
Su Ming and Lin Yue looked at each other at this time. Anyway, from the other’s eyes, they all saw the feeling of speechlessness.

Is this special decision not a joke? Someone has been here for two years, and this is to bring the dry food and so on.

I really don’t know if he should praise his perseverance, or should he say that he is stupid.

The point is that after waiting for two years, I still haven’t seen the legendary sound bamboo, which is too bad.

It can’t be said that the sound bamboo eccentric is too unfortunate. For the sake of this, this person is weird, and his age is so big, his temper is coming, who will not see it.

This case is like a big mountain. It may have some hope. It was all smashed at once.

“Since the sound bamboo grotesque is not seen, the little younger sister, are you not here, help us get some bamboo out, you will definitely have your benefits.” Lin Yue said this time, he lowered his voice.

This guy is still a thief, think of the way to work.

It’s just that it’s useless. This palace woman said directly: “You think too much, and I don’t have the power to move the island’s precious bamboo.”

“I have said so much. As for you to stay and stay, it is up to you to decide that Yinzhu Island will not interfere, but on the island, you have to be honest, prohibiting private fights and loud noises.”

After the talk, the woman in the palace was left directly, leaving Lin Yue and Su Ming with a face full of enthusiasm. As for the Easy Master, it was almost the same as the air.

When he was fighting, he called him. As for other situations, there was no sense of existence.

Just when the woman in the palace was talking, she ignored the Easy Master.

There is a special feeling of helplessness. People can’t see it. What can I do? Forcibly break in. It is definitely not acceptable.

Since the sound bamboo grotesque is so embarrassing, it shows that people have awkward capital, certainly not ordinary people.

If you want to beat him, it is estimated that it is unlikely. Su Ming and Yi Master will not be able to add up. If you can’t beat it, you still want bamboo. I am afraid that even my own life can’t be saved.

Instead, Su Ming was able to understand those who were not on the island.

After all, it’s hard for everyone to come and see, and if you come over, it’s really a sign of the eagerness of the mind. As a result, it’s really uncomfortable to eat a closed door.

Very unwilling, if I leave, I feel too bad, so I want to stay and see, maybe there is a chance.

“Su Ming, what should we do?” Lin Yue asked.

“What can I do? Naturally, I will wait to see the situation first. Just wait for them. I can’t come.”

In the late afternoon, the island had a melodious flute sound, which was a three-footed, sounding enjoyment, surrounded by the entire island.

Su Ming closed her eyes and enjoyed it. This person who plays the flute is definitely a master. Maybe it is a sound bamboo.

No wonder this island is called Yinzhu Island. Su Ming is probably quite understandable now. There are music and bamboo. It is naturally a sound bamboo island, very image.

Listening to this music, it really makes people feel anxious and relaxes. It is very enjoyable. Even the Master is closed and listens carefully.

The flute sounds about half an hour or so and disappeared. After disappearing, the sky is getting late, and gradually there is a starry sky.

The mood of Jiaozuo can be said to continue, especially when it is late, still staying here, there is always an emotion that can’t be said.

I waited here for three days and three nights, almost in the same position, Su Ming. They waited for three days and three nights. The station was tired and sat for a while, sitting tired and standing.

It’s very boring, it’s almost the same every day, and it’s the patience of the people.

On the contrary, in this waiting process, Lin Yue and Yi Master, the performance of Su Ming performance is calmer.

Fortunately, Su Ming’s System Storage has been preparing some vacuum-packed foods for a long time. This was bought when I went hiking. Because I bought more, I didn’t eat it at all.

This kind of thing does not have to worry about the problem of expiration, and there is some pure water, so after three days have passed, they can still support it.

Every day is almost the same, even the sound of the flute every evening is almost the same, it seems to be there every afternoon.

And after waiting for the hard work of these days, those people on the island, Su Ming saw a lot of people because they could not hold on, and finally left helplessly.

At the same time, some people have come over again. They are not willing to wait here. If this is the case, there are still dozens of people waiting here.

Everyone has no communication, because the mood is similar, and there are some anxiety in the heart, and there is no way to communicate.

Finally, on the fourth day, Su Ming couldn’t help it anymore. After dawn, Su Ming climbed directly from the ground.

“Special, you must take the method!” Su Ming can not help but say a word.

Lin Yue fell asleep and was shocked by Su Ming. He quickly woke up and said, “Su Ming, don’t be impulsive. It’s not that simple to steal bamboo.”


Su Ming said: “Who said to steal bamboo, I said these ordinary bamboos outside, can you cut one?”

“Su Ming, you won’t lose your mind. This ordinary bamboo is also everywhere. What is the use of this?” Lin Yue said.

“Of course useful”

Su Ming’s heart has been thinking about what to do in the past few days. The sound of the flute has inspired him. He has to contact the old bamboo monster. Waiting so hard is not the way.

If you want to contact the old bamboo fan, the piper is a method. He can hear the flute Su Ming, then the same reason, Su Ming blows, he should also hear it.

If this singer is a person who understands music and likes music, and hears his own flute, then he will definitely feel a little bit more, this is the only way.

As for why you want to play the flute, the reason is very simple, Su Ming has no other instruments, who has nothing to do, will bring a musical instrument.

The flute is not difficult, it is better to do it. Choose a suitable bamboo and cut a length that is about the same size.

This is why Su Ming cuts bamboo because he has to do the flute, which is Su Ming’s last struggle.

If this is no longer the case, I am afraid that there is no way.

People haven’t been able to wait for two years. Su Ming doesn’t feel that he has been waiting for a way. Su Qishan can’t afford it for so long.


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