This thing looks more like the giant beast of the ancient times. You look at it fiercely, it is a bit infiltrating. Such a big tiger is definitely a bit of something, not too good to deal with.

Spirit Beast is sure to accompany the Master, not to mention the battle, but also experienced actual combat and various training, so after coming out, you don’t have to say anything, you know what to do, directly locked Su Ming.

As soon as you look at the tiger’s eyes, you know that it is going to eat people.

Not long after, I lifted my hoof directly and jumped up to Su Ming and rushed over to Su Ming. No, it should be accurate.

However, Su Ming is not stupid. When he went up, he played with the big tiger. When they only sent Spirit Beast, they jumped up and down. It was not too much.

It’s not very clear what kind of power this Spirit Beast has, but Su Ming probably can’t be sure that he won’t beat the tiger.

The problem is to defeat him. Su Ming may have to spend a lot of energy. Especially if the Ability is used up, the cooldown time of the combat fans is a piece of time. If you can’t immediately erase it, the combat power will be weakened. Too much.

There is also a master of 6-Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, staring at himself in glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Although the combat power is not good, it is a common problem of the people in the Valley of the Beast, but the people are 6-Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, no matter how rubbish, where can the garbage go.

If you really don’t have the combat Ability, it is very difficult for Su Ming to deal with him importantly.

Fortunately, Su Ming has Fire Dragon. He also directly sent Fire Dragon to summon. It grew bigger and let Fire Dragon fly over to the White Tiger. The contest between the two Spirit Beasts.


Two people who did not accept anyone, directly roared out, but did not act blindly without thinking, it is estimated that they also saw it, the other party is not the kind of stinky fish, not too good to deal with.

The old bastard of the Beast Valley looked at the Fire Dragon with a very strange look. It seemed to be too fierce, and people had to be wary.

And like this kind of Spirit Beast, it seems to be extremely rare, usually not seen, even if you see it, you want to catch or tame, it is very difficult.

This kid actually has this Spirit Beast, which is very strange, and his ugly expression reveals a greedy expression.

If you can put this good Spirit Beast, as it is, it will be of great help to him.

“hu long”

It was at this time that the two Spirit Beasts were smashed, and it was obvious that the Fire Dragon had a slightly larger temper and spurted the flames directly.

White Tiger’s body is so big that there is no space to avoid it. It is so sprayed by the huge flame of formidable power. Su Ming’s heart is still looking forward a little, and he can say that he can put this White Tiger all at once. Give it up.

But in the end, Su Ming was disappointed. Obviously, people are not to be trifled with. It is so easy to solve it at once. It is obviously impossible.

White Tiger looks like it’s not so white, it’s a little black, it should have been burnt by the flames just now, very angry, jumped up and flew toward the Fire Dragon.

Going up to the Fire Dragon’s wings is a bite, and it makes people feel a little painful.

Su Ming’s heart couldn’t help but tremble, for fear that something would happen, and one after another, the mouth would be smashed down, how tragic it was.

Fortunately, the kind of dog blood that Su Ming is worried about, not at all, the skin of Fire Dragon is still quite hard. It goes up and there is no wound, but it can be seen that Fire Dragon should still be more painful and open mouth. Shouted.

Then the two powerful Spirit Beasts, so they bite together, can be seen, the two Spirit Beast, actually still very spicy eyes, there is not much fighting means, basically in the fight.

Su Ming did not go to see them anymore. At this time and for a while, they should not be able to win the game. They still have to fight.

Glanced at the old man who was watching the battle, he was quite interested, but Su Ming did not intend to give him time, two people will have to run sooner or later.

So Su Ming rushed straight up, starting with Kenan’s Ultimate, Wan Lei Tianzhan array, directly smashed toward him.

Not at all 磕大红药, Su Ming at this time or the strength of 5-Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, because it is considered, these people in the Valley of the Beasts, the combat power is slightly weaker than the Real Warrior of Realm. .

Su Ming’s combat power is relatively strong, so the difference is not too big a problem, no need to waste a big red drug.

The old man of Wan Beu Valley, the face can be said to become iron blue in an instant, obviously did not expect, Su Ming is so not too particular, and then do not say anything directly.

The old man clearly felt the damage of the Force of Heavenly Thunder. He seemed to be a bit unbearable. He went up and took a look at his own Spirit Beast bag. There were a lot of crows in a flash.

That’s right, it’s the kind of black lacquered black crow, licking his own wings, constantly fanning around, surrounded by him.

Then the crows, one by one, one by one, kept falling, and they were obviously unable to stand up by electricity.

However, the number of crows is obviously too much. Even if I don’t know how many drops have come down, it feels like it is a steady stream. I wrap this old bastard so that he can have no major event.

After more than ten seconds, the Kainan’s Ultimate disappeared, not at all. How about the old bastard, just leaving the dead body, and then the crows will disappear.

There is still such a means of defense, let Spirit Beast give himself a target, and to be honest, Su Ming is the first to see it. This Kainan Ultimate is equivalent to being wasted. Let Su Ming feel a little uncomfortable.

This old bastard seems to be quite awkward, and he directly said: “In the area of ​​insignificant ability, really thought I could give me how?”


Su Ming looked at the old bastard and kept expanding. He didn’t say a word. Go up and give his Ultimate away.

Seven Stars, this time threw away to go, is the dark head of Syndra’s Ultimate.

After the Ultimate Level Up, it takes a certain amount of time to use it, but just now Su Ming has been condensed there.

So at this time, Su Ming went straight out and killed him a completely unprepared.

(End of this chapter)

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