At this time, in Lin Yue’s flight method, Su Ming, three of them, sat in the face and began to hurry.

The speed of the flying magic weapon is slightly lower because it is not sure where to go next. Lin Yue doesn’t know where to fly.

Su Ming took out some of his System Storage food and said, “Everyone is working hard, grab a little bit and eat something.”

Although I have already got the Xuanlei bamboo tube, which is equivalent to the two goals of this time, I have already completed one, but Su Ming’s mood is still not easy, even at this moment it is quite heavy.

The reason is very simple. I was told by the sound bamboo and weird, Su Ming also made it clear that it is too difficult to get it without roots.

Said Su Ming is really a little bit of confidence, I feel that I want to get rootless water, there is no clue.

Although it is very difficult to get the Xuanlei bamboo tube from the hand of the sound bamboo, it is estimated that it is more difficult to get rootless water.

“Su Ming, you said where we should go, otherwise there is no direction, it is not a waste of time to wander around here.” Lin Yue rushed.

Su Ming helplessly said: “I don’t know where to go, what do you think?”

“I think it’s still going to the Ancient Sect door. Although it’s dangerous, I can definitely determine the Ancient Sect door. It is certain that there will be this thing.”

Lin Yue said: “We went to other places and looked for it purposelessly. It is much better. If I go to other places to find it, I think it is a waste of time. It may not really work.”

“So which Ancient Sect door do you want, which Ancient Sect door do you have to deal with?” Su Ming asked.

This thing still has to listen to Lin Yue, because it is said that Su Ming does not understand the ancient Sect.

Lin Yue laughed and said: “No one of Ancient Sect’s doors is a good deal. Since it is an Ancient Sect door, it means that the strength is quite strong. How can it be better?”

“And the Ancient Sect door is still quite a lot. I think if you really want to find the Ancient Sect door, then look for Yin Soul Sect and Tiansheng Shrine.”


“Because you have a hatred with these two Ancient Sect doors, and once again offended them, it doesn’t matter much.”

“You think about the rootless water thing, even the Ancient Sect door is very important. If you really get it, you will definitely offend the Ancient Sect door. If it is another Ancient Sect door, you are equivalent to giving yourself another Established a powerful enemy.”

Su Ming heard this and understood what Lin Yue meant.

This is indeed the meaning. There is no need to establish a strong enemy for yourself. If there are too many offenders, it will definitely die in the end.

It would be better to continue to offend Yin Soul Sect and Tiansheng Shrine. Anyway, they have already offended. Both Ancient Sect doors want to kill Su Ming. Su Ming feels that they have offended them once again. It doesn’t matter.

So Su Ming asked: “Where to go, Yin Soul Sect is also Tiansheng Shrine, I listen to you.”

“I think I still go to Tiansheng Shrine.”

Lin Yue thought for a moment and said: “Yin Soul Sect, this sect is very strange and people can’t touch them. Maybe we can’t figure out where the sect of Yin Soul Sect is.”

“And the place of Tiansheng Shrine, because of your mother’s reason, I have been there, at least I can find you where.” Lin Yue said.

“Okay, go to Tiansheng Shrine!”

Su Ming is also decided directly on the board, there is no hesitation, now is where it is convenient to go.

Lin Yue directly turned around here, this flying magic weapon in the direction of Tiansheng Shrine, quickly flew past, the speed seems very fast.

After eating something, Su Ming closed his eyes and began to meditate, so that his spirit was fully relaxed.

This time I went to Tiansheng Shrine, I was afraid that it would be very difficult, and for the first time I had to go to my mother’s place. I don’t know why, Su Ming always felt his inner feelings and some strange feelings.

After flying a whole day and one night, I arrived at the destination, but after flying the magic weapon, Su Ming was surprised that they had reached a small town.

It seems that people are still more, and the atmosphere of life is more intense. It seems to be more classical. It is a bit like the small town in the ancient TV series.

Su Ming said strangely: “Are we not going to the Ancient Sect door, how come this place?”

Lin Yue took a look at Su Ming and said: “You dare to fly directly to Tiansheng Shrine. People are prepared for a few miles.”

“I was afraid that I was not close yet, and I was beaten down at once.” Lin Yue said.

“where is this place?”

“This is under the feet of Tiansheng Shrine, also known as the Tianshen Town.”

“Small town?”

Lin Yue nodded, said: “Yes, you think that those ancient Warriors don’t need to eat and drink Lazarus. After all, they have not yet become immortals. These basic needs are still there.”

“But the people of Ancient Sect are mainly cultivating, and there are people who have extra time and care about these things.”

“So Tiansheng Shrine recruited some ordinary people to let them proliferate here for generations, and provided Tiansheng Shrine with some materials needed for daily life.”

“And Tiansheng Shrine will also give them benefits and shelter them, which is equivalent to being part of Tiansheng Shrine.”

Su Ming heard this and probably understood it. The town is estimated to have been unknown for many years. At this time of development, it is estimated that it has this scale.

Lin Yue added: “Of course, the reputation here is getting bigger and bigger. Later, there were a lot of businessmen, and they were doing business for the people of Tiansheng Shrine.”

“Tiansheng Shrine’s definition is still a lot, and naturally there will be some lack of cultivation, so gradually it has become a kind of existence like Prefecture City.”

“Every day I can meet, there are a lot of Tiansheng Shrine’s disciplines, come to the town below Tiansheng Shrine and buy what you need,” Lin Yue said.

Su Ming took a closer look and found that there are a lot of people around, it looks like a white clothed, and the temperament is quite good. These people should all be Tiansheng Shrine’s discipline.

However, Realm is nothing too high, it looks pretty, and it is estimated that the really powerful characters will not come here to buy things.

Su Ming thinks that Lin Yue seems to be thoughtful, so he asks: “Do you mean, let me start from these Tiansheng Shrine disciple?”


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