After Lin Suwan is finished, everything seems to be all right, and Su Ming feels that he can finally relax and feel as easy as ever.

Everyone is very happy. It seems to be like the New Year. It is very happy. The family seems to be finally reunited.

This is how many years people have been waiting for it. I didn’t expect it to be realized. I thought there was no chance.

Xia Qingchan over there, also took Huahua back home, although she stayed at home to eat, but Xia Qingchan left.

It is estimated that she still feels a little jerky. After all, this is a time for family reunion. She is a bit redundant here, and the family is so big, it is better to let Huahua go back to rest.

Su Qishan’s eyes are a bit red, this is a very happy performance, Su Ming probably understands, in fact, like Su Qishan, a man who has a comparative advantage.

I have always been unsatisfied with words. I am happy to be happy at this time, but he is excited to know what to say and can’t say the kind of numbness.

As for the kind of love, it is even more impossible.

Su Qishan was finally open at this time, only to listen to him: “You have worked hard, and have a good rest. I will go out and buy food immediately. Let’s eat stop and celebrate today.”

Honest people are like this, the biggest celebration is to eat stopped.

Lin Yue is obviously in a good mood. He said quickly: “Yes, let’s go out quickly, we are not drunk tonight.”

“You have a good rest, I am going to buy food with Qishan.” Lin Yue said.

As for the two of them who have been with nothing, the two of them have not helped, like Su Ming and Murong Qianye. In fact, this time, they are very tired.

Lin Suwan’s body is still a bit imaginary, but after the bloodline is fixed, everything is not a problem, so she seems to be quite good at this time, just need to rest quietly for two days.

Lin Suwan took a look at Su Ming and Murong Qianye. The woman couldn’t help but gossip. She only listened to her and asked, “Su Ming, how did you both know each other? I never knew it.”

“cough cough”

Speaking of this problem, Su Ming and Murong Qianye really have a flaw. The love between them is a bit bloody.

Murong Qianye pretty face slightly red, her character, certainly not very embarrassed to say it directly, then simply did not speak, leaving this question to Su Ming.

Su Ming played his own shameless style and said: “In fact, I have been to Tiansheng Shrine before.”

“Just the past time was to steal things, so not at all saw you, and the result was accidentally revealed, and she was chased up by her.”

Su Ming’s portrayal, so Lin Suwan couldn’t help but even sweat for the then Su Ming, saying that the situation at the time should be dangerous.

Just listen to Su Ming and continue: “At the time, my strength was far worse than it is now. If I play, I can’t beat it.”

“In order to save my life, I made a move and made a beautiful man to her. She should have never seen such a handsome man and fell in love with me directly. This result made me very surprised…”

Su Ming hadn’t finished talking yet, and Murong Qianye took a slap, and it was obvious that even Murong Qianye couldn’t listen.

Lin Suwan also smiled. She couldn’t hear it. Su Ming was swearing.

After a few words, everyone’s relationship has suddenly got closer. Sometimes you have to sigh that it is amazing. The family is a family, as if it seems to be doomed.

Even if there is not a lot of time with Lin Suwan, after a few words, I feel that everyone seems to be familiar with each other. The feeling of closeness is not deliberately close.

At night, the family was busy, mainly Su Qishan and Lin Yue, who prepared a rich meal.

Lin Yue is hardly acquainted with cooking. His existence is just in the kitchen, and he is playing for Su Qishan.

Two Ancient Warriors in the world, the burning of the rice is so strong, if it is known by others, it is estimated that the chin can be surprised.

Su Qishan actually has a special effort today, because today is to eat for Lin Suwan. For many years, there was no such opportunity. When the two talents were together, Su Qishan was a big man, how can he cook?

Only then, when he was alone with a child, he was ruined by life, and he had to learn these things. People were forced out.

The food on a table can be said to be full of people, and it looks like a dazzling array of people. If anyone who has not eaten sees it, it is estimated that it will cause crit damage.

Su Ming couldn’t help but said: “Dad, you are too obvious. When I am Chinese New Year, I will eat a few dishes. When Mom returns, she immediately gets so many, and she is still a daughter-in-law. important.”

Although I know that Su Ming is deliberately ridiculous, Su Qishan is still red-faced. He only listens to him: “Listen to your swearing. In the past, it’s too much for us. It’s not a waste.”

“When I go back to eat the leftover food the next day, you say that you don’t want to eat it. It’s better to get some fresh food every meal.”

Su Ming also got the Little Loli in System Storage. After a long break, Little Loli also restored the status. After coming out, she immediately spoke to Su Ming. It was obvious that she had given her a long time. It’s also a little uncomfortable.

Instead, Lin Suwan and Murong Qianye, this time, the two people stunned again, and said that they came to a small child, people did not expect.

I know that this is definitely not Su Ming’s own child, because I haven’t heard it, it is estimated to be adopted, and certainly can’t be the child’s face. Asking this kind of question will hurt child.

When you eat, everyone is happy, if the days will be like this, it is also very good, how fun it is.

After eating the meal, it was almost finished, but there was a problem, but it was difficult for everyone, that is the question of how to sleep at night.

It’s too embarrassing, the house is too small, there are two rooms, two beds, plus Little Loli, this is full of money, and there are now six people in the family.

Obviously can not live, this time the house is too small drawbacks, and it really came.

In the past, I could think of this kind of thing. I didn’t buy a house with Su Qishan, but I still want to live with two people. It’s not necessary.

But now it seems that there are still too many people at home.

(End of this chapter)

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