At first glance, this guy used his own eyes to look at himself. Su Ming realized it in an instant. This innocent guy is mostly misunderstood.

He thought that Su Ming was scared. In fact, it is not the same thing. In the eyes of Su Ming, what is the difference with the ants?

“You are also squatting!”

Su Ming saw this guy, and with a light mouth, it seemed to be saying something calm.


This so-called China Sea Number One Expert, the expression on the face once again froze, looking at Su Mu with that incredible look, said that this kid is not sick, so he talked to himself.

Too mad, when Zhonghai Number One Expert came over, he felt that Su Ming was a savvy arrogant person. As a result, he found that Su Ming was maddening.

It was a joke to let him kneel down.

“Your Majesty!”

However, just as he was planning to release to Su Ming, Su Ming’s mouth slowly came again. This time, the sound sounded a lot more serious, and there was still a bit of pressure in it.


After the words are finished, the Zhonghai Number One Expert can’t control himself. The legs are soft and fall down directly on the ground. It looks like the pose of his younger sister at this time.

For a time everyone was shocked, and it was obviously scared, and my heart said how this might be.

Just after this Zhonghai Number One Expert showed a hand, everyone felt that he was very arrogant. It was just a spark with lightning. He was a master of the game, and Su Ming was estimated to be played by him.

Who knows that for a long time, he even gave Su Ming a slap, and he said two sentences, just so squatting down, it seems really too sudden, people completely unexpected.

The jeweled woman next to her is also widening her own eyes. She can’t believe what she saw. In her cognition, this big brother has never bowed to anyone, let alone her, and she is really Caused a huge impact.

“Brother, what are you doing?”

This jewel-stricken woman asked a question without confidence.

However, she is big brother not at all to take care of him. To say that the most shocked person at this time is actually the so-called China Sea Number One Expert.

The sense of shock filled his whole body. When Su Ming spit out the word “跪下” in the mouth, suddenly a huge pressure came over.

As an Ancient Warrior, how can he not feel it? This huge pressure comes from the power of Ancient Warrior.

The kid in front of him turned out to be an Ancient Warrior, and it was still stronger than him. This feeling is really unbelievable.

It’s like you thought you were playing a small child, and suddenly you found that this little child is bigger than you. You can just press it on the ground, which is amazing.

Looking up at Su Ming, the guy finally spoke up: “You… what Realm are you?”

He is now very sure, Su Ming is an Ancient Warrior, but just want to know what Realm is Su Ming.

Who knows Su Ming said: “You can crush your Realm!”

Not at all Tell him what Heavenly Tribulation Realm is, just a simple one.

The combat power of this cargo is not strong. It is actually a very common ancient Warrior. It is not like Su Ming. At the time of refining the virtual world, it has the powerful strength to fight against the powerful Heavenly Tribulation Realm. .

The Realm gap between the two is really too big, just like the sky, there is no possibility of a condition on equal terms.

Su Ming said that he can crush him casually and he can crush him!


After listening to this sentence, Zhonghai Number One Expert can no longer stand it, and a big mouthful of blood will spit out.

This is not how Su Mu took him, but after he felt the huge gap in it, his heart was affected by a certain impact. Even with a large mouthful of blood, it was directly sprayed out, which made people unexpected.

Su Ming knows that this guy has been abolished, and his personal strength will shrink further in the event of a damaged mind. There is no possibility of fighting at all.

Without any effort, Su Ming will have the life of this guy.

But it’s okay, Su Ming’s body is not so heavy at all, and there are too many people on site, and Mukè is with her roommate.

Su Ming also doesn’t want to kill people on the spot. It’s not afraid of anything. The main thing is that I will give them a certain shadow.

Su Ming saw more when killing, but most of the people present, I am afraid I have never seen it.

The humiliation that made them knelt down was almost the same, and Su Ming’s heart was not interested in this pair of siblings.

“Go, let’s take care of your younger sister, don’t let me meet her again!” After finishing, Su Ming didn’t look at this guy again.

Zhonghai Number One Expert seems to be lost, and I don’t know what he got up. Anyway, he struggled to leave, and Su Ming’s attack on him was too big.

He always thought that he was a great master. Who knows that no suspense has been crushed. This kind of psychological impact will make people very uncomfortable.

After leaving, the entire jewelry store finally recovered a certain calm, and the people present also left the almost.

Fortunately, in the entire jewelry store, there is nothing to damage, but it has delayed the business for such a long time, but this is also negligible, not a big deal.

The people in the jewelry store didn’t dare to go up and say what kind of claims, and so on. The two groups are obviously very uncomfortable. It is not bad to leave. Just like sending a god, the heart secretly rejoices.

After leaving the jewelry store, Su Ming squeezed Mukè’s little hand and said: “It’s nothing.”

Mukè has already settled in his heart. In fact, Su Ming probably did not expect that Mukè would have no worries in his mind from the moment he came.

The two roommates next to Mukè, watching Su Ming’s eyes, are also bright.

Such a man, handsome and gold, the key is still strong, so that women are too safe, this is not the legendary white horse Prince.

Basically, every woman encounters a heart, but it is a pity that he already has Mukè, and such a man is indeed too far away from their ordinary woman.

“You continue to go shopping, I will not bother you.” Su Ming said.

“No, we are almost around, so go back first, or go shopping.”

Mukè’s two roommates quickly said, obviously they know very well, Su Ming is coming, they are so embarrassed to be a light bulb.

(End of this chapter)

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