Two days later, on the weekend afternoon, everyone came to the school gate and the bus that Xia Qingchan was in contact with had arrived at the school gate.

This time, dozens of people in the class, even all the members have arrived, no one does not go, it seems that the effect of free treats is quite good.

Song Zhe is in a very good mood today. Song Zhe can’t help but be proud of himself when he thinks that his items/weapons are so successful.

“Everyone lined up, got on the train in an order, don’t fight, and there are enough seats in the car.” Xia Qingchan is organizing everyone to line up.

In fact, Su Ming, they don’t know where the resort Zong Zhe wants to treat, but only Song Zhe, Xia Qingchan and the driver Master know.

Su Ming is not interested in this anymore. Anyway, as long as someone asks for food and drink, he really doesn’t worry about what Song Zhe can do with him.


Originally, I thought how far it was. As a result, Su Ming closed his eyes and kept the gods for dozens of minutes. I don’t know who shouted, but it was.

The entire group started to get off, and Su Ming followed the orderly underground car.

“This resort was recently built. It is a water resort with all kinds of entertainment facilities. It’s definitely a good time to relax here.”

After getting off the train, Song Zhe started to talk about it. It is obvious that I have done some understanding before.

After listening to the introduction of Song Zhe, the students looked at the resort in front of the film and found that the environment was really good. Many people even came to this upscale place for the first time, and there was a feeling of excitement in their hearts.

“Damn ………”

However, after Su Ming looked at the resort, the whole person was stunned. No wonder that when I got off the bus, I always felt a little eyeball. This piece represents the Swan Lake villa area.

The resort that Song Zhe said in the mouth was the former mountain hotel of Chen Lei, Su Ming suddenly remembered.

Previously, Feng Yezheng once said to himself that Wang Wei bought Chen Lei’s Villa Hotel and cooperated with Su Ming’s restaurant in the form of a white delivery.

Feng Yezheng had a little discussion with the people at Wang Wei and planned to build a relatively rare water resort directly on the basis of Chen Lei’s original mountain hotel.

The name of the resort is called “The Farmhouse Courtyard”, which is a fusion of The Farmhouse Courtyard. After the meal at The Farmhouse Courtyard, customers can come back to the resort to have a good meal. It is a good solution.

In addition, Chen Lei’s hotel was originally a resort-like property. The infrastructure inside is quite perfect. After Feng Yezheng took over, it didn’t need to be too much trouble. It would be a good idea to change it directly, so this water resort soon entered the operational status. in.

Front section Time Feng Yezheng once mentioned with Su Ming, but Su Ming is not interested in business, so he ignored it.

Su Ming discovered that after joining Song Zhe, it was the items/weapons that came to their own site. For a time, Su Ming’s face was a little weird.

Song Zhe At this time, the proud of one’s success, how can I notice the expression on Su Ming’s face, loudly said: “Everyone followed me in. I have already booked with the resort people.”

When I saw dozens of people coming in at the same time, the waiters at the resort also got busy all of a sudden. “Welcome to the public” shouted non-stop, anyone can see it, this is a big business.

“Sir, did you call us to book it yesterday? Please order the room first.” The waiter said to Song Zhe at this time.

Everyone has already discussed it before coming. In the afternoon, I will stop and eat a bowl in the evening. I will stay home for a long time tomorrow, so I have to book the room first.

“Everyone took out the ID card and handed it to me. I want to register it here.” Song Zhe said to the crowd at this time.

Su Ming quietly took out his ID card and handed it to Song Zhe. At the same time, he was more careful, for fear of being recognized.

“Mr. Do you want to book a few rooms?” The waiter said to Song Zhe at this time. She also saw that Song Zhe was the big rich man today.

“There are a total of thirty-two women, twenty boys, two people living in a room…” Song Zhe took a moment.

This guy is obviously not very good at mathematics. He took a finger for a long time and then said: “We know that you 52 personally, two people need 26 rooms in one room, plus Teacher Xia wants to live in one room, so give us 27 rooms.”

Although the process was a bit difficult, but Song Zhe still figured out that the ordinary room of the resort was hundreds of nights, and the 27 room was almost 10,000 yuan.

“Not good, Mr., we only have 26 rooms.” The waiter said at the moment.

“Only 26 rooms? That’s not ok, we can’t live in 26 rooms.” Song Zhe said immediately.

You need to know that there are two people living in a room. If you have more, it will be too crowded. It is to relax. If you can’t even sleep well, then relax.

So Song Zhe said, “You can quickly get us a room.”

“I am really embarrassed that this gentleman, now we have more tourists here on the weekend, so the room is a little nervous, and I really can’t get the extra room.” The waiter said with apologetic apology.

“What can I do?”

Song Zhe is also embarrassed to get angry in front of everyone, but the heart is very painful, and the heart says that there is a room missing.

“But sir, there is no way. There is only one special room left in our resort. If you need it, you can give us a special room.” The waiter said at this time.

“What do you mean by special room?” Song Zhe asked, frowning.

“Special room is the room setting and space may be less confident, but the price will be cheaper.” The waiter explained that it is a room where the environment is poor.

“How can it be done, do you think I am a person who lacks money?” Song Zhe said immediately.

“I know that Mr. is not short of money, but apart from this special room, we really don’t have any extra rooms.”

At this time, Xia Qingchan said: “Forget it, I want this special room. I just can live in this room alone, and the rest of the room.”

“Teacher Xia can let you live.” Song Zhe immediately vetoed Xia Qingchan’s proposal.

At this time, Song Zhe saw Su Ming, who was full of calm face. He suddenly had an idea and said: “I will leave this room for the boys to live in, Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun, you both succumb to the special room. “”

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