Chen Lei This person is not an ordinary person. An ordinary person cannot open this mountain hotel so large. There is always a businessman’s savvy qualities. Chen Lei is also a sinister person who is good at using every opportunity.

So Chen Lei said that he would do it, and immediately let his men stop it. He really took people to “The Farmhouse Courtyard” to see the price of Egg Fried-rice. The entire group is so vast that the whole is like a tourist group. It’s not the entire guide to pick up a flag.

This kind of behavior is more shameless, with a group of people going to joke others, but now is a fierce competition with The Farmhouse Courtyard, not you die or I die, Chen Lei, what methods, as long as you can give The Farmhouse Courtyard The whole door will be fine.

“haha, the world’s first Egg Fried-rice, I am not mistaken?” Chen Lei took a large group of people and immediately taunted, almost not laughing.

When Su Ming saw Chen Lei coming over with a large group of people, he knew that this guy had not been kind enough, so he deliberately said: “What, Chief Chen, is this person ready to come and join?”

“I am taking someone to look at your first Egg Fried-rice in the world, and I don’t know where to be confident. Your restaurant is really not blushing, and the whole world is coming out first.” Chen Lei sarcastically.

Su Ming was not angry. After a light smile, he said, “We are all real people. I just like Egg Fried-rice. Everyone who has eaten said that it is the best in World.”


Chen Lei couldn’t help but sneer twice, then said with a disdain: “How good is it, it’s just a bowl of Egg Fried-rice.”

“Well, it’s just a bowl of Egg Fried-rice. It’s been fired in a few minutes. What good is it to eat?” At this time, one of the many guests brought by Chen Lei was a loud voice.

“That is to say, a bowl of Egg Fried-rice dare to sell almost 10,000 yuan, and I don’t know where to be confident.”

“I really have a long experience today. Abalone and lobster have not seen such a high price. No, I have to take a photo of my friends and let my friends see it.”

“There is nothing to look at, but the whole gimmick is eye-catching. Theyselves are not expected to sell.”

“You didn’t find it? I found this Egg Fried-rice quite fragrant.”

“Sweet has a fart, you don’t look at the price, a bowl of 10,000 yuan, there is no money for this kind of money, this Egg Fried-rice who buys Idiot.”

For a time, everyone talked about it, and the voice grew louder and louder. Many of the rough words were introduced into Su Ming’s ears.

Many people in The Farmhouse Courtyard’s Studio have been unable to hold their faces. It is indeed a bit unacceptable to be said by so many people. Even Feng Yezheng’s face is full of anger.

Only Su Ming is still calm, sitting there watching the clouds in front of the court, a pair of things that have nothing to do with Laozi, seeing Chen Lei’s teeth tickle.

Although some people have just married someone who bought Idiot, there are always some people who are courageous and not bad at this time. At this time, there is a middle-aged Local Tyrant wearing a Hermes belt.

This Local Tyrant was attracted by the scent of Egg Fried-rice, and the locusts in the stomach were completely hooked up. Speaking of which Local Tyrant used to go to school, the most happy thing was to be able to eat one. The bowl of hot Egg Fried-rice.

So after smelling the smell of Egg Fried-rice, the Local Tyrant couldn’t help it, and 10,000 yuan was not too much for him. He said, “This Egg Fried-rice gives me a bowl.”

“Is there really someone to buy?”

For a time, the Studio staff at The Farmhouse Courtyard couldn’t help but be surprised. I didn’t expect anyone to buy it in this situation.

Chen Lei’s face also changed suddenly, which clearly means not giving him face.

“Chief Chen, this…” said quietly on the side.

“Leave him”

Chen Lei said with a cold eye: “Let him go eat it. There are many ways to fool money. It is estimated that he should regret it after he finishes eating. It will be more beneficial to us.”

This Hermes Local Tyrant does not need to give Chen Lei face, because he just came to Chen Lei this mountain hotel to relax, and he has no wool relationship.

After paying for the refreshing credit card, the Local Tyrant took a bowl of Egg Fried-rice and ate it with a white porcelain spoon.

“The trough, this smell………”

After the first mouth of the Local Tyrant, I only felt that my entire mouth was wrapped in a wonderful taste. I couldn’t help but stared wide-eyed, and I couldn’t even speak.

“Is it so ugly?” The crowd looked at the expression of Local Tyrant and couldn’t help but think.

After eating three consecutive meals, Local Tyrant took the time to say: “Tete is delicious, this is the best Egg Fried-rice I have ever eaten.”

“Really, is it so delicious?”

“The expression on this face is too exaggerated, right?”

“Is it the water army that The Farmhouse Courtyard is asking for?”

“Don’t lie down to eat, but tell us something.”

The Local Tyrant caught everyone’s attention for a moment, but the guy didn’t care. He caught Egg Fried-rice like a strong wind scattering the last clouds, and didn’t even talk.

In fact, this bowl of Egg Fried-rice is also quite a lot, but there is no way to eat with Local Tyrant. In less than five minutes, a bowl of Egg Fried-rice is eaten by strong wind scattering the last clouds. It’s over.


After the Local Tyrant finished eating, he yelled and said with a smile: “Too special is cool.”

Just when everyone was surprised and wondered, when Local Tyrant said it was true or false, Local Tyrant said to Su Ming with an empty bowl: “Boss, it’s so delicious, give me another bowl.”

“What, have another bowl?”

Everyone was shocked. I have to know that this bowl will cost 10,000 yuan. If I eat a bowl, I will have another bowl. I really don’t take the money seriously.

Chen Lei’s face is a bit complicated, which is a bit different from the plot he wants.

For a time, the Studio staff at The Farmhouse Courtyard looked like a glimpse of the hope, and it seems that Boss’ Egg Fried-rice has two brushes.

“Be at ease/reassured, I don’t have money, come and swipe my cards.” Hermes Local Tyrant said, pulling out his bank card.

When the waiter on the side prepared to take the pos and let the Local Tyrant swipe the card, Su Ming said, “Wait a minute.”

“Not good means this gentleman.” Su Ming said to Hermes Local Tyrant: “We have regulations here. One person is only allowed to buy a bowl of Egg Fried-rice. You have already eaten a bowl today, or wait for the next time. ”

“What, one can only buy one bowl?” Everyone was shocked again.

Especially the waiters at The Farmhouse Courtyard and the Chefs, Su Ming’s eyes are not right for a moment, and the money sent to the door is not earned?

Everyone suddenly felt that they were young Boss …. too capable items/weapons.

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