Su Mu had just been stunned for a long time. In fact, it was to condense the Dark Sphere. Now it is a success. Su Mu has nothing to hesitate. It is a series of Dark Spheres.

Golden God’s pupil jerked a bit and spoke to Su Ming for a long time. He reacted. This kid was originally trying to surprise him with a sneak attack.

The distance between the two people is a bit more, plus the speed of the Dark Sphere, it is too fast, and it is almost impossible to hide.

Golden God’s combat experience is still very rich, he realized this in an instant, immediately lifted his hand and directly forcibly blocked seven Dark Sphere.

Su Ming is very much looking forward to it. The faint excitement in his eyes has spread. To tell the truth, Su Ming is also looking forward to it.

After the Level Sphere of the Dark Sphere, what kind of formidable power is still worth looking forward to.

“pu, 噗”

Every Dark Sphere is on the body of Golden God, and the body of this guy will always take a step back unconsciously.

Finally, all seven Dark Spheres were smashed out. Golden God was not very good. The gold armor on his body was rotted and looked very embarrassing.

Su Ming The whole person is relatively speechless at this time. He said that there is still such a thing. He has been working for a long time, but he just smashed his gold armor.

There was some disappointment in my heart. I didn’t expect this to go out. Not at all, how about him? I thought I had eaten seven Dark Spheres hard and I was hurt.

For the Dark Sphere’s formidable power Su Ming is still quite confident, not at all suspect, there is only one possibility, it is estimated that this guy’s gold armor is a good thing.

Even more powerful than those defensive magic weapons, hard against the Dark Sphere, although it has been smashed, not much effect, but this is already very great.

For Su Ming, it’s not a good thing. If you can beat this armor, then the next battle will be easier for Su Ming.

This is also a no-brainer. The guy’s armor is worn on his body, and Su Ming can’t really run up and smash his armor.

That is to say, he has this armor, and Su Ming will have to break the armor first, even if it is played for a while, which is equivalent to giving it up in advance.

Su Ming still feels a little comfort to himself.

On the other hand, there is Golden God. The whole person is not very good. The gold armor on his body is not only used to meet his name but also for items/weapons. It is indeed a good thing.

Up to now, he has been wearing this armor and fighting, and he has not lost at all. No one can smash his armor. As a result, this kid has done it, and Golden God can’t believe it.

As a result, he was very angry. He felt that the whole person today, like a big loss, couldn’t bear it. He went up to a huge fist and slammed into Su Ming’s face.

Su Ming has already prepared for the battle, and will not give him any chance to succeed. He also took out his own Blade of the Ruined King and sent you to me.

After playing for a while, Su Ming also felt that this guy is really strong, and Heavenly Tribulation Realm 5th Layer is not blown out after all.

And there is a key point, this guy’s fleshy body seems to be extremely tough, even the average Ancient Warrior can not match him.

The Blade of the Ruined King is sharp enough, and cutting the iron is the most basic thing, not to mention the Vigor of Su Ming, which is imaginable.

However, this guy actually used his fist to resist Su Ming’s Blade of the Ruined King. The key point is that he still has nothing at all, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

In this case, it means that Su Ming must use his own Ability. If you don’t use the Ability, you might not be able to beat this guy.

So Su Ming said nothing, Kenan Ultimate directly shot, this is Su Ming’s favorite Ability so far.

Not only can you hit a high amount of damage, but you can also temporarily trap people for a while. If it is a bunch of people, it will be even more exciting.

Sure enough, this Golden God, yet to figure out what is going on, began to accept the crazy baptism of lightning, it seems that it should not be very good.

Su Ming took advantage of this time to ban him, and quickly brewed another Ultimate, which is the Explorer EZ Ultimate.

At the end of Kainan’s Ultimate, the end of the moment, Trueshot Barrage ran through his body and there was no room for reaction.

Then there is nothing and then.

Golden God’s tough body can’t stop the two Ultimate attacks in turn, completely eliminating the possibility of fighting.

Half a squat on the ground, the corner of the mouth has begun to ooze out to the outside, and the mouth is still breathing heavily, will know when you see it, he is a sign of injury.

“You… what tricks are you using?”

In the eyes of Golden God, it was a horror, and it was obvious that he was puzzled.

Just now with Su Mu, it seems that two people still have difficulty playing hard. How can this be a while? After the two strange tricks of this kid are made out, he has nothing left.

In fact, on the West side, although there is Ancient Warrior, Su Ming is not worried about them at all. The reason is very simple. Although these people have certain Realm strength.

However, they generally lack the tricks and magic weapons. These are very important in the battle. Otherwise, it is useless to rely on Vigor to fight. The means is too simple. It is of no use.

Seeing this Golden God is not going to work, Su Ming didn’t have any interest in nonsense, just went straight to open Trundle Ultimate, and then sucked the whole person.

Speaking of which Golden God, under Su Ming’s hands, there is nothing terrible fighting power.

It can be said that with no difficulty, this guy was defeated by Su Ming.

The reason for this is because Su Ming’s strength has indeed improved. On the other hand, the Golden God’s combat power is really not so terrible. In Su Ming’s eyes, it feels very general.

Compared with the stronger China 5th Layer Heavenly Tribulation Realm he had encountered before, the gap is still a bit big.

After Su Ming finished washing, he directly knocked out the Golden God.

The supremacy of Europe, Golden God is killed by Su Ming!

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