Su Ming also remembers the front section time. In the secular world, Lin Yue came back after a while, because of the fear of Lin Family.

Last time, because of the help of Su Ming, the catastrophe of Lin Family was resolved, but telling the truth can’t really make people feel at ease/reassured.

Lin Yue still feels that other big families will do things. According to his understanding, no one of these big Guwu families is actually a good person.

To this level of big family, you can’t describe it with any good or bad. There are no good people and bad people. Everyone is for their own benefit.

These Guwu families are constantly consuming and want to kill each other, but there has been no chance, and they are allied with each other.

In short, the relationship between several ancient Guwu families can only be described by a complicated and incomprehensible, and no one can easily destroy a family.

At the moment, there is finally a good chance. Lin Family has offended Yin Soul Sect. Most of them are gone. They didn’t disappear last time, so I will come again this time.

And last time on the Lin Family side, Su Mu suddenly injured several masters of the family, even the worst of the Gongsun Family, and an Old Ancestor of Heavenly Tribulation Realm was also injured.

They couldn’t swallow it anyway, so they found an opportunity to unite and come again.

This time, just happened to be caught by Su Ming, Su Ming estimated that these big families should be started, it should not be long.

It was almost exactly the same as the last process. It was first condensed in the inside and defended with the family’s guardian. This is their last barrier. It is only necessary to break this thing. It takes time.

This time, Lin Wufu did not inform Su Ming and asked Su Ming to help. It is estimated that this time because of the last lesson, the people of these big families are also savvy.

The care is very strict, you are in the family. Struggling on the at at the death’s door. Yes, before I broke the guardian’s big break, this time and a half, it really can’t move you, but if you want to sneak out It is obviously impossible to go find a helper.

The people of these big families are constantly in front of the main entrance of Lin Family, attacking the guardian of Lin Family.

Su Ming can’t be clear for a long time, but it is certain that this thing is definitely not eternal and can only be dragged for a certain period of time.

The last time I was able to be broken, this time I can, to put it bluntly, this is to suspend my own death, which belongs to the kind of chronic death.

After the big squad was broken, Lin Family’s most powerful people were basically injured, and they had no fighting power and were even more unlikely to resist.

Su Ming feels that it is better not to get this big guardian, go out and fight together, maybe even a chance.

Even if it is dead, at least you can stand and die.

Probably observed a bit, people are still quite a lot, the strength of the words for a while can not be distinguished.

Because the distance is too far, it is not within the scope of Ability’s detection, and Su Ming has no choice.

But these big family people say that Su Ming is not worried at all. The last time they have been in contact, what level they are, Su Ming is clear.

The most fascinating estimate is the Old Ancestor of their respective families, with the strength of Heavenly Tribulation Realm. The rest is the most sturdy, but for Su Ming, already Heavenly Tribulation Realm, these people are slag. There is no threat at all.

Even if the old Ancestor of this five great families came, Su Mu was not empty. One person played several times, and with the big blue medicine and the big red medicine, Su Ming still had confidence in himself.

And the last Old Ancestor of the Gongsun Family was beaten by Su Qishan. It may not be recovered during this time. Maybe the Four Great Families and the Heavenly Tribulation Realm who can fight, Su Ming In terms of it, it is even more devoid.

There were a bunch of people standing on the side, gathered together, and kept talking in the mouth, it should be something ugly in the mouth.

For the people of Lin Family, it caused a certain psychological offensive.

This is like fighting in ancient times. When attacking a city, if a city is attacking for a long time without any success, then someone will swear some ugly words all day, and even walk some rumors to influence the military heart.

However, these people did not find it at all. Su Ming and Yi Master secretly hid, and the two people had at least one 100 meters or more away.

Plus this woody, they can’t find it, this is also a normal thing.

Su Ming observed it and felt that he should try Jinkesi’s big rocket. In this case, it seems that the Jinkesi rocket should be more useful.

First of all, these people did not find Su Ming at all, and there is no possibility of hiding. They should not be able to hide.

Secondly, the position of the person standing is relatively concentrated. If you do this, you can fully exploit the aoe damage after the rocket explosion. I am afraid that one will not run.

Just do it, anyway, don’t worry about the loss of Vigor, plus Su Ming is really curious, want to know the specific formidable power of this thing.


Su Ming started the audience and it was magical. On his shoulder, there was a huge barrel in the air.

And this barrel gives people a heavy feeling, Su Ming feels that there is some difficulty in their physical strength.

Then the barrel of the gun kept shaking, and after a few small shakes, it directly launched a huge super-extreme Death God flying out.

Similar to Su Ming’s thoughts, this thing is really too big, about the same as Su Ming’s whole person.

Even more frightening is that this speed is fast, almost a blink of an eye, even Su Ming feels that it has not been a second, the rocket has arrived, directly hit the people at the door of the Lin Family.

“hong long”

At the moment of the burst, huge sparks sputtered out, and even a small mushroom cloud rose. This thing is more cool than the in-game explosion.

For a time, the huge sparks swallowed all the people present, and the terrible damage of the horror caused no one to run away.

After the explosion, the sorrows were everywhere, and the screams could be said everywhere. Su Ming was so far away that he could hear it clearly.

And Su Ming is here to see the terrorist damage caused by this rocket. First of all, the first few people who were hit, can be said to have eaten the most core damage, dead can no longer die, lying on the ground almost It is not moving.

The second is the rest of the people, and it is better to go there. Look at that look, it should be hurt.

The scene was very tragic and it can be said that it was a dead and a wound.

(End of this chapter)

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