Su Ming can see that this woman’s eyes are indeed very embarrassing. Even after Su Ming glanced at her, she was even more embarrassed.

Of course, Su Ming is also well-informed, and certainly knows what is going on, just because of the things just happened.

She was originally coming up, and she planned to help Su Ming out of her heart. Who knows that after half a day, she found that Su Ming didn’t need her help.

It seems that I am a little idle, so this is a very embarrassing thing.

For a moment, I was a bit silent. Su Ming broke the silence and only listened to Su Ming. “You just thanked you for speaking. Except you, no one wants to help me.”

In a word many thanks to this woman, but also gave her a big face, after which Su Ming said: “Right, but I am still very strange, why do you bring someone to help me, we seem to…”

I wanted to say later, we didn’t seem to know it, but after saying a few words, Su Ming didn’t continue to talk about it, because when it comes to it, it will definitely understand what is going on.

This elegant woman smiled and said: “We don’t know.”

“I am here to help you, because I can’t understand them to lie,” said the elegant woman.

After this was said, Su Ming looked at her eyes and it changed a little. Then Su Ming said, “Do you know this is a scam?”

“I am also on this street, opening a Chinese medicine shop. After this thing came out, I felt that it was not possible, so I found someone to buy a cup and go back to check it. It turned out that this was a scam, and an analgesic was mixed in the glucose. And already.”

Listening to her saying this, Su Ming immediately understood that the woman was opening a Chinese medicine shop, and also on this street, no wonder she just felt that she had a faintly discernible smell.

This smell is not very obvious. The average person can’t actually find it, because this is the taste of Chinese medicine, only the people who are in constant contact know.

And she is on this street, she must know that this thing will come out, she will know.

However, in Su Ming’s mind, there is something a little uncomfortable. I said that you have already discovered it but didn’t stop it. After I got on, you came to help me. Isn’t that taking me as a gun?

No one wants to be used, especially for people like Su Ming, which may be her partner as a competitor, and the business of the popular people is hot.

So this discovery made Su Ming particularly uncomfortable. Su Ming said directly: “Since you have already discovered it, why not stop it, take me as a gun?”

This elegant woman, obviously, immediately felt the change in Su Ming’s tone, so she said, “It’s not what you think.”

“Because we are on a street, if I go directly to stop it, it would be equivalent to a good business. I will leave a bad reputation for doing business in the future. After all, it is this street.”

The elegant woman continued: “I am also thinking of a way. It was originally an alarm, but it didn’t work. I found out that you came here to make trouble, and it also played a role.”

“Looking at this scam was directly exposed, I thought you were going to be beaten, and brought someone to help you, and by the way, unveiled the scam.”

It’s quite reasonable to say something, but unfortunately, Su Ming not at all believes completely. In this society, there are too many smart people in the society, and no one can believe it casually.

Su Ming deliberately said through her words: “Are you not licking his business, a cup of 10,000 yuan, and that many people to buy, it is estimated that a street to do business, anyone will be embarrassed.”

“Their shop, the previous business was very deserted, and I couldn’t compare it with my shop. Even if he swindled money, it couldn’t be used with my shop. I just didn’t get used to the method of cheating patients. It’s too short.”

The woman said a few words, but she said: “Forget it, don’t believe you, I am different from what you think. If you don’t believe it, you can go to my store and look at it.”

“Okay, then I will look at you with you.”

Su Ming was very boring at this time. Anyway, Luo Xiaoxiao couldn’t finish it for a while, and Luo Xiaoxiao, who was busy working on the case, was completely a Studio madman. Su Ming estimated that there were not many opportunities to talk to her.

Anyway, this time is rather boring, it would be better to go see this woman and see what her shop looks like.

The elegant woman, obviously also stunned, it is estimated that she did not expect, Su Ming actually promised, this kid really does not follow the routine.

Generally, if a person who lie has encountered this kind of situation, I am afraid that it is not very easy to deal with, but fortunately she is not lying, so she said directly: “Well, you come with me, just in front, It will be a few minutes.”

Su Ming took a look at Luo Xiaoxiao and was still alive. He had already searched for things, so Su Ming did not tell Luo Xiaoxiao, and went straight to the woman.

Ju Rentang

After coming over, Su Ming saw the medicinal ingredient store. It seems that the store is very old and should be the biggest one.

When I came over, Su Ming had already noticed the store, but he did not think that this store was the woman. It seems that she had misunderstood her.

This shop looks like a small scale. After entering it, I found that everything is in order. Different people are doing different things. The division of labor is very clear.

There are many people in the store who are buying medicines. There are trucks at the door. They should come over to wholesale medicinal ingredient. There are also several old Chinese medicine practitioners, who are sitting there to diagnose.

Not to mention the people who are here, there are quite a lot of looks, even queued, indicating that the reputation here is good.

It is not speculation. It should be a long-term accumulation of word of mouth, because if it is speculation, it will not last long.

For example, the deceitful life holy water next to it, don’t look very hot now, in fact, after a long time, it will be exposed, this is a very normal thing.

And this Chinese medicine shop seems to be really not simple, it is estimated that there are still two, it is estimated that this woman, really did not lie to herself.

Su Ming gave a glance, and said: “It seems that I just misunderstood you, your shop, it looks really difficult to deal with.”

In a situation where everyone is doing a business in a street, it is better to do business, and even to say that it is the best. It is still very powerful to prove this woman.

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