“I don’t know what kind of water you just had, what the hell is going on, it should be very magical, not like a lie.”

At this time, Yu Xiaoyun said: “If you can, I hope you can give me a bowl. How much can I do? I will go back and give my son a drink and let him try it.”

“If it works, I will continue to thank you.” Yu Xiaoyun’s voice sounded a little cautiously, obviously it was afraid that Su Ming was angry.

Su Ming listened to this and understood what she meant. In short, it was a sentence. Money is not a problem. If she can give her a bowl of water, how much money she can do, she is not short of money.

It can be seen from here that it is really helpless to have a sick person at home or around, because the disease is really too terrifying.

Even such rich people have encountered such things and are very helpless, not to mention those ordinary people. It is not easy for everyone.

In this kind of thing, what can Su Ming say? At this time, in front of Su Ming, Yu Xiaoyun is not a Boss. She is an ordinary mother. This kind of request, Su Ming has no reason. Do not agree.

In the case of Heal Pediatric Fcuk/idiot, there is certainly not much problem with this. This Su Ming is also clear that this stuff can cure cancer even more, not to mention polio.

Since I have encountered it, and Yu Xiaoyun is indeed a good person, I have been doing good things, so that Su Ming still appreciates her very much, naturally it can help.

So Su Ming said: “don’t say this, since it has been met today, it means that we both have a fate, this water can be given to you for free.”

“But you have to drink it on the spot. The effect is better. Where is your son? Let me have a look.” Su Ming said this time.

Yu Xiaoyun listened to Su Ming and promised that the whole person was happy. The eyes had the kind of joy that could not be stopped. Just listened to Xiaoyun’s opening and said, “That’s really thank you.”

“You can’t bother you to run a trip. I will go back and bring him over. You are here waiting for me for a while, many thanks.”

After Yu Xiaoyun finished speaking, he immediately ran back and looked at it like this. He should go where to pick up his son.

The impression that this woman gives is indeed quite good. For example, on this matter, I personally passed it and did not want Su Ming to be in trouble.

This makes Su Ming’s impression of her really better. This woman looks quite cultivated and very kind.

So Su Ming and her only met, but still can’t help it, want to help her, everyone is born and human, or kind and good.

About half an hour or so, Yu Xiaoyun brought a child to come over and hugged it along the way, looking like fishing for breath.

“Sir, this is my son.”

After Yu Xiaoyun came over, he immediately said to Su Ming, and patiently said to the child in her arms: “Noisy, call Uncle.”


The child can really call people, but at this age, when he opens his mouth, it is obviously more laborious than other children.

And this expression on the face has always been distorted, especially when a mouth is always squatting. Just look at it and you know that this child has a problem.

The key polio is not a problem with Intelligence. In general, polio, Intelligence is normal, and there are even some polio, which can be admitted to a prestigious university.

After the news, the blow to everyone is very big. Many people feel that they are not as good as polio patients.

In fact, this is a wrong idea. There is not much problem with Intelligence in others, but it is not convenient for action.

For example, looking at his fingers can look at it, like the chicken feet, twisted together, watching the thief awkward.

It is very difficult to estimate what you want to do. Even when he walks, he is also limping. It is not so good to be able to stand still at this age.

Looking very poor, such a small grade of child, actually encountered this kind of thing, can not enjoy the fun of childhood like a normal child.

Even more tragic is that after growing up, entering the World of adults, his situation will be even more difficult, and parents can’t really raise him for a lifetime.

The key thing, you can’t cure it at all, you can only do some rehabilitative things, such as muscle massage, so that you have a certain degree of mobility.

But I really want to recover completely, that is unlikely, and I met Su Ming today.

For Su Ming, this is nothing at all, but it is the power of some stars, which is not worth the money for Su Ming.

So Su Ming said directly: “be at ease/reassured, give it to me, then give me a bowl of water, the water can be less.”

Su Ming took into account that at such a young age, if you get a big bowl of water, I am afraid I can’t drink it.

After hearing this sentence on Yu Xiaoyun, I can say that the action is very fast. I quickly went to action and took a bowl of water.

Su Ming glanced at it and found that there was still a lot of water in this bowl. It is estimated that after Xiaoyun was afraid of less water, the effect was not enough, so it would be done, such a small detail, Su Ming Did not continue to say her.

After taking the bowl of water, Su Ming began to add the power of the stars directly to it. This time Su Ming added more, but the effect is not enough.

After a while, Su Ming said, “Okay, feed him to drink.”

Yu Xiaoyun quickly picked up the water and said: “Noisy, mother told you to drink this bowl of water, and then you can play with other children.”

Under the patience of Xiaoyun, this little child, still quite fit, gu lu gu lu, then drunk a bowl of water, the small belly is bulging.

After Yu Xiaoyun finished feeding, he looked at Su Ming. Obviously, this is to ask Su Ming, what should I do next.

Su Ming said: “You don’t worry, now the effect is not so fast, wait a few minutes and see.”

After the words were finished, it was only a few minutes, and it was directly effective. The child’s mouth was restored to normal, and the hand with the chicken claws gradually spread out.

Seeing this situation, Yu Xiaoyun really couldn’t help it. She knew very well in her own heart. This is already effective.


The child shouted, and the sound didn’t sound so awkward. When I heard this, Yu Xiaoyun couldn’t help it anymore, and tears burst out.

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