who is hiding in the corner, has been watching the movie, as if watching the game while playing other people come to God’s perspective, every detail can be seen.

Su Ming naturally saw that the current situation was in a stalemate, so Su Ming was ready to break the deadlock.

I saw Su Ming in the invisibility and walked up. The head of Song Zhe was a slap. After the game, the whole person immediately stepped back and continued to hide in the corner to prepare for a quiet watching.


Su Ming This slap power is not small, the crisp sound suddenly heard the people in the whole room, everyone was in silence, and the voice attracted everyone.

“Fcuk/idiot, which bastard beat me?”

The severe pain from the back of the head made Song Zhe unable to resist the cursed. Looking at the violent Song Zhe, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other in dismay, and said that Song Zhe was beaten again?

Song Zhe’s first reaction was Jiang Xiaojun, but after looking at Jiang Xiaojun, Jiang Xiaojun stood face to face with him, and at least 10 steps between the two, Jiang Xiaojun could not hit his head.

“Who is it?”

Song Zhe was completely angry at this time, and Fcuk/idiot actually dared to sneak attack him.

“What is it that you beat me?” Song Zhe saw the tall woman standing on his side, and immediately doubted.

The tall woman feels that Song Zhe is a bit puzzling. It was very uncomfortable when Song Zhe was stopped. Now Song Zhe has fallen into her.

So the tall woman said very uncomfortably: “Do you specially go out and forget to take medicine today? I have nothing to do with what you do, I still feel pain.”

The tall woman is in a bad mood. Song Zhe’s mood is not so good. When she listens to the tall woman’s speech, the anger in Song Zhe’s heart is also ignited. “How do you talk to me?”

“You special slut, I give you a face, right? I dare to talk to me in that tone.” Song Zhe continued to chatter.

He himself looked down on the tall woman, but it was just a Young Lady.

The tall woman is not a good bird, and her temper is more violent. If she is not looking at the face of money, she has already turned face with Song Zhe.

But by Song Zhe, the tall woman couldn’t bear it anymore. She shouted directly: “If you are a bastard, I will forget it. I dare to marry me. I am fighting with you.”

After the talk, the tall woman immediately rushed over to Song Zhe. Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, when she caught Song Zhe, she began to fight, and the scene fell into chaos again.

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