“Your Martial Uncle, where is it, how long will it take?” Su Ming said a little impatiently.

Of course, this impatience in the tone, more actually disguised, he can not really be impatient because of this small thing.

But after disguising it, let this guy feel that he has no brains and that his emotions are not under control.

The guy in the animal skin is also a bit flustered. He is afraid that Su Ming will be impatient for a while. He will give him up when he comes up. I am afraid that he will not wait for his Martial Uncle.

So this guy quickly said, “My Martial Uncle should be not far away. He splits up with me and is hunting some Spirit Beast.”

“After receiving the news of my jade tube, he should be able to come over soon.” The guy came up and said something.

Su Ming has a lot of thoughts in his heart. If you come soon, I am afraid that he will not come, or wait for a few days to come. Su Ming may not have to spend many of his time here.

I heard that I will be there soon, Su Ming is not very anxious, but still waiting quietly, it should not be too long.

If you can’t wait, just give this guy directly, and then go away, this guy should be anxious than himself.

“Jer, what’s wrong with you, shouting me over so urgently.”

After waiting for about two hours, Su Ming was a little sleepy. At this time, a sudden sound came from midair, and Su Ming knew very well that this should be a person.

Looking up, it is true that a person is drifting down, looks like the dress of this animal skin youth, wearing a animal skin.

It seems that these people in the Valley of the Beasts are all in such a style. I don’t know if the women there are wearing them, and Su Ming can’t help but have some curiosity.

This guy is obviously bigger and bigger, but when he floats down, it gives people a feeling of lightness. This is a detail. It can be seen that his control of Vigor is actually quite ok.

Obviously the strength of Heavenly Tribulation Realm, Su Ming immediately opened Quinn’s Ability, probably looked at it and found this guy, 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

Realm is higher than Su Ming’s Realm, but it is not much higher. Everything is under Su Ming’s control. Realm Su Ming is more like it.

Because Su Ming can play it, and suck it up, the help is relatively large, and you can quickly upgrade Realm.

The guy in the animal skin, after seeing his Martial Uncle came, the whole person’s eyes burst into glory, just like the one just before, as if he had changed someone.

Just now, next to Su Ming, I can say that the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. I am afraid that after accidentally offending Su Ming, he may not wait for his Martial Uncle to come, and he will be gone.

Now that the person has arrived, he has nothing to fear. He ran over and he knew he was safe.

“Martial Uncle, I moved the person’s Spirit Beast without knowing it. He wants to kill me. I almost died in his hand.” The guy in the animal skin kept talking.

Look at him like this, quite aggrieved, almost cried out.

Su Ming heard this, then there is no good curl one’s lip, my heart said that I really want to kill you directly, I am afraid that you can not support the present.

However, he is not the focus of his own. The main event is the Martial Uncle, 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm next to him, which is more in line with Su Ming’s appetite.

After listening to Martial Nephew’s words, the Martial Uncle immediately showed a suspicious expression, and some looked at Su Ming with disbelief.

Then he said: “Can you beat this kid?”

The strength of his Martial Nephew, he is probably still very clear, the Latitude Latitude Stage, and there is a certain amount of time in this Realm.

It can be said that the following people of Heavenly Tribulation Realm, he does not care too much, but can not beat this young boy, can not be this kid, what can not be small heads?

Or, his current strength is already above Heavenly Tribulation Realm, but it is a little unbelievable when he is younger than Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

The guy in the animal skin, listening to his own Martial Uncle, feels a little shameful, it seems that he can not beat this kid, what is impossible to understand.

So he quickly explained to himself: “Martial Uncle, you don’t underestimate him, people can’t be seen, he should be Heavenly Tribulation Realm, very difficult to deal with.”

Su Ming wants to go up and smoke these two people with a big mouth, too much nonsense, what is not a person to look at, I am so handsome and so handsome, still can not look good?

This time, this Martial Uncle of the Valley of the Beasts is not too afraid to Xiao Ming, and his Martial Nephew should not be fooling him. This way, it means that this kid in front of me is a bit stuffy. .

“Hmph, but just grab a Spirit Beast, and dare to threaten your life. I think he is impatient with life, even the people of our Beast Valley dare to move.”

However, this Martial Uncle does not take Su Ming as one thing. What about Heavenly Tribulation Realm, this age can’t be too strong, unless it is the kind of genius in several ancient sects, such as Qiansheng Shrine’s Murong Qianye .

But the peerless genius will not appear here, so there is nothing to worry about, he is 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, how could not be the opponent of this guy.

Su Ming’s brows wrinkled directly. The quality of this guy seems to be a bit poor, and it is very arrogant.

Listening to his words, people in the Valley of the Beasts can bully others, but others can’t bully them. What is this shit, Su Ming feels incomprehensible.

It was almost the same as the kid in the animal skin, and it was very arrogant when it started.

At this time, Su Ming knows his strength, so he has a bottom in his heart and understands that he can deal with him. As for the guy in the animal skin, he can completely ignore it.


However, Su Ming hasn’t moved yet, and the Martial Uncle has moved first. It is all of a sudden, and it is taken directly to Su Ming.

Su Ming, on the other hand, responded subconsciously to him, and the two men hit a palm, not at all what a big spark.

Su Ming can feel that there is no power in the palm of the hand, and the impact produced is limited, mainly because there are more components to be tested.

After a hit, his purpose was reached, because it can be seen that Real Ming is what Su Ming is. This is a bad thing, this guy is scared.

It turned out to be 4th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm. So young, even 4th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm, people can’t believe it.

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