
The tall woman at this time could not help but darkly cursed, and the heart said that the man did not have a good thing.

This young man is still pretending to say that there is no need for service. As a result, it is so exciting to play directly. It is really a metamorphosis in metamorphosis.

But for the five thousand dollars, the tall woman can only temporarily endure, and her face makes a happy smile, saying: “Come on.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll find something first.” Su Ming suddenly looked around. If you play bundled, how can you get some tools?

As a result, Su Ming turned around in the room. The Presidential Suite is all good. The only bad thing is that there is no rope tool. Su Ming can’t take out his belt and use it as a rope.

That’s ok, but Su Ming’s pants are going to fall, and it’s even more suspicion.

Finally, Su Ming couldn’t help but found only a black plastic bag, or Su Ming just went to the supermarket with Jiang Xiaojun to buy snacks and bags from others.

“How is this thing used?” The tall woman looked at the black plastic bag in Su Ming’s hand and couldn’t help but change her face. She had never heard of a plastic bag that could be bundled.

Su Ming said: “Don’t worry, let me cover your eyes first, then start to stimulate.”


The tall woman’s face showed a shy expression, and then she smiled at Su Ming. If a third party was on the scene at this time, she would marvel at the acting of the two people.

Su Ming moved very quickly. She almost blinded the eyes of the tall woman with a black plastic bag, and then said directly, “You don’t worry, I will find some rope.”

At this time, Su Ming’s goal has almost been reached. He has been trying to trap the woman for half a day, and then rushed out, saving him from being framed for a while.

Although I couldn’t find the rope to tie the woman’s hands and feet, it was okay to cover my eyes. Su Ming glanced at the woman sitting on the bed at not at all, so she began to walk toward the door.

“Damn ………”

As a result, Su Ming pulled the door handle and prepared to open the door. As a result, he found that the door was locked, and Su Ming couldn’t open it.

It turned out that just after the tall woman entered Su Ming’s room, Song Zhe, who was hiding in the dark, came over and silently took an iron bar and left the door from the outside. Su Ming played for a while. not open.

The tall woman is not stupid. How can she not know that Su Ming wants to run? But when she came in, Song Zhe told her that he would lock the door outside and Su Ming would not even come out. go with.

At this time, Song Zhe outside estimated that the time was almost over, ten minutes passed, and no two people in the room came out.

A man and a woman stayed in the room for such a long time. Song Zhe didn’t believe that they could do nothing, so Song Zhe no longer hesitated and went straight to call people.

Song Zhe ran to the place where the classmates stayed downstairs, and opened the blindly loudly shouted: “Not good, everyone rushed out and got the major event.”

“What’s wrong? I fell asleep and I was woken up.”

“What happened in the big night, can you still sleep?”

At this point, the students came out of the room one after another. It can be seen that everyone is still louder when they are shouted out in the big night. Some of them have even fallen asleep.

Song Zhe can sleep no matter whether they sleep or not. All he wants is that everyone will be there, and then he will be able to take someone to Su Ming to watch the show.

“Song Zhe, you don’t sleep at night, what do you want to do?” Xia Qingchan asked at this time.

Song Zhe has already thought about how to answer in the heart, loudly said: “Students, out of the major event, our classmate Su Ming went directly to Young Lady, I saw Young Lady squatting into the Su Ming s room.”


Everyone was shocked by this news, which was equivalent to putting a deep water bomb. Su Ming was looking for Young Lady. This is definitely a big news.

“Really, Su Ming can do that?”

“Who knows, but Su Ming is so rich, maybe he can call a cockroach when he is bored at night, and people are not bad.”

“But Jiang Xiaojun is still in the room, how do they play?”

For a time, everyone was sleepy, and there was a lot of talk. At the same time, many people also looked at Mukè. There was such a thing. Everyone was concerned about the expression on Mukè’s face.

Mukè is naturally angry. She doesn’t believe that Su Ming will do that, so Mukè screams: “Song Zhe, you don’t talk nonsense here, Su Ming can’t do that.”

Xia Qingchan is also full of face and said: “Song Zhe classmates can’t talk nonsense, there are contradictions between the students to solve the problem, there is no need to fall into classmates.”


Song Zhe couldn’t help but smile a little, and then said: “You love being or not, I saw it with my own eyes. If you don’t believe it, we can go directly to Su Ming’s room to see.”

Xia Qingchan See Song Zhe’s face is so calm, and for a moment, my heart suddenly had a bad feeling, and my heart said that Su Ming wouldn’t really do that kind of thing?

As a student, if you do something like that, the impact is very big.

“Go, let’s go see it.”

At this time, there are quite a few people who look at the excitement and are not too big. They are clamoring to look over. If it is true, will the picture be very exciting?

“Well, then let’s go and see, I will prove like you, I don’t lie at all!” Song Zhe said confidently at this time.

Things have been arranged, and now, Su Ming will definitely be caught. Song Zhe just thinks Su Ming is going to be ruined, and the heart can’t help but be excited.

Development to this point Xia Qingchan has no choice, only with the students, went to the room upstairs Su Ming.

“Fcuk/idiot Song Zhe ”

At this time, Su Ming in the room found that after the door could not be opened, he immediately realized that this was Song Zhe’s work, and suddenly it was cursed.

Just when Su Ming was ready to use Malphite’s Ability to increase his strength and forcibly open the door, Su Ming slammed the snoring sound from the outside and suddenly realized that something was wrong. It must be that Song Zhe brought people. What is special? The process of fairy jumps on the online legend is almost exactly the same.

“Aiya, dear, come on, hurry.”

The tall woman also realized that Song Zhe was coming, so she immediately got up and slammed her upper body clothes and rushed toward Su Ming at the door.

Su Ming felt the situation was urgent, so Su Ming used his ultimate killing trick and used Teemo’s Passive to hide.

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