Su Ming’s reaction, naturally, will not let the middle-aged woman of the wave head, really come across Liu Fang, that is impossible.

Seeing this wavy head middle-aged woman really shot, Su Ming also quickly shot, blocked her one by one, and pushed back.

Su Ming did not give her anyhow, after all is a woman, to say that she went straight to fight her, it is not very good, Su Ming did not hit the woman this hobby, although it is a very unqualified middle-aged woman.

But Su Ming’s strength is still too much, so even if he didn’t use any strength, after the wave middle-aged woman was pushed by him, the whole person was awkward and almost fell.

This wavy middle-aged woman is really strange, pointing directly to Su Ming and saying: “Why do you dare to beat me, do you want to die?”

Su Ming’s brows are slightly wrinkled. The quality of this family is really too bad. Whether it is a speech or something, it can be said that it is arrogant and makes people speechless.

Liu Ning, the son of a middle-aged woman with a wave head, and her husband, when she saw this situation, couldn’t help but immediately rushed up and asked Su Ming to stop.

“Dare to bully my wife, is your kid tired?”

The middle-aged man wearing a big gold necklace bears the brunt, and Liu Ning is behind, two people rushed over, and a pair of Su Ming will be stripped of life.

Su Ming shook the head, the heart secretly cursed Idiot, they do not know what is called powerful.

However, the scene is a part of the rural folks, Su Ming did not do anything too exaggerated, and did not use the power of his own Ancient Warrior.

Just kicked out with a kick, these two guys were kicked out by Su Ming in an instant, and everyone’s combat power was not at all.

“well played!”

“It’s been a long time since I saw this family, what awkwardness.”

“I thought it would be awesome if I had a little money. This kind of person said that it is a bad thing to pack and play well!”


The surrounding folks also cheered up, and it is obvious that everyone is not too cool to see this family.

After Liu Ning and his old man wearing a big gold necklace got up, the two people were a little bit awkward.

The pain in the body tells them that if they really fight, they seem to be not the opponent of Su Ming. This kid seems to have a lot of effort.

They are not stupid. It is impossible to say that Su Ming is so powerful, and it is still stupid to come up. It is impossible to make a decision with Su Mu.

Liu Ning’s guy looked at Su Ming a few times, and even directly taunted: “I said the courage of your kid, it turned out to be a fight, no wonder dare to be so crazy.”

Su Ming feels a little funny in my heart, and I say that this Idiot is not a loss of ambition. Who are we crazy? Isn’t there a point in your own heart?

Then the middle-aged woman in the wavy head spoke up: “Liu Fang is not me saying you, you will not choose the son-in-law.”

“What is the use of finding a light energy fight? Can you fight for food in this year? And now it is a society ruled by law. If you dare to fight outside, you have to be caught directly.”

Su Ming took the family and just had to fight. It was obvious that they first started. Su Ming was only Passive’s defense. As a result, this time was good. He said that the fight was useless.

The face is a good thing, but unfortunately they have not had a family of three.

“We came over this time and didn’t want to make a fuss, so we didn’t give the bodyguards. Otherwise, I won’t kill him. Of course, it is most important to have money in this year.”

The middle-aged woman with a wavy head said, “You can find a rich person for your daughter, and you can live a good life in the future. You can also be at ease/reassured.”

“Looking for this poor ratio, I have to go back and fight with him. It is much harder, which is a parent, and I don’t want my child to live a good life.”

“As long as I followed my son, the Sports Car has everything in the house, so that she can make her live a life too wide.” The middle-aged woman in the wave head seems to be very confident.

Su Ming was despised by people, even being said to be poor, but I don’t know what happened. Su Ming is not angry at all, even a little want to laugh.

I don’t know where they are confident. When they come to Su Ming, they have no interest in money. If Su Ming really wants money, I don’t know how much money.

This wave head middle-aged woman actually despised Su Ming in this respect, and I don’t know where she saw it. Su Ming is like a poor ratio.

Su Ming feels that she can wear and so on today, and it is still a Mercedes-Benz, the last time I dunked on the street.

In the case of a car driving, Su Ming did not intend to buy a new one, and I don’t know what happened. In the eyes of this group of people, it became a poor ratio.

“Mom, isn’t someone still driving Mercedes-Benz? How can you say that people are poor? It is estimated that they are very rich.” Liu Ning spoke at this time.

On the surface, it sounds like Su Ming. In fact, everyone has already heard it. He is ridiculing, and it is still the obvious ridicule.

“Cut, it’s also a good idea to open a few thousand thousand Mercedes-Benz. Those who buy this kind of car are people who have no money and like items/weapons. The Hosekeeper who goes out to buy food is better than this.”

The wavy head woman, like the one with the problem, keeps on the mouth, seems to be very disdainful of Su Ming’s appearance, and it is worthless to give Su Ming something to say.

Listening to her words, I don’t know if Su Ming’s big run is not as good as a bicycle.

“How can this person talk so hard to hear, and make yourself as rich as you can.”

“Yeah, I can’t listen to an outsider.”

“The young man that Qingchan is looking for is not very good. People also take money to invest in our tea.”

“If you don’t have him, how can we have such a good day, this young man is quite good.”

“And can make Guanyin Tea so big, how could it be that there is no money, and it is here.”

“This young man is just not unassuming, they must think that everyone is like them, like to show off wealth and the like.”

“I don’t know too much, I am too lazy to talk to them.”


Was so ridiculed by the middle-aged woman of the wave head, Su Ming did not feel that he had anything, and the neighboring folks did not agree.

One or two have spoken out to help Su Ming, Su Ming, after all, come here to invest, helping everyone to raise their income, and the days are getting better now.

And the construction of Liuxia Village is also better every day. These people are all in the eyes, not the people who forget this, naturally will support Su Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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