Su Ming tells the truth, and has completely lost patience. Especially after saying a few words, there is no such feeling. Then he will continue with the items/weapons. When he goes up, he will spray him two sentences and say directly.

The Middle Age person of Transformation Realm thought that he had already ordered Su Ming. However, after hearing this sentence from Su Ming, he still changed his face.

It’s not right, why can this kid know his Realm, he didn’t shoot at all, why did he know Realm?

Wait a minute, can’t you say this kid, is also an Ancient Warrior?

The reaction of this middle age person can be said to be quite slow. At this time, his entire talents reacted afterwards.

This kid in front of him knows the matter of Transformation Realm. That is to say, he is also an Ancient Warrior. It is no wonder that he is so obsessed with this jade pendant. It seems to be a secret.

Su Ming’s tone is very big. I can’t help but listen to it. It sounds like a sigh of relief. Listening to this tone, I don’t seem to see the Realm of Transformation Realm.

However, looking at the younger look of this kid, it should not be too strong to be right, it is really puzzling.

This guy also feels that Realm in the mid-transformation Realm, in this secular world, isn’t it invincible, how could there be an opponent, otherwise he wouldn’t have the idea of 鈥嬧€媡aking advantage of it.

At first, I felt that if the other party did not cooperate, I would fiercely give him some color to look at it. The result was suddenly exposed by Su Ming. The scene was very embarrassing.

He has already hesitated, and he doesn’t know what to do, but Su Ming doesn’t give him any chance to repent. He goes up and takes a shot.

The middle age person also saw that Su Ming was going to shoot him. The reaction was still possible. He shot directly and wanted to block Su Ming.

But what is a pity is that his strength and Su Ming are not at the same level.

The gap between Transformation Realm and Heavenly Tribulation Realm is already a general gap in the galaxy. It doesn’t even require anything that is giggling, just a click away.

The middle age person fell directly to the ground, and the mouth spurt blood came out. It looked terrible, but no one sympathized with him.

I don鈥檛 want to be good, I still want to rob, which shows that this guy is not a good bird at all, and he should be the same thing.

Imagine if Su Ming is really an ordinary person today, or if he is not as good as him, and he has a certain gap, he has to work hard to spend two hundred million to buy the jade pendant, is not to be directly taken away by this guy.

What is even more terrifying is that you may not be able to keep your life.

The goods finally knew that they were afraid, even though he didn鈥檛 believe it at all. He came to see Ningcheng and he was still being treated. It鈥檚 really something that he didn鈥檛 think of before.

However, this iron-clad fact was placed in front of him, and he had to believe that this young boy was so strong.

In this case, it is time to worry about your life. This guy is not a hard-boned person, and obviously began to be afraid.

Just listening to his tone, there was a huge change in the past, and he immediately said: “Brother, spare me a life, just a misunderstanding between us.”

Just now Su Ming was very angry in his heart, thinking about whether or not to give up this guy. Although he did not pose any threat to Su Ming, who knows whether such a person will retaliate afterwards.

In case he really looks at Qin Shiyin, this is not a good thing for Su Ming. Qin Shiyin can’t handle a Transform Realm master.

And his Realm, Su Ming can’t be seen at all, Trundle Ultimate is even too lazy to open, if you suck his Vigor, it is actually like letting a hungry person take a bite of rice, nothing works. Substantial role.

Who knows that this goods came up with Su Ming, the brothers and sisters, the whole two people are very familiar.

Su Ming said deliberately: “You want to rob me, do you think I will let you go so easily?”

Middle age person After hearing this sentence, the whole person’s face changed immediately. The thing he was most afraid of was actually that Su Ming did not let him go, so it was troublesome.

If you really lose your life because of this broken thing, then he is not too embarrassed to die. In any case, you must use all means to save your life.

So he continued to say: “little brother, the so-called family is easy to solve, it is not necessary for us to make things so stiff because of this little thing.”

“I know that I am not your opponent, but I am not alone. I am a member of the Gongsun Family of Tianshan City. If you give me something, then the family will definitely find you.” Said the guy.

Although the tone sounds good, it is not a threat, but it is actually threatening Su Ming.

After Su Ming heard it, the whole person stunned. The name sounded quite familiar. The Gongsun Family, this is not wrong. In Guwu World, there is not a Gongsun Family?

However, this guy, obviously speaking, is not in Guwu World. He speaks correctly in Tianshan City. This is a city in China in the secular world. It is only a certain distance from Ningcheng and is famous for its unique natural scenery. of.

No matter what you say, after all is the world, where the family comes from the world, and listen to him, it seems that this so-called Gongsun Family, like Ancient Warrior, still looks a lot.

He is just one of them, not the most powerful one.

This made Su Ming the whole person, and he couldn’t help but be suspicious. In the secular world, how could there be a Guwu family? This sounds too sloppy, and it is always impossible.

Su Ming thought for a moment, and then continued to ask: “What is the Gongsun Family, why haven’t I heard of it, are there Ancient Warrior?”

“That is nature, our Gongsun Family, strong strength, you are careful, if you let me go this time, you can guarantee your own business with your own mind.” The guy said.

He didn’t say anything that everyone can be a disgusting word for a friend. It’s just saying that everyone is everyone’s own business, so don’t worry about it anymore.

It鈥檚 a pity that Su Ming heard this and didn鈥檛 catch a cold at all. How could he be really afraid because of a illusory Gongsun Family? It鈥檚 not clear what the family is.

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