Su Qishan is over there, and it looks like his face is not too good-looking. No one can still be truly calm when faced with death. No one can do it.

There is no reaction to death, not at all Su Ming’s reaction is so big, he has any idea, not at all expressed.

Su Ming, after experiencing a short period of loss, quickly asked: “Is there any good way to get rid of this compassionless curse?”

“The method is natural, but it is more difficult, because this sorrowful curse is very special. After planting it, even the people of Yin Soul Sect can’t easily solve it. It must be matched with powerful heavenly materials and Earthly treasures.”

Su Ming directly said solemnly: “Tell me the method.”

As long as there is a solution, it also makes Su Ming, who is highly nervous, really sighed in relief.

Fortunately, there are still ways to solve it. If there is no solution, then Su Ming can only go to the place to cry.

Yin Soul Sect has no hesitation in this place. He directly throws Su Ming a bamboo tube. This bamboo tube is Jet-black and should be dedicated to Yin Soul Sect.

Su Ming opened the bamboo tube and looked at it for a while. I couldn’t help but look a little ugly. I needed two kinds of materials, and the materials and earthly treasures. It seems that these two kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures seem very rare.

Estimating that you want to find these two distinct things is not an easy task.

“The two kinds of materials and earthly treasures mentioned above, where can I find them, do you know?” Su Ming asked, at this time, if you can get a certain answer from their mouth, it would be good.

Who knows Yin Soul Sect, the strong man shook his head and said: “Not good means, I really don’t know, I want to find these two distinct things, only to go to Guwu World to explore.”

“Even in Guwu World, it is estimated that it is very difficult to find these two distinct things.” The Yin Soul Sect is strong, keeps saying.

In this case, Su Ming’s heart suddenly became a little heavier, but this time Su Ming has nothing to ask, but it is a sudden, and directly stuns the strong of Yin Soul Sect. It is.

This time Su Ming started very heavy, let this guy fall into a serious coma, it is estimated that it will take a long time to harden.

Think about this guy, planting the no-forgive curse, so that Su Qishan is in danger at any time, Su Ming is very angry in his heart, did not kill this guy immediately, it is quite a face to him.

“Su Ming, how do you say this in the jade tube?” Su Qishan asked here.

When Qi Xiao can’t keep up, Su Qishan himself, of course, is also anxious.

Su Ming handed the jade tube directly to Su Qishan, but after thinking about it, if you want to check the contents of the jade tube, you have to use Vigor, then Su Ming will quickly get the jade tube back, now Su Qishan That’s really hurt.

Su Qishan took a look at this action of Su Ming and understood what it was. There was a feeling of helplessness.

Now he is almost like a waste man, and even the extremely simple things of seeing the jade can’t be done, or not the courage to do it.

Su Ming said: “To solve this no-forgive curse, you need two heavenly materials and earthly treasures. If you find it, you can unlock the no-forgive curse.”

“Which two?” Su Qishan heard this, but also moved in the heart.

Su Ming said: “The first is rootless water, and the second is Xuanlei bamboo.”

“How could this be found?” Su Qishan heard this, and suddenly there was a feeling of despair on his face.

It’s just a joke. These two kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be said to be very precious. Su Qishan understands it after listening, and it’s not something that ordinary people can find.

Su Ming did not understand these things very much at this time. Then he asked: “Dad, these things are hard to get?”

Su Qishan showed a bitter smile, and even said: “It’s rare, it’s rare, even in Guwu World, it’s a rare Item.”

“I haven’t heard of the Xuanlei bamboo tube, but I am sure that the name is clear. It is definitely not easy to find. As for the rootless water, it is even more rare.”

“I used to hear about this rootless water in Guwu World. It is not very clear how to get it from, but it can be used in alchemy.”

“There are some more precious high-grade medicine pills that require no root water to be added as an auxiliary, otherwise the success rate will be very low.”

“Because rootless water is not like tap water, I want to have it, so it is especially precious in Guwu World. It is not something you can buy if you want to buy it.”

“Even if it is an ancient sect, it takes a little effort to get rootless water,” Su Qishan said.

Su Qishan’s remarks are really frustrating and suddenly lose some motivation. It is too difficult.

It is so difficult to have a rootless water, and there is a Xuanlei bamboo tube. It is estimated that the difficulty level is not lower than this rootless water. If this is the case, then it is terrifying.

Just think about it, it makes people feel scalp numb.

Su Qishan is afraid that he is desperate and can only sigh: “Forget it, don’t think about how to get rid of this sorrowful curse, the impossible thing, can live a day is a day.”

“Yin Soul Sect was not thinking about someone who could untie him when he designed this curse. Anyway, they are not for their own use.”


Su Ming shook his head directly at this time, and said something to the opening: “Even if it is harder, you have to go to Guwu World to look at it. You must try your best to find it. You can’t do anything, just sit down and wait.”

“Do you want to go to Guwu World alone? That will definitely not work.” Who knows Su Qishan at this time, but shook his head and said a word.

“Guwu World is very dangerous in the world. You have been stared by the two ancient sect people. After you go, you may not be alive.” Su Qishan said with anxiety.

Su Ming listened to Su Qishan and refused to let himself go. He couldn’t help but feel more pain, so he said, “Dad, you can’t stop me from this.”

“Even if it is hard to be dangerous again, I have to go. If I don’t go, you will be dead!” Su Ming said almost in a roar.

Su Qishan The whole person trembled and looked quite moving. He knew that Su Ming was for him. Then Su Qishan said, “But…but it is too dangerous for you to go so rashly.”

“be at ease/reassured, Dad, I have grown up, enough to deal with these, not to say anything else, to save my life, certainly no problem.”

Su Ming tries to make his tone sound more confident.

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