鈥淛ades & Stones Business Convention ?鈥?/p>

Su Ming snorted after listening, jade stone is far away from him, and he has barely touched it.

And in the impression of Su Ming, I have never heard of Ningcheng holding such an event, no wonder it is the first time.

Jiang Xiaojun said at this time: “I see your front section time is not a book on antique jade stone, just have a chance to take you to play.”

Su Ming snorted after listening. After a few days ago, after winning the eAbility of Han Bing, Su Ming thought about learning about jade stone antique, so he bought two books to study.

Just being noticed by Jiang Xiaojun, I thought Su Ming was very interested in these things.

“Okay, get on the bus, don’t know if you go, just take you to see.” Jiang Xiaojun said to Su Ming at this time.

Su Ming discovered that the two people were still driving. It goes without saying that it must be Long Yu’s car. It is a white BMW 5 sedan. This car is not expensive and looks more atmospheric.

“To you, it is estimated that eating at noon is still early.” Jiang Xiaojun, who was sitting in the co-pilot after getting on the bus, also handed a pancake fruit to Su Ming.

After so many years of brother, it is obvious that Su Ming usually has this mouth.

When I was chatting in the car, Su Ming knew that the woman who met Jiang Xiaojun knew that the family was doing jewelry business. No wonder this Jades & Stones Business Convention.

The car drove about an hour or so, and came to a relatively remote place in Ningcheng City. Later, I discovered that this place has temporarily built several huge sheds, the so-called “Jades & Stones Business Convention”. .

鈥淛ades & Stones Business Convention鈥?was held in Ningcheng City for the first time, because the raw material of jade stone is quite abundant in Southeast Asia, and Ningcheng City has almost no jade stone raw materials, let alone report the meeting.

This time, “Jades & Stones Business Convention” was held in Ningcheng City, and half of it was the credit of Hongkong Zeng Family. It was because of the high-profile entry of Hongkong Zeng Family into Ningcheng City, which led to the development of related jade stone transactions.

This “Jades & Stones Business Convention”, so the raw materials are shipped from Southeast Asia by ferry. For many jewelers in Ningcheng City, this is a flourishing, meaning that they can find raw materials at home today. It is.

“Many people are really a lot.” Su Ming entered the huge shed built and found that there were already many people in it.

Since the event of Zeng Tianlai that day, Long Yu seems to be awesome to Su Ming, and at the same time, his attitude is also very good. He said: 鈥淣ingcheng has come and sold many jewelers, and there are still many interested in jade stone or want to The gambling stone people are coming.”

After hearing the words “gambling stone”, Su Ming couldn’t help but feel like a knife in heaven. Su Ming had never heard of gambling stone before, which made people crazy.

The so-called gambling stone is wet to buy jade stone Jadeite’s wool, and there is currently no advanced technology on the world to see the inside of the stone.

No one can determine what kind of jade stone is in a piece of wool, so there is a saying of gambling, and the gambling is the kind of unknown stimulus.

It is possible to drive to the good jade stone, directly rich, and may have spent all of their lives. As a result, they bought a few broken stones. Every year, there are many people who jumped from the jade stone trading scene.

“I don’t know how Ashe’s Ability is used.” Su Ming was a little excited at the moment, thinking around and thinking.

Don’t look at this site is a temporary build, but it still looks more graded. Many booths and booths built with glass have various jade stone materials, such as Hetian jade, Jadeite, and agate.

“Let’s go to Jadeite over there.” Long Yu said at this time that she had previously gone abroad to participate in similar activities, so she still understands.

The jade stone trading scene like this is always the most attention of Jadeite. The reason is very simple. The price of Jadeite is very amazing and very popular.

Sure enough, Su Ming came to the booth of Jadeite and found that it was the biggest one of all the booths. At this time, it was full of people, and the various shapes of stones were scattered and the number was astounding.

Su Ming saw a lot of people holding a magnifying glass or a flashlight in their hands and squatting on the ground and looking at a dark and swarthy stone carefully.

Not far from a pile of Jadeite wool rough, there are also a few small cutting and polishing machines. This machine is used to cut Jadeite wool. After buying the stone, it will be untied on the spot. The time to solve the stone is the most exciting time.

鈥淗ave you ever gambled on the stone?鈥?Su Ming said after a round trip, to Long Yu with great interest.

Long Yu smiled and said, “I am not very good at these things. I am father. They often go to these places and have more experience.”

“Would you like to come to the two to try?” Jiang Xiaojun showed a more eager look at this time, obviously looking at other people so crazy, a bit can not hold.

In such an environment, just like in a casino, people’s emotions are easily driven.

Jiang Xiaojun鈥檚 words made Su Ming鈥檚 heart a move, because Su Ming鈥檚 thoughts were similar to those of Jiang Xiaojun. I really wanted to give it a try and asked, 鈥淒o you play this thing?鈥?/p>

“Jadeite’s wool is not as expensive as you think!”

Long Yu, who has a lot of knowledge, then opened his mouth and said: “Ordinary wool prices are sold in kg, about 50 dollars to 200 dollars and one kilogram.”

“Of course, the wool sold by kg is relatively low-grade, so that such wool is cheaper, but the probability of Jadeite is lower, and the probability of Top Quality Jadeite is too small to be ignored.”

Long Yu continued: “There are probabilities that Jadeite’s wools are individually priced, and tens of millions or even hundreds of millions are possible.”

Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun sniffed in the air, and a stone could sell for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. This is really crazy, and ordinary people can’t understand it.

“The expensive stones can’t be bought, so I can buy some ordinary play.” Jiang Xiaojun is more open-minded, and I don’t expect to make a fortune at all. It is pure entertainment.

Su Ming didn’t speak at this time. He went to the wool pile with Jiang Xiaojun and Long Yu. He looked forward to what kind of powerful effect Ashe’s eAbility eagle hits in the sky.

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