Ability Name:

Ability Introduction : After Aatrox releases the Ability, it will skyrocket in the next 12 seconds, and can fly giant wings to get 20% of foreign object damage.

It also triggers the effect of the blood magic well, storing the maximum health of 15% in advance, and increasing 35% every second. If it is fatal during this period, it can be revived after 325 seconds.

In reality, the Ability has been optimized to allow the host to improve its combat effectiveness. The more Exhaust, the more the combat power is improved by using the Ability.

And within a minute after the Ability is turned on, if the host is unfortunately taken away by the enemy, the special effect of the Ability will cause the host to resurrect directly, with a resurrection time of three seconds.

Hint: The Ability cooldown time is extremely long and can only be used by yourself.

After watching it for a long time, such a complicated explanation, it was really the first time I saw it. So Su Ming’s eyes were spent, and the old thief was born in the cold night. It was more and more watery.

In a nutshell, there are so many things that can be summed up in a simple way. This Ability is used in a situation where it is inferior, and the effect is better.

It can be said that it is the skill of final struggle. It is quite powerful. The more Exhaust’s combat power is increased, and after people kill you, they can be resurrected. This is not equivalent to an extra life.

In the in-game is within the 12 seconds of the Ability, it can be resurrected after being killed, but in reality, it is slightly optimized and becomes a minute.

After all, the concept of time with in-game is still not the same, and there is no way to talk about it.

In a minute or so, this is almost the same. With the master, in the case of Exhaust, it is not a simple matter to be killed by others within one minute.

This time Raffle pumped, giving Su Ming enough surprises, so that Su Ming has a life-saving means, nothing is better than this.

“what happened to you?”

When Su Ming was so excited that she couldn’t do it, Murong Qianye, who was sitting in midair, opened her eyes and asked Su Ming a strange question, which made Su Ming feel very puzzled.

It turns out that this Murong Qianye seems to be seriously meditation, but it seems that she is not so focused.

However, I thought about it. People who drink saliva with the body Vigor can keep rising. This is serious and not serious. There is no difference at all.

Su Ming immediately said: “I just thought of some happy things, I laughed, no and so on.”

When she spoke, Murong Qianye didn’t doubt anything. She closed her eyes directly and went into the meditation state again.

The next day, Su Ming got up early. After he had breakfast, he said to Su Qishan: “Dad, I went out with her for something, and came back in two days.”

In the morning, Su Ming also made Little Loli out, letting Little Loli pay attention to her body at home. She stayed in System Storage for a while, which is quite unhappy.

“Then, please be careful.”

Su Qishan looked like a word, but in the end he didn’t say anything, just swearing.

Su Qishan still looked at the door until Su Ming and Murong Qianye left, seemingly thinking.

“What’s going on with you, the young couple have a door, maybe it’s a honeymoon, what you are worried about, a look that you can’t bear.” Lin Yue saw the status of Su Qishan next to him. I couldn’t help but spit it up.

Su Qishan’s expression on the face is not easy. He said: “I always think that these two of them don’t know what they want to do this time. It is not simple anyway, maybe it will be dangerous.”

I have to say that Su Qishan feels very keen. Su Ming deliberately said nothing tonight, just don’t want Su Qishan to follow Lin Yue.

They know that the upcoming and so on words, the heart will only be impetuous and worried, and there is no way to help.

In the fight against Tiansheng Shrine, their strength has been clearly out of touch, even the easy Master, Su Ming did not bring this time, because he should also rest.

This time with Murong Qianye at Su Ming’s side, the two people they have to deal with are Feng Qingzi. Others don’t care, just do it.

Lin Yue even Su Qishan looks like this, he suddenly has a bad feeling, but he still took two shoulders of Su Qishan.

Said: “Don’t worry, worry about these is useless, your strength can be asked, and can’t help, the current things must be handed over to their young people to deal with, I believe Su Ming, anyway, I I think that kid is a Good Fortune person.”

“The luck is good, it should be nothing.” Lin Yue said, he seems to sum up what, the protagonist is not dead, and he can be resurrected when he dies.

Su Qishan sighed, said: “I just knew this, so I didn’t ask. After all, asking can’t help.”

After Su Ming came out with Murong Qianye, Murong Qianye took out her flying magic weapon, not with Lin Yue. On the one hand, after fearing to talk to Lin Yue, he realized that he had to go to Guwu World. .

Where can I go to Guwu World? The biggest possibility is Tiansheng Shrine. It is equivalent to revealing myself all at once. Everyone is not stupid.

There is another reason, that is, Su Ming also guessed that the character Murong Qianye must have a flying magic weapon. This thing is in the Guwu World, just like the car in the secular world.

Not everyone has it. After a certain family property, it will naturally be there. This is not a strange thing.

Like the presence of the top of the food chain like Murong Qianye, there is no need to say anything, and there may be no flying magic weapon.

The flying magic weapon she took out looked like a shape of a thousand paper cranes. When it was taken out, it became bigger directly.

Sitting on it, Su Ming can clearly feel that the speed of this game is still quite fast, compared to Lin Yue’s flying magic weapon, it is still a lot higher.

Seeing that speed is so fast, Su Ming is be at ease/reassured, and three days is quite enough.

More than two days, all the way, unimpeded, finally reached Tiansheng Shrine again, every time I came here, it was not the same mood.

However, Su Ming hopes that this is the last time, and hopes that he can go back alive.

“You are finally here.”

At this time, the fluttering voice passed over, which is obviously the voice of Feng Qingzi.

Su Ming’s expression changed a bit. This person said “finally”. What does he mean? It is difficult for him to know that he is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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