“cough cough”

Su Ming was so old-fashioned that Lin Yue, who was very speechless, could only cough twice, then sneaked away.

Fortunately, Mukè is relatively simple. I haven’t understood what Lin Yue means. I think Lin Yue is simply keeping them safe.

After leaving the house, Su Ming said: “Go, send you back to school.”

I drove to the school and watched Su Ming really want to drive the car in. Mukè couldn’t bear it anymore, and he said, “Not Su Ming, do you really want to send me back to school?”

“if not?”

Su Ming is not stupid, and suddenly understands what Mukè wants to do. He hasn’t seen it for so many days. The two people haven’t been together for a long time. It is estimated that Mukè also thought a little bit.

Women are like this. Once they are developed, they are more open on this matter. Unlike the first time they didn’t get it, most women are still ashamed.

Even the women who opened up again, some of them were slightly incapable of opening the first time, but later on, the women felt that it was as common as eating and drinking.

I understood Mukè’s suggestion, but Su Ming was very bad. He didn’t know how to play to understand a wave of Mukè. He only listened to Su Ming and said, “Why don’t you go back to school, you don’t have to go to class tomorrow morning.”


Seeing Su Ming deliberately loading garlic, Mukè was not happy at the moment, just listening to Mukè directly dissatisfied and said: “Let’s go back.”

“hehe …”

Su Ming smiled a bit and didn’t play Mukè again, lest Mukè be unhappy for a while, and the car directly turned around and went to a hotel that frequented.

After entering the room, what happened specifically, then there is no need to say more, naturally it is good to learn every day and become a good young man in the new era.

It’s just that learning is too consumption of Strength, plus Su Ming. Because I haven’t studied for a long time, my energy is very abundant, and I haven’t vented it completely. Mukè can’t stand it anymore, and sleeps in a groggy way.

Su Ming smiled and said that the chick had taken the initiative at the beginning, but Lulu later asked for mercy. In learning this aspect, Su Ming was really not found by an opponent.

“Host, are you cool?”

Suddenly at this time, Little Na in her head suddenly said something.

“The trough!”

Su Ming didn’t say anything about it. The key, this Little Na, was too dirty. I asked Su Ming if it was cool. What did it mean? She couldn’t help but think of Su Ming.

These are not the key points. The point is that Su Ming said that this Little Na will not look at his own actions when he was just learning. It is too abnormal.

Although Little Na is a girl, Su Ming still thinks that it is not appropriate, so Su Ming quickly said: “Little Na, you will not be peeking.”

“Master, what do you want, how can I go to peek, what do you usually do, I am selectively neglected.”

Little Na said: “Only based on the detection of your physical frequency, you can probably see what you are doing. Just now your body frequency stops, I will ask.”

“You don’t sleep in the middle of the night, ask me what?” Su Ming said quietly without a word.

Little Na said: “Master, you have changed now, have you found out?”

“Changed, how did I change and become handsome again?” Su Ming was very surprised.

Little Na: “……………”

“Master, you didn’t find out, you have finished the Mission now, and you haven’t asked me if Integral Points can be a problem with Raffle. After you had enough Integral Points, it was the first time you wanted Raffle.”

Little Na said this, actually reminding Su Ming to Raffle.

Su Ming slammed his head violently. If it wasn’t for Little Na’s reminder, I’m afraid it didn’t really react. It turned out to be Raffle.

Last time I went to Guwu World to find two things to help Su Qishan unravel the curse. In fact, Su Ming has already completed the Mission, but the number of Integral Points that the Mission specifically rewarded, Su Ming also forgot.

So Su Ming looked at his Integral Points and found that the current Integral Points are 350Integral Points. In this case, Raffle is OK.

Su Ming smiled and said: “This time is really too tired. I have forgotten this thing for a while.”

Now that Mission is getting harder and harder, and Raffle needs Integral Points to be very high, so Su Ming has been able to win a prize for a long time, which makes him less familiar with it.

Plus, I’ve been too busy recently and I’ve just forgotten it.

If it wasn’t for Little Na’s reminder, it was estimated that Su Ming had to be confused for a while, so that Su Ming could remember the next time System gave the Mission.

Su Ming quickly said: “Little Na, then let’s hurry up with a nervous and exciting Raffle.”

Little Na: “……………”

“This time Raffle will consume the host 200Integral Points, does the host confirm Raffle?”

The familiar formula, the familiar feeling, or the routine, Su Ming said a confirmation directly, and then Raffle started directly.

“Time is passing”

The next line rang, it was a little deep and long voice. Su Ming was quite familiar with this voice, but for a while, I really couldn’t hear who it was.

But this didn’t have much impact, and then System gave a hint: “Congratulations on the host, successful win Zilean keeper’s rAbility”


When I heard that Zilean’s Ultimate, Su Ming immediately jumped up, no matter if you played this Hero, but you know, Zilean’s Ultimate can resurrect his teammates.

In a way, this is more horrible than Angel’s Ultimate can make teammates invincible, equivalent to more than one life back, still quite powerful.

The name of this audience is called, listening to the home like Ike’s Ultimate, but Su Ming knows that this is not the case, it must be a resurrected Ability.

In reality, the Ability, even if there is a change, but it will not change its roots, it will not change the core place, that is, Su Ming is likely to be in reality, this time has the ability to resurrect the Ability.

Life is only once, so life is the most precious thing. If you can let life come again, there is no doubt that this Ability will be worthless.

With excitement, this time the introduction of Ability has been shown in the System interface, Su Ming quickly looked up, want to see if this thing in reality, what will change.

(End of this chapter)

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