Whether it is to protect Li Yuanshuang’s father and daughter or for Mission, in short, Su Ming can’t leave now.

So Su Ming said: “It was a bit of energy, I sat down and took a break.”

Professor Li was very nervous when he heard this. He quickly poured a cup of hot tea, or even called Hosekeeper. He personally went down and handed it to Su Ming, and said, “Medical God Su, you drink.” Take a break, it’s really hard for you today.”

When he said this, Professor Li didn’t have a bit of falsehood in it. It is conceivable that without Su Ming, Li Yuanshuang might not understand what happened until he died.

However, let Su Ming compare the painful thing. After waiting for about twenty minutes, the guy named “Wu Qiu” didn’t even see a silhouette, so Su Ming waited so long.

It felt so wasteful to sit down like this, so Su Ming opened his own bag and took a math test paper from it, and calculated it. During this time, the Teacher and the animal, sent a few papers every day. Su Ming had to hurry up and write the papers. If it waited until the evening, then where did the time to write homework?

Professor Li and Li Yuanshuang took a look at Su Ming, where he was honestly writing homework, a good student, how to feel strange.

“You stand for me, who told you to come in”

About ten minutes in the past, Zhang Wei’s voice came in. It sounded like someone was going to be a little about the small courtyard of Professor Li.

Su Ming heard the sound and suddenly felt refreshed. The heart said that the Lord had finally arrived. Su Ming looked at the door and found that the black robe feminine man had already entered.

Needless to say, this guy is Wu Qiu. What makes Su Ming a little surprised is that he is a bit younger. What makes Su Ming surprised is that this dress is dressed up, and there are people who wear this kind of black robe out. It is really special… … too will items/weapons.

Professor Li and Li Yuanshuang also stunned, and obviously did not know the black robe who was suddenly coming in.

Su Ming said to Zhang Hao, who was in a hurry. “Zhang Wei, it’s not your business here, you have to go out.”

Su Ming knows that this guy is not something that ordinary people can stop. He can kill people invisible. Su Ming is afraid that Zhang Wei will be his Gu.

However, Su Ming’s words not at all caught the attention of Wu Qiu. Wu Qiu looked at Li Yuanshuang with a straight eye and asked: “Take the person who gave you Insect Solving.”

Upon hearing the words “Insect Solving”, Li Yuanshuang and Professor Li suddenly became complex, and they clearly realized who this person is.

Su Ming said calmly at this time: “Don’t ask, I explained it to her.”

“Is it you?” Wu Qiu put his eyes on Su Ming.

Su Ming threw a gel pen on her body and said very arrogantly: “Yes, it’s me, handsome like a jade tree. The person who is famous in the world is called Ningcheng Jinchengwu’s Su Ming.”


Wu Qiu feels that his IQ is being insulted. This guy is obviously writing his homework. It is actually that he is solving it. Wu Qiu naturally does not believe it.

So Wu Qiu said: “Let me talk nonsense, hand over the Insect Solving people, or you will all die.”

“you do not believe me?”

Su Ming not at all was scared by Wu Qiu, but there was a feeling of pain in the egg.

According to Su Ming’s previous imagination, the two sides should have swords drawn and bows bent after seeing it. You can say a word in a word, then you will be able to fight it in an instant. The result is that… This product does not believe it. I can Insect Solving.

“I don’t believe it.” Wu Qiu said solemnly.

At the age of Su Ming, it is impossible to master the Gu Technique. This Wu Qiu is clearer than anyone else. Don’t look at Wu Qiu is also very young, but his grandfather is Miao Region Gu King, which is different from ordinary people.

“I know why you don’t believe me.”

Su Ming said directly: “You must see that I am younger than you. You are more handsome than you. If Gu Technique is better than you, then there is no reason, so you are not willing to believe that I am right from the subconscious.”

“I will warn you again, don’t talk nonsense with me!” Wu Qiu was exposed at the neck and was obviously suffocated by Su Ming.

Su Ming didn’t seem to hear Wu Qiu’s warning. He continued: “But you are also very good. You can raise the bleeding nematode at a young age and use it as your life-long Poisonous Insect.”

Wu Qiu heard this change but suddenly complexion changed, especially when he heard the word “blood nematode”, and then there was no angry expression. Instead, he slowly said: “Sure enough?”

This time I changed to Su Ming and didn’t talk. An old man didn’t want to look like a bird. Many times the items/weapons thing is just right.

“Give me to die”

Wu Qiu finally couldn’t help it. The blood-worms were carefully raised by him. As a result, Li Yuanshuang was killed by Su Ming without Poisonous Insect. How could Wu Qiu let Su Ming go like this.

I saw Wu Qiu slamming his hand, and suddenly a few long blood red lines flew toward Su Ming, and there was a hurricane around him, which made Professor Li and Li Yuanshuang suddenly open their eyes.

Su Ming’s scornful smile seemed to be very imposing, but it was just a few blood-worms to attack himself.

I saw Su Ming’s eyes slammed, and several bloodworms flying in midair suddenly stopped, and did not dare to move on.

“How can it be?”

Wu Qiu instantly screamed in the heart, this blood worm was carefully raised by him, and he had a connection with him, only listening to his own command.

But for the first time, Wu Qiu’s blood worm was not subject to the commander. Wu Qiu could clearly feel that the blood-flying nematodes that were flying out were resisting his thoughts, which shocked Wu Qiu.

“Give me over!”

The result was that at this time, only Su Ming was shouting loudly, and several blood worms stagnating in the air suddenly flew into Su Ming’s hands as if they were placed in a turbocharged state.


At the moment when several blood worms flew out, the connection between them and Wu Qiu was cut off again. After this, Wu Qiu again spurt blood.

Poisonous Insect’s backlash was encountered twice in a day. If it is not Wu Qiu Gu Technique, it is estimated to be a dead body.

So I can see Wu Qiu Exhaust at this time, clutching his chest, and even his fingers are shaking.

Today’s contest, Su Ming squinted a little, Wu Qiu lost, and lost.

Su Ming came to Wu Qiu and smiled as if he was a harmless to human and animals. He said, “I told you, you are far worse than me.”

Ps: First update everyone five chapters, the remaining ten chapters are updated during the day, brothers remember to support more, the ability of the brothers to reward a wave, this is the result when the shelves, thank you.

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