When it comes to this, Su Ming naturally understands, and he can hesitate and directly throw Xia Qingchan.

Xia Qingchan Don’t look at the age of Su Ming, it looks mature, but in fact, she can be said to be zero-experienced in this respect.

But fortunately, Su Ming has barely been counted as a half Old Driver. Under the leadership of Su Ming, Xia Qingchan has entered the normal status.

There was some pain at first, but then I gradually became happy and enjoyed the process.

Su Ming knows that Xia Qingchan is the first time, so I didn’t make it too embarrassing, lest Xia Qingchan’s body can’t stand it. The first time, because of the pain, the time it can bear is not too long.

This is so, two people have also spent a lot of time, for more than an hour there is.

Huahua in the nearby room, she should have fallen asleep at this time, but today she is not at all sleeping.

Because the sound insulation effect of the room is not very good, the sound inside, it is inevitable that there will be some next door to hear, Huahua can be said to be clear, can not sleep.

Fortunately, Huahua’s age, she is in Weird, is also unlikely to understand these things.

Huahua, who was lying in bed and holding her own ear, couldn’t help but sighed, and said in an adult’s voice: “There are people who are so big, how can they be so unintentional?”

After waking up the next morning, Su Ming used her power of the stars to help Xia Qingchan adjust her body.

After the first time of the average woman, the next day, it will definitely be uncomfortable to get up, even if it can be installed again, it will be seen.

But fortunately, after the power of the stars, this is not a problem. Xia Qingchan’s body is no different from usual, and there is no such discomfort when walking.

Only the face looks more radiant, this is the beauty of a real woman.

After eating breakfast, Su Ming and they went back to Ningcheng. Su Ming didn’t matter, but like Xia Qingchan had to go to Studio, Huahua had to go to school.

Everyone is serious, and naturally can’t stay at home.

After returning to Ningcheng, Su Ming has not returned to her home. She is under the building and saw two foreigners in suits.

It’s a bit strange. It’s not surprising to see foreigners this year, but it’s usually on the street. In this neighborhood of Su Ming’s Family, most of the residents are workers. It seems that no one can relate to foreigners.

Not to mention the two foreigners, it seems to be more formal, while the suits and shoes are tall and straight, much like the foreign male model in fashion magazines.

At the same time there is a black Bentley sedan, which should be the two foreigners, such a high-end car, in this dilapidated community, it is particularly eye-catching.

“Hi, Mr. Ming, hello!”

Su Ming looked up and went upstairs. Who knows these two foreigners stopped Su Ming when they came up, one of them said.

It turned out to be a fluent Chinese, which made people feel very confused. Su Ming did not expect these two foreigners to come to themselves.

Fortunately, Su Ming can feel that these two people seem to be not at all hostile when facing themselves, so Su Ming stopped and said, “Do you know me?”

“Mr. Su Ming, we are the people of Benjamin Family.”

Once heard by Benjamin Family, Su Ming immediately understood that this is his own person, no wonder there is no hostility.

The expression on Su Ming’s face looked softer. Just listen to Su Ming and say, “Your Young Master Benjamin, should he let you come to me?”

The faces of the two foreigners didn’t look too good at this time. One of the openings said: “Mr. Su Ming, this time I came to see you, it really has something to do with Benjamin Young Master, Young Master, he was hijacked.”


Su Ming seems a little unbelievable, and his face has a strange color. Benjamin Family, in Europe and America, is a powerful presence.

Basically no one dares to touch, even someone dares to hijack Benjamin? This seems unlikely.

Su Ming asked: “Who is the person who hijacked your Young Master?”

“It’s Europe’s Golden God A Asura!”

When the two foreigners spoke of the name, the apparently flashed expression of the very dignified expression seemed to be the same as God.

“It’s the guy again.”

For the name Golden God, Su Ming is no stranger to it, because I have heard it on Long Shen recently.

Long Shen only let himself pay attention to the guy. I didn’t expect this guy to hijack Benjamin. I am afraid it is not that simple.

“Mr. may not know that the MAX Organization, which was defeated by Mr., was under War God. Max was ruined and War God was very upset, so he planned to find the murderer.”

“You are in the distant China, China is a taboo for Europe’s masters, the stronger the person, the more the mysterious master in China.”

“So they hijacked the Young Master and wanted to force you to the past. The Young Master is still not dangerous at the moment, but if the husband does not go, don’t say Young Master, I am afraid that the entire Benjamin Family will also be disappeared.”

Su Ming actually understood this completely. Long Shen had already told him that he had extinguished Max. This Golden God might have trouble finding him.

Who knows that it is so fast, he hasn’t been back from Capital City for two days, and he has acted there, and he can say that it is very fast.

The description of this Golden God, should be the entire Europe, the highest existence, is very powerful.

The Benjamin Family is arrogant, but it is obviously insignificant compared to this powerful force.

The previous MAX Organization could put Benjamin Family on the road, not to mention their master Golden God.

It is estimated that for him, destroying Benjamin Family is nothing more than nothing.

But he is not interested in the ordinary big family of Benjamin Family, not at all. What he wants is to seduce Su Ming through Benjamin.

For a little while, Benjamin shouldn’t be any danger, but if Su Ming doesn’t go there, Benjamin will definitely be gone.

It seems that this time I have to go to the Golden God. With Su Ming’s relationship with Benjamin, I can’t sit back and watch.

And Su Ming really wants to look at this Golden God, what level is it, maybe you can take two breaths and improve your combat effectiveness.

PS: Xia Qingchan has already received, and who else has confiscated, you remind me, I will hurry to write.

(End of this chapter)

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