“Give me this collar and hurry up!”

Su Ming came straight to the forcibly opening.

If you are not thinking about this guy. Another function is that the collar can be opened, and it is estimated that Su Ming will reach out and kill him.

But that collar Su Ming couldn’t open it, and it was always worn on the big vulture. It would be very unpleasant, just like a person’s neck was pulled by a thing, it would be very uncomfortable.

And who knows if the time is long, will there be any side effects, in order to think about the big vulture, you must open the collar to open, this guy in front of you, can certainly do it.

“I opened the collar, can you let me go?” The man in the animal skin, after Su Ming let go, also licked his neck.

At that moment, he really felt like he was almost dead. At this point, he could say that the whole person was still undecided.

However, he quickly responded and began to seize every opportunity to save his life. Now he does not want to accept anything to conquer the vulture, as long as he can save his life.

Su Ming’s brow wrinkled. This guy actually dared to bargain with him at this time. What Su Ming hated most was the bargaining person.

So Su Ming said: “Do you think there is a chance to bargain at this time, give me a little faster!”

There is a kind of majesty in the tone, so that the guy in the animal skin does not dare to speak.

At this time, I still take a step and look at it. I was told by the sentence just now. At this time, he really didn’t dare to bargain. I don’t know why. Anyway, he always feels this young guy in front of him. Kill him, don’t talk about anything.

The guy in the animal skin, very obedient, he went up and pulled out a small fine needle that looked like silver, went up into the collar, and twisted the injury twice.

Then I heard the “ka-cha” and the collar was directly unlocked.

Su Ming couldn’t help but feel a big surprise. The heart said that it was too boring. I thought it was a high-spirited thing. I thought that two incandations would be opened. Who knows how to get it for a long time, just like unlocking.

After the collar was taken off, it was estimated that the big vulture did not have the feeling of restraint. It was very comfortable and called twice.

The man in the animal skin, after finishing this, he began to get nervous, because he knew that his Destiny had already been ruined.

Just listen to him and say: “Buddy, this is just a misunderstanding. I can apologize to you. I hope that is the case, we can make a friend.”


In Su Ming’s heart, I couldn’t help but laughed twice. This guy seems to be quite clever. At the very least, in this case, not at all continues to be hard.

But Su Ming would be blame if he could believe him. When he didn’t know Su Ming’s strength at first, he didn’t say that.

To put it bluntly, if Su Ming has absolute strength to be shocked here, it is estimated that the person of bad luck is Su Ming himself. For example, Su Ming can’t beat him. Today, the vulture may survive.

Because this person wants to collect big vultures as his own pets, but humans can’t conquer them, so Su Ming will die.

It’s good to listen to these words, there is no need to really believe, because everyone is playing on the spot.

Su Ming really didn’t want to let go of this person. Before the big vulture almost broke in his hands, Su Ming as a Master, he had to take revenge.

Say something to make this guy pay a price, so Su Ming said: “Let me let go of you, do you think it is possible?”

The guy in the animal skin, his face suddenly changed, and Su Ming was so bad to talk, it really made him a little completely unprepared.

So this guy, when he came up, said: “hmph, I tell you, if you kill me, you will be killed by the people of my Sect, you can try it if you don’t believe it.”

“If you let me go, we will write off this matter, but if you insist on killing me, you will eventually die. This sale should not be for you?” This guy threatened.

Su Ming’s heart was a little bit strange. He mentioned sect in his mouth. It’s hard to be this guy. He is also an ancient sect person in Guwu World. He just looks at his dress and gives people the feeling. Not very much like it.

Su Ming intends not to move him for the time being. Let me ask this question clearly. He will have to look at this guy in front of him. What is it?

Su Ming then deliberately revealed a very disdainful expression, and said, “What sect, I don’t believe it can be better than me, don’t scare me.”

“You don’t even know sect, don’t tell me that you haven’t been to Guwu World. Haven’t you heard of ancient sect?” said the guy.

Obviously, he does not think that Su Ming is a secular person. He must have come from Guwu World. This environment in the secular world cannot support a person and cultivate into this Realm.

Su Ming realized that he had just installed the items/weapons, so Su Ming said: “ancient sect is naturally heard.”

“But like Tiansheng Shrine and Yin Soul Sect, I have never seen anyone dressed like you.” Su Ming only knows these two ancient sects.

The guy in the animal skin, with a disdainful color, said: “Then you are so ignorant, even the ancient sect does not know.”

“The Beast Valley?”

Su Ming stunned, the first time I heard this strange noun, it is estimated to be a brand new ancient sect, Su Ming is also very clear, the ancient sect in Guwu World, not only those two, others Su Ming has not been exposed.

I carefully looked at the guy in front of me and found that when he talked about this, his face was confident and Su Ming could be sure that he was not bragging.

Basically, the people of ancient sect are all tuned. It feels like being a member of the ancient sect. It is a very proud thing, so when you say it, you are all very arrogant, especially these. Disciple.

And look at this dress on his body, the clothes are indeed made of animal skin, so if you come, it is estimated that he is really the man of the Valley of the Beast.

This is something that Su Ming didn’t think of before. Basically, in the world, it is not easy to encounter Ancient Warrior.

Not to mention the people who have encountered an ancient sect, this is rare.

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