At this point, the father and daughter of Professor Li suddenly realized that since Su Ming could see that Li Yuanshuang was given to him, it means that he should have a solution. Su Ming’s eyes were full of hope.

Su Ming was so violently looked at by both of them, and suddenly it was a bit difficult to parry. He quickly said, “I don’t have 100% control. Try it out.”

I can’t say too much to say it because Su Ming used Malzahar for the first time.

Professor Li was very excited when she heard this, and immediately said: “No problem, please let Medical God Su let go, don’t be stressed!”

Su Ming didn’t swear, and the time to resolve the pain of Li Yuanshuang was less, so Su Ming said, “Go find someone to bring a basin of water.”

Professor Li immediately shouted: “Zhang Wei, go to the instructions of Medical God Su and pick up a basin of clear water.”

Zhang Wei is the Hosekeeper in the Professional Li family. He usually works hard and diligently. Immediately, he took a pot of water and placed it next to Su Ming.

Su Ming then got up and said to Li Yuanshuang: “Sister Yuan, close your eyes, don’t think about things in your head.”

At this time, Su Ming said that Li Yuanshuang would listen, so he immediately closed his eyes and sat there as Su Ming ordered.

Then Su Ming closed his eyes and put his right hand palm on top of Li Yuanshuang’s head. Just like this, the picture looks a bit funny.

It seems that Su Ming doesn’t seem to have any action, but it is not. Su Ming is fighting with Poisonous Insect in Li Yuanshuang’s head.

If Poisonous Insect enters Li Yuanshuang’s head, it is much easier for Su Ming, but it is obvious that this Poisonous Insect has been in existence for some time, and it takes a little effort to clean up Su Ming.

After about a quarter of an hour, Su Ming slammed his eyes and rushed to Li Yuanshuang’s back.


Li Yuanshuang slammed his mouth open and spit a sip into the basin filled with water.

“Okay, it’s okay.” Su Ming wiped the sweat from his head and said a little Exhaust.

After using this fragrance of Malzahar, Su Ming discovered that it was very powerful to use Gu Technique. Poisonous Insect was controlled by mental power.

If you are a mental disorder, then you certainly can’t learn Gu Technique.

Just now, Su Ming showed a very strong mental power, forcibly forced the Poisonous Insect in Li Yuanshuang’s head, which is almost unimaginable.

“Is this all right?” Professor Li said after listening to Su Ming’s words.

He had been watching for a long time at the side, and he didn’t dare to lick his eyes. As a result, he did not see anything. Su Ming said that he was fine.

Su Ming took a deep breath and smiled and said: “Be at ease/reassured, Professor Li, Poisonous Insect have been forced out, just in front of the basin.”

Professor Li and Li Yuanshuang heard this. After a moment, I didn’t notice any change in the basin in front of me. At this time, I noticed that I saw a small red line moving in the basin.

Su Ming said in the stunned look of the two: “This Poisonous Insect is called a blood worm, very small, and even the hair of the person is thin, and it is not easy to observe with a naked eye.”

“The blood worm is fed by blood. It is especially like to suck blood. After the insect enters the human body, it will erode the blood of the body and eventually enter the brain to suck the brain, causing it to explode.” Su Ming gave the two people introduced .

It may be scared to scare Li Yuanshuang, Su Ming added: “But Sister Yuan, you don’t have to worry, this blood worm hasn’t been in your body for a long time, it hasn’t threatened your brain, and there won’t be any repercussions in the future. “”

There is another sentence Su Ming did not say, if you did not force the blood worms out today, it is estimated that after another month, Li Yuanshuang’s life is gone.

Even if Li Yuanshuang is still scared, many times the truth of the matter will make people feel fear, Li Yuanshuang also realized that if it is not Su Ming, I am afraid that I am really dangerous.

Professor Li looked serious and bowed to Su Ming and said, “Thank you for Medical God Su, saved Xiaoyuan’s life.”

Speaking of which Professor Li This life is saved by Su Ming, and with the life of Li Yuanshuang today, Professor Li realizes that their Li Family owes Su Ming’s kindness, I am afraid that this life is still unclear.

“Sister Yuan, don’t be polite with me, just sit down and have a good rest.” Su Ming sees Li Yuanshuang and stands up to himself, and immediately Li Yuanshuang is supported.

Now Su Ming and Li Yuanshuang are quite familiar, and it’s just a matter of doing it.

Rao Li Yuanshuang’s face was also grateful, and suddenly she was glad to know Su Ming.

Professor Li said: “Medical God Su is really a young man, even Gu Technique understands, it really opened my eyes.”

Until this time, Professor Li was still shocked. He was shocked by the strength that Su Ming showed. It should be known that Gu Technique is not even heard.

But Su Ming, a young man who has mastered Gu Technique, is incredible.

If you think about Su Ming’s achieved perfection, Professor Li doesn’t feel strange at all. Such a young person, even if it has the ability to pass the sky, will not be surprising.

“cough cough”

Su Ming laughed and said: “The old man who taught me the doctor before, and later taught me a little Gu Technique, so I know a little.”

Professor Li: “………”

Then Professor Li glanced at the basin in front of him and said, “Medical God Su, what should I do with this?”

“Don’t be afraid, this blood worm is very afraid of water. They can only survive through the blood. They will die in less than ten minutes in the water. It will be done when a fire is burned directly,” Su Ming said.

At this time in the presidential Appartment/Suite of a luxury hotel in Ningcheng City, a young feminine man dressed in a black robe, sitting on the bed with his knees, forced his eyes to move, seemingly surprised.


Suddenly the feminine man opened his eyes violently, complexion changed, and opened his mouth and spit out a large mouth of blood.

“How is my blood worm killed? This is impossible!” Black robe The feminine man spits out mouthful of blood, muttering to himself.

At that moment, he felt that his meticulously fed blood worms had been cut off from his heart and mind, and he was subjected to a severe Poisonous Insect backlash, which immediately spits out mouthful of blood.

Black robe The expression on the cheeky man’s face is amazed. Why does his Poisonous Insect die? It’s hard to be a Ningcheng City and someone who knows Gu Technique. How is this possible!

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