Of course, Su Ming did not have such an urgent need to go to Capital City immediately. It was not a matter of a moment, but Su Ming returned to the hotel.

Climb straight in through the window. After coming in, I found that Lin Yingzhu was still asleep, not at all.

Su Ming didn’t say anything. He went to bed and licked Lin Yingzhu, and slept heavily.

Early the next morning, Su Ming and Lin Yingzhu were relatively early. Two people went up and there was a morning excercise, Lin Yingzhu’s voice, filled the room.

“No, I can’t do it. Su Ming.”

Lin Yingzhu, who was soon eager for mercy, said: “Let you get it for a while, I am afraid I can’t even get on the plane.”

Su Ming took two shots of Lin Yingzhu and didn’t continue to get her. Two people got up and had some breakfast.

Lin Yingzhu’s time is indeed very tense. After she has finished eating, she will go to catch a plane and go to another city to prepare for a variety show.

After sending away Lin Yingzhu, Su Ming himself had to hurry to work in Capital City. This air transport, Su Ming must figure out what happened.

Not at all By plane, Su Ming flew directly to Capital City. With Su Ming’s current strength, long-distance flights are not so laborious. It can be said that it is just right.

I went to Capital City several times. It was the first time that Su Ming went to Capital City to do his own thing, so Su Ming did not inform Old Ling.

I don’t want to deal with them. I don’t want to waste too much time. In the final analysis, I still have to do business.

Flying all the way, Su Ming was faster than the plane. Within two hours, he flew to Capital City and looked down from the sky to discover the spectacular of Capital City.

This uniform urban planning is estimated to be impossible in other cities in China.

Still have to navigate this kind of thing through the mobile phone, Su Ming finally found the Purple Clouds Mountain in the Number One Expert mouth of the China Sea.

The name sounds pretty good, but it really seems that the mountain is just the same thing, at best it can only be counted as a hill.

If it is placed elsewhere, it may be that this hill is probably nobody cares.

Who makes this a Capital City? If it is a small hill, it must be developed and utilized.

Looking at the steps up the mountain, I realized that this mountain was obviously developed.

Who can think of this humble hill, there is still a horrible sect hidden, although there are not many people, but in the secular world, it is enough to set off a storm and make World turbulent.

Su Ming did not continue to fly, and converge on his own body, like an ordinary tourist, began to climb up the steps.

Today is not a weekend, plus this inconspicuous mountain, there is no fame and no one will come, so Su Ming has never seen a few people on this road.

Climbing this hill is exactly the same as Su Ming’s Ancient Warrior, and it will take a while to get there.

It is true that there is a temple on the mountain. I took a look at the Ziyun Temple, but it looks like it is ruined. I am afraid that there will be no incense.

There are no people in the temple, just two sluts, sitting there, a pair of unbearable look.

“Sir, do you want to be fragrant?”

However, the services of these two people were still in place. After seeing Su Ming, they immediately asked.

Su Ming didn’t say anything. He picked up a few incense sticks and baptized two times. Then he stuffed a few hundred dollars of incense money into the merit box.

The eyes of the two monks couldn’t help but light up. I didn’t expect Tianlei to have a big money. The shot gave him hundreds of dollars of incense money.

Their temple is originally a mixed life. Who is there, and there are hundreds of dollars of incense money, it is already very good.

The heart said that this may be a rich person, you can make a good flicker, so a seemingly overweight monk said: “The donor, see you are sincere, or I will give you a trip.”

This is the routine of the ignorant people in the temple. Let you get a scent first, then let you fortune teller, fortune telling is a slap.

First praise you to stop, let you feel that this is quite accurate, in fact, they are not the standard they say, but people have the kind of psychology that likes to sit in the right place.

Then I turned around and said that there was something like catastrophe recently, and then various names let you spend money again, let Bodhisattva bless you and the like.

Su Ming feels a little funny, and my heart says that you are like this, and still fortune with me, I am afraid I can count you.

Su Ming then said: “Without two, I can just look at it myself. You are busy with you. I just came to distraction.”

The two monks did not force them. Since people do not accept flickering, then you can’t force them to flick.

Most of the tourists are like this. Since they have come, they definitely want to change around.

The two monks did not say anything, indicating that Su Ming was free.

Su Ming A person finally entered the interior of the temple. It is said that the air transport sect is under the temple. As for how to go down, this is not quite clear.

Su Ming himself went slowly and looked for a while. Su Mu found that this well in the courtyard of the temple seemed a bit unnormal.

The location is very strange, usually, the wells in the temple will not be in this position.

Moreover, wells need to be used frequently. Why do you seal the entire wellhead? Where do the people in this temple go to get water?

Su Ming watched it for a while and found that there was no water well in this temple.

I feel that this well is a bit strange, Su Ming did not hesitate, and went up and opened the well.

There is a cement-filled sealed wellhead. In Su Ming’s view, no matter what, Su Ming is very casual, and the entire wellhead is opened.

After opening the wellhead, Su Ming really found some unusual places, not at all water.

The average well, you look down, there must be water inside, not too deep from the ground, you can see it at a glance.

However, there is nothing in this well. There is no doubt that this is a strange phenomenon. To say that this well has no problem, Su Ming is not convinced.

The specific entrance to the air transport sect is not here, but it is really not very good to say, Su Ming decided to go on and see.

Su Ming jumped, but before falling, Su Ming used his own Vigor to cover the cement cover of the well, preventing the two monks from discovering what was wrong.

After landing, the black paint is black and nothing can be seen.

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