The reason why the reaction was so strong was because Su Ming saw a piece of wool stone with dazzling rays of light.

That’s right, the dazzling rays of light, Su Ming strolled around a big circle, never seen such a bright rays of light, even the top quality Jadeite of the Glassy Species of Su Ming was not comparable.

“What is it inside?”

After the reaction, Su Ming began to think about it, but Su Ming not at all showed a special expression, so that he could look as calm as possible, so as not to be seen by others.

Su Ming walked over to the target stone and took a look. The stone was still inconspicuous and oval, and it looked like there wasn’t a football.

Maybe the eyes will deceive themselves, but the Ability will definitely not, Su Ming has already determined that there must be good goods in this stone.

But Su Ming didn’t have any special urgency. Instead, she went around and picked up a few stones at not at all Jadeite, and then came to the football-sized stone, seemingly inadvertently hugged.

Su Ming not at all reveals what weak spot, no one can see Su Ming’s excitement and excitement hidden in his heart.

Su Ming doesn’t know that his actions have already made many people speechless. The standard layman is not going to pick up the hair.

Basically, everyone who buys wool is carefully selected. What tools such as magnifiers and flashlights are necessary. I have never seen anyone like Su Ming.

More critical, so casual, Su Ming just opened a tens of millions of Glassy Species Jadeite, which is the most temperament, it is really comparing oneself to others will only make one angry.


Feng Guangchou Looking at Su Ming’s movements, the sneer on his face can’t help but be more prosperous. Su Ming liked the hair, and Feng Guangchou didn’t believe he could have such a good character.

“I picked it up, I feel that I have a pleasing look at these pieces. Boss, let me count it.” Su Ming said to the black and thin Boss.

The people in this speech can’t help but be silent for a while, and the furry is still not pleasing to the eye. Today is finally a long experience.

The black and thin Boss was so impressed with Su Ming that the kid bought a Top Quality Jadeite from his hand for fifty dollars.

However, the black and thin Boss did not feel regret and so on, he was originally doing this business, if Su Ming did not buy the estimated stone, no one would look at it.

Su Ming just opened the high quality Glassy Species Jadeite, which brought him a lot of guests. The black and thin Boss immediately took over the wool in Su Ming’s hands.

“Give you a zero, a total of more than 28,000 things.” Black and thin Boss busy for a long time, then took out the calculator and counted it, said to Su Ming.

This time Su Ming picked the wools of higher quality. Compared with the previous dark and swarthy stone prices, they were not on a horizontal line. Just picking four stones and nearly 30,000 yuan.

Su Ming didn’t wrinkle her brows, and took out the bank card for twenty-eight thousand. The next step is to witness the miracle.

Glassy Species Jadeite was released before, so everyone has continued to solve the problem with Su Ming this time. In my heart, I have a little expectation, even though I know that Su Ming has a low chance of continuing to open Jadeite.


I took the cutting master of Su Ming’s red bag before, and I was very good at Su Ming, and I can see that I was very focused, but after all, I didn’t cut it out.

Cutting the Master went down again, then said to Su Ming: “Young people, this stone has nothing.”

Su Ming nodded, he knows better than anyone, because the first few stones are used to hide his ears, so Su Ming said: “Nothing, keep going.”

“Aiya, it’s stunned again.”

After the second stone was cut, there was nothing but debris, and some people said with regret.

Su Ming, as usual, said to the cutting master: “Nothing, you continue to cut.”

“Still nothing!”

After the third stone was cut, it was still empty. Everyone regretted it and it felt normal. Their expectations for Su Ming were too high, and no one would be so good.

“Kid, see it, this time you lost.” Feng Guangchou couldn’t help but laugh, and didn’t open anything, which was entirely in his expectation.

Su Ming sneered a little and said: “Don’t worry, there is the last piece.”

“Well, I don’t see you in the coffin, I don’t cry, wait until the last piece of wool is untied. You can’t play with your kid.” Feng Guangchou threw a confident sentence.

Su Ming took a look at the cutting master and said, “Master, be careful when cutting.”

After cutting the Master and opening three empty ones in a row, it was inevitable that it was slack in the spirit. After listening to Su Ming’s words, it suddenly rose and kept the professional spirit to continue cutting.

“Fog, foggy”

As a result, after the last piece of wool, after cutting the Master, there was a white fog, and many people had already called it out.

“Where, this special will not have Jadeite again?”

“Opening two Jadeites out in a row, how much more is this person in the end?”

“Don’t say it, let’s take a quick look, maybe there is nothing.”

Feng Guangchou This face from the letter full of face suddenly changed his face suddenly, his heart suddenly smashed up, this kid will not really step on the dog twice, hey?

Su Ming couldn’t help but sneer a little, and said that you think that this is just as simple as Jadeite?

Cutting Master saw Su Ming, Su Ming said: “Continue to cut, be careful.”

This time without Su Ming said that cutting the Master will be more careful, after all, there is a white fog, it is likely that there is Jadeite inside.

“What kind of variety is this, why is it so green?”

After another knife went down, many people suddenly puzzled, because they had cut out a touch of faintly discernible green, and Jadeite was definitely there.

However, this green is too strong and touching, and many Hang Family can’t help but wonder what kind of variety.

Just a step away from Jadeite, the cutting master’s eyes are slightly squatting, the spirit is extremely hit, carefully cut and polished.

“Imperial Green, this is Imperial Green!”

As a result, Jadeite hasn’t completely cut it out yet. Someone screamed out of silence, and everyone was not calm, as if to go crazy.

“What is Imperial Green?” Su Ming sees this group of people react so intensely, and they can’t help but wonder.

After the cutting master solved Jadeite, I saw the cutting master’s hands tremble, and even left tears of excitement. The old tears swayed and said: “I didn’t expect it, I really didn’t think that this Li people have countless stones in this life. Solve Imperial Green, the king of Jadeite, I die without regret!”

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