After going back, doing a short break, Su Ming’s Strength, seems to have recovered.

The only thing that makes Su Ming more anxious is that the Vigor with the body at this time seems to be quite a lot, but it is a little worse than the breakthrough.

Now Su Ming, the most eager thing, can be said to be strength, but also offended a big force.

Su Ming knows that what he does is useless. The most important thing he can do now is to quickly make himself stronger and then deal with it all.

However, Vigor is still a little worse. Breaking into 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, the Vigor that is needed is really not a little bit, and there is no way to worry.

Su Ming himself is very clear, if he is forced to breakthrough with his current status, I am afraid that Vigor within the body is not enough support, and it will be bad in the end.

So Su Ming can only wait, I don’t know if there will be any other ancient Warrior in the short time, preferably Heavenly Tribulation Realm, some small fish and shrimp are not too big. the meaning of.

Speaking of which Su Ming’s mood is still quite complicated. On the one hand, he wants the ancient sect to send someone to come and find himself. After defeating them in that way, for Su Ming, it is a good way to improve their own strength. opportunity.

But Su Ming also knows that this is a hidden danger. If people send people who are more powerful, or if they come together, this will undoubtedly be a challenge for Su Ming.

If you can’t beat it, then your life will be gone. In short, this is a more entangled status.

At the end of the night, Su Ming received a call from Qin Shiyin. Su Ming asked strangely: “Hey, what happened?”

“Where are you, I am going to work soon, I am hungry.” Qin Shiyin The cold voice came out.

The sound sounds like the style of Qin Shiyin as always. It’s cold. If you want Qin Shiyin to talk very enthusiastically, it’s almost impossible.

But this is so, the sentence she just said, still makes Su Ming the whole person is wrong, no mistake, Qin Shiyin This is not what is right, how can it be spoiled.

This kind of words is suitable for the type of small woman. From the mouth of Qin Shiyin, it always feels that it is not very consistent with her.

Fortunately, Su Ming’s psychological quality is strong enough, and Qin Shiyin is already familiar enough. It is probably clear that this is a certain subtle change in Qin Shiyin. It takes too long to stay with Su Ming. It is.

Su Ming thought about it. In the past few days, because there were too many things, it was not the matter or the thing, and I went abroad for a while. It did not go to Qin Shiyin for a few days.

It is estimated that Qin Shiyin has some resentment and it is normal, so Su Ming said: “I am at home, I will pass.”

At the home of Qin Shiyin, Su Ming bought some ingredients in the past, but after that, Su Ming discovered that she had been working together for a long time. At the home of Qin Shiyin, there were many fresh ingredients. It is estimated that this was prepared by Qin Shiyin.

Su Ming is also welcome, which gives him a good opportunity to show his talents. He has a whole table of dishes. Two people can’t eat it, but Qin Shiyin is happy.

When I was eating, I could see that Qin Shiyin was not really good at eating these two days. I was very attentive and didn’t talk to Su Ming at all.

Su Ming doesn’t matter as long as Qin Shiyin is very happy to eat, and his heart is more fulfilling.

Halfway through, Qin Shiyin said, “Yes, Su Ming, don’t you know Antique? Go find a time tomorrow and go with me to an auction.”

After hearing this, Su Ming had some accidents. Qin Shiyin knew that he knew Antique. Su Ming didn’t feel too surprised. After all, they have been together for a long time and they know each other very well.

What surprised Su Ming was that Qin Shiyin was interested in these things, and she should have no interest in these things.

Look at the furnishings in the Qin Shiyin villa. Basically, there are some modern crafts and murals. There are no Antiques at all. This fully shows that Qin Shiyin is actually not interested at all. .

Su Ming asked: “Would you like to go to the auction to buy Antique?”

“There is a partner. I am currently talking to them. He likes Antique, so I thought about whether I can buy something good at the auction and let him go smoothly,” Qin Shiyin said directly.


Frankly speaking, after Su Ming heard it, he was still speechless. He said that this is too direct. I didn’t expect Qin Shiyin to be so realistic.

But thinking about it in China, these are very normal things, and you can’t avoid it, Qin Shiyin is also for his own business.

Since we can do this, it shows that if the business is negotiated, the benefits are quite large, otherwise it will not buy the expensive things of Antique.

These Su Ming can’t say anything, just by Qin Shiyin. For Su Ming, these things in the world are no longer able to make him feel.

Just listen to Su Ming and say: “When is the auction, will you not go to work tomorrow?”

“According to the news I got, the auction is tomorrow afternoon, I will go to the company tomorrow morning, then come back in the afternoon, and I will find you at that time.” Qin Shiyin seems to have already planned for himself in his heart.

Su Ming was speechless after hearing it. He said that this woman is too embarrassed to herself. If something happens, she will let herself rest for a day. I didn’t expect to go to the company. I really don’t know what to say.

“Yes, then you will call me tomorrow.” Su Ming said.

In the afternoon of the next day, about two o’clock, Su Ming came to Qin Shiyin here, and Qin Shiyin drove the car and went to the Antique market.

For this, Su Ming can be said to be quite familiar. After all, there have been few previous visits. The relationship with Master Huang of Jubao House is quite good.

The Antique market is equivalent to a market. When people come and go, the car naturally has no way to drive in. Qin Shiyin has recently found a place to park the car, and the two walked in together.

Just after entering it, Su Ming saw it here, gathered a bunch of people, and didn’t know what to do.

Su Ming was curious and said that it was a good thing to appear, so he said to Qin Shiyin: “Let’s go, let’s take a look.”

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