Zeng Tianqi, who was already rolling sheets with Little Celebrity in the luxury hotel Appartment/Suite, after receiving a call from Su Ming, the whole person fell into the hail, and it was cool from the head to the foot.

“How did this ancestor call?”

Su Ming’s voice Although Zeng Tianqi only heard once, but it is unforgettable for a lifetime, Zeng Tianqi’s impression of Su Ming in his mind is indelible.

The key is that he hasn’t said a word yet. Su Ming hangs up the phone. The whole Zeng Tianqi is called a squad, and he doesn’t know what is going on.

“What’s wrong with you, dear, people still have to.”

The Little Celebrity lying on the bed sexy was originally cool. As a result, Zeng Tianqi took the call and it was like the soul was taken away. It didn’t move for a long time, so the female Celebrity couldn’t stand it anymore, so she said.

The woman who said that the nakedness is said to be so, the attraction of men can be imagined, but the distracted Zeng Tianqi is impatient to say: “Get out of me, hurry, I have something.”

“Ah?” Little Celebrity stunned the whole person. If something happened, half of it would make people get out. Nothing.

Zeng Tianqi continued impatiently and said: “Do you understand what I said? Get out of the way!”

Little Celebrity was frightened by the angry Zeng Tianqi. She even ran out of Appartment/Suite, and Zeng Tianqi quickly put on her clothes. If I remember correctly, Su Ming gave him half an hour. .

“Help me check out where Tianlei is, hurry up!” Zeng Tianqi put on his clothes and immediately instructed.

Just a few words Su Ming said on the phone, Zeng Tianqi remembers very clearly, Su Ming said that he is with his nephew, Zeng Tianqi can not call to ask the location, can only check.

The efficiency of his work can be described quickly, and he rushed to say: “Zeng Zong, Young Master, he is opening a party tonight, inviting many business world celebrities in Ningcheng City.”

“It’s over!”

Zeng Tianqi heard this, and suddenly had a bad feeling in front of a black heart, and quickly got up and said: “Hurry and drive me.”

Sitting in the luxurious sedan, Zeng Tianqi is extremely heavy, almost praying with God for countless times, and his arrogant scorpion must not get Su Ming that ancestor.

“Don’t wait, just smash the red light, how fast can you drive fast.” A ninety second red light made Zeng Tianqi completely lose patience and said directly to his men, knowing that Su Ming only gave him half a Hours of time.

Zeng Tianqi was not so anxious when he talked about several hundred million businesses.

At the banquet scene at this time, Su Ming has completely become the focus of the audience, especially after he finished the call.

People who have items/weapons have this advantage, no matter how low-key you are, they will always be eye-catching.

“This phone call is too fake, just say a few words loudly, who knows that he hit it.”

“It’s obvious that I didn’t fight. I used to have such an influential figure. How could this kid have his private past?”

“But this kid can really be items/weapons, so many people look at it, even if they can still change their color, it is really admirable.”

“The items/weapons do have a set, but they are over-the-top. Even if there is a total phone call, how can he let him roll over? I am afraid that no one in Ningcheng City can say that.”

At the banquet scene, everyone talked about it for a while. Everyone has forgotten that they are doing it, and they have paid attention to Su Ming’s items/weapons.

Zeng Tianlai’s face showed a mocking smile and said with great interest: “If this is the case, I will give you half an hour. I will look at what you should do after half an hour. ”

Zeng Tianlai has already put a look at the posture that Su Ming items/weapons have been pierced. It is not half an hour, he can afford it.

Then look at Su Ming, Su Ming, who reasoned to force the items/weapons, should be nervous, but at this time, there is no tension on Su Ming’s face. Instead, it is very calm and eats on the plate. .

How strange this picture looks, even Qin Shiyin is speechless, I don’t know what Su Ming is doing.

“It was always good”

After half an hour’s effort, Zeng Tianqi hurriedly rushed to the banquet scene with his men. I don’t know who first saw Zeng Tianqi and immediately shouted reverently.

The results directly reminded everyone that everyone saw Zeng Tianqi really come, and suddenly it was a shock, this season did not dare to edit this, and even some people still dare not blink.

“Su…Mr. Su!”

Zeng Tianqi didn’t pay attention to other people when he came in. He immediately found Su Ming and then shouted in front of Su Ming.

This scene is to make everyone dumbfounded, diignified assets of hundreds of billions, the eye-catching big rich & powerful, even respected how to see is a hanging Su Ming respect.

If you are not mistaken, when Zeng Tianqi greeted Su Ming, it was a low-pitched gesture.

Zeng Tianqi couldn’t stand up in front of Su Ming, because Su Ming was the one who could control his Life and Death. The richer the more people, the more afraid he would die. He didn’t dare to offend Zeng Tianqi’s one hundred courage. .

When all the people were shocked, the expression on Su Ming’s face was normal. Zeng Tianqi arrived at him on time and was not surprised. He slowly said: “Do you know why I called you over?”

Zeng Tianqi shook the head, from the expression on the face can be seen, he is very embarrassed at this time, for fear that his nephew provoked Su Ming.

As a result, Su Ming pointed directly to Zeng Tianlai, who said: “You, this nephew, just said that you Hongkong Zeng Family wants to kill me, I want to ask if this is true?”

Sure enough, what one fears is what comes to pass, Zeng Tianqi almost didn’t faint directly. Just thinking about it all the way, the most worrying thing happened.

The person who did not dare to offend himself was killed by his own nephew, and he still had to kill others. Zeng Tianqi was cold at the back and almost mad.


I saw an angry Zeng Tianqi rushing up, immediately gave Zeng Tianlai a slap, Zeng Tianlai’s already red face, and immediately added a slap print.

“Da, what are you doing with me?” Zeng Tianlai was so aggressive at this time that he had been beaten before he could figure out what was going on.

“You guys who are daring, who told you to provoke Mr. Su?”

Zeng Tianqi At this time, a pair of hate iron is not a steel tone, shouting loudly: “What are you doing? Don’t hurry to apologize to Mr. Su!”

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