Time has passed so quietly for three days, Su Ming finally woke up.

Although these days are in a deep sleep, Su Ming is stupid, probably a little conscious, with the pain of the body, disappearing day by day.

Everything is really thanks to Murong Qianye. Murong Qianye’s heavenly materials and earthly treasures are too many, just like a little rich woman with mines at home, regardless of cost to Heal Su Ming.

With her help, Su Ming’s body gradually recovered. If it wasn’t for her, then Su Ming was really dangerous this time.

I didn’t expect to use this Zilean’s Ultimate once. The side effect is so big. It can be seen that System is also balanced. After all, it is too exaggerated to resurrect, and the price paid is naturally conceivable.

But when Su Ming woke up, he didn’t open his eyes and heard some familiar voices. Anyway, every woman’s voice was there.

This time is alright, Su Ming scared her eyes and dared to open it. The women around me have come together, which is too horrible.

For Su Ming, he is also afraid of the arrival of this day, although he knows that one day will come sooner or later.

However, Su Ming still didn’t know what to do. I didn’t expect these women to get together when he was in a coma.

The key is like the discussion is good, Su Ming does not wake up, they will not leave, as if whoever left, lost the same.

Su Ming is very painful. She just didn’t dare open her eyes. I was afraid that after I opened my eyes, I would have a major event. What should I do if I was encircled?

So Su Ming waited, wait, he was waiting for an opportunity, and I don’t know when these women can leave.

In the evening they finally left, because Su Ming’s Family was too small to live at all, only Murong Qianye stayed alone.

Look at this, Murong Qianye should also go to take a shower in the evening, and then the woman, you have to take a shower.

Su Qishan came in at this time. He glanced at Su Ming. He was very sad. He has been awake for so many days. He has already made him a little desperate. If he wakes up in the future, what can he do?


Su Qishan couldn’t help but sighed, it’s hard to be a good home, now it’s like this, the mood is really complicated.

“Dad, don’t sigh.” Su Ming opened his eyes and said something.

“The trough!”

Su Qishan was shocked and jumped out of Su Ming’s bed. Su Ming woke up and suddenly showed a surprise expression.

While taking a surprise, he took two shots of Su Ming’s shoulder and said, “How do you suddenly wake up when you are a kid, it is scary to death.”

Although this is what I said, I can see that Su Qishan is so happy that I have been thinking about what Su Ming can’t wake up. I didn’t expect him to wake up.

Su Ming is also very painful. When lying in a coma, lying down and lying back after waking up, it is not the same thing. I lay down all day and put Su Ming to the uncomfortable, but I can get up and take a break. ,

Just listening to Su Ming said: “I woke up in the morning, but found that many people are there, scared not to blink.”

Su Qishan immediately understood, looking at Su Ming with that silent voice, saying that you are still very embarrassed to say, who should blame?

Don’t say it is you. In the past two days, Su Qishan has also given pressure to the mountains. So many do not know which one is the future daughter-in-law. The key ones are extraordinary and people feel terrible.

But in the end it still has to fall on Su Ming’s head, what to do in the future, others can’t help.

Su Qishan said: “Then what are you going to do, you can’t keep going like this, they will come over tomorrow morning.”

“And I look at this posture. It should be that you don’t wake up. They won’t leave. It’s not a way to drag it down,” Su Qishan said.

Su Ming also feels a headache, he is very panicked, but he doesn’t know what to do.

“I still woke up tomorrow, don’t pretend, people are very busy, you can put it on again, delay their time, and your friends, called Cheng Ruofeng, also like to run here, I am worried about death all day.”

After Su Ming listened, I was still very moved. After all, the feeling that someone cares about is still quite good.

He also understands that it is not always possible to make people so concerned, and everyone is very busy.

However, Su Ming is still very scared. When she thinks that many women are together, how much resentment qi is going back, panic is not enough.

“Don’t worry too much, I see them these days, getting along very well, there should be nothing, everyone is an adult, you should understand it,” Su Qishan said.

Su Ming probably understood, he was thinking, this kind of thing can not hide, or face it tomorrow.


At this time, Murong Qianye had already bathed in. She obviously used this as her own room. After the door came in, she saw Su Ming sitting on the bed and the whole person was shocked.

Su Qishan reacted the fastest, and quickly said: “Yes, Su Ming just woke up, he should have nothing to do, you have to take a look.”


Su Ming is quite speechless, and he said that this Su Qishan is too exaggerated.

However, the excitement of Murong Qianye is true. Su Ming is getting better. For her, it is more important than anything. She rushed over and said, “Are you okay?”

Murong Qianye, who had just showered, had some water drops on her face, and there was also the scent of the scent. After Su Ming was close to Su Ming, Su Ming’s temptation was not too terrifying.

Su Qishan knew that she was superfluous and very self-aware. She immediately said, “What, I will go back first.”

As soon as he left, Su Ming and Murong Qianye’s romantic couple’s world left.

Murong Qianye leaned on Su Ming’s chest and said, “You haven’t woken up these days and scared me to death.”

Su Ming feels quite flattered. This is the strongest of 8th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm. Just like a little woman, I can’t believe it is true.

The relationship with Murong Qianye was too awkward to say that Su Ming couldn’t believe it, but Su Ming also knew that she liked her.

When Murong Qianye tried to save himself and sacrificed his life, Su Ming knew that he had fallen.

Su Ming said: “You have to thank you, I have been healing for a few days, otherwise I can’t really wake up.”


“Master, after you wake up, I have to tell you, your Mission has failed, let’s discuss the punishment.”

(End of this chapter)

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