Ningcheng Medical University This is the most well-known medical university in China. It has almost the highest medical level in the country. Su Ming ran here to treat people. If you hear it, most people say that Su Ming is funny.

“Su Ming is coming, hurry up and eat.” Su Ming came to the small courtyard of Professor Li, and Professor Li said.

Li Yuanshuang just came out of the kitchen with two dishes. After seeing Su Ming, he smiled and said hello to Su Ming.

Su Ming saw Li Yuanshuang actually cooking and cooking himself. He immediately took the two plates in Li Yuanshuang’s hand and said, “Sister Yuan, you are not uncomfortable, how can you cook in person?”

“I don’t get in the way, it’s okay to have a meal, and today you came to cook in person, and I don’t have time to cook.” Li Yuanshuang said with a smile.

Although the face is full of smiles, Su Ming can still see that Li Yuanshuang is very bad, and he has seen a lot worse than his front section time.

So Su Ming asked: “Sister Yuan, what is wrong with you, I don’t think you are very good.”

Li Yuanshuang said with a smile : “Don’t hurry for this moment, hurry and sit down to eat, let’s talk about it after eating.”

Su Ming is also not good enough to continue to ask more questions, just sit down and eat first.

Li Ziyao is not at home tonight. Su Ming, Li Yuanshuang and Professor Li are three of them when they eat, but they are relieved to think about it. After all, Li Ziyao is so busy that it is impossible to go home for dinner all day.

Because there is still the business of treating Li Yuanshuang today, the stopped meal is very fast, and it takes about half an hour to solve it.

Su Ming gave Soraka’s wAbility a meal and carefully observed Li Yuanshuang’s face, but what surprised Su Ming was that he didn’t even see where Li Yuanshuang had problems.

Su Ming was a little surprised. Su Ming was almost invincible after opening Soraka’s Ability. Before Li Ziyao had a problem with his shoulder, Su Ming saw it at a glance.

As a result, I observed Li Yuanshuang today, and Su Ming didn’t even see any problems, so Su Ming was surprised.

After finishing the meal and letting Hosekeeper clean up, Su Ming couldn’t help but ask: “Sister Yuan, tell me about where you are not feeling well.”

“It is this time that there are some symptoms of migraine headaches, and often there are blurred conditions in front of the eyes, especially when sleeping at night, the headache is so powerful that it is difficult to fall asleep.”

Li Yuanshuang is very clear, and he has explained his situation in a few words.

“Sister Yuan, are you going to be too stressed in Studio, which will cause a bad rest, so it will be a headache?” Su Ming said after a moment of snoring.

Because Li Yuanshuang said that the situation is too normal, it is almost a common symptom. Nowadays, the society has a high-intensity rhythm. Many people are in a sub-healthy status. It seems that it is not common to have a headache or insomnia.

What’s more, Li Yuanshuang should be the boss of a big company, and the intensity of Studio is definitely bigger than the average person.

Li Yuanshuang smiled and said: “The other doctors told me this way, but I have come over like this for so many years. As a result, the symptoms of headaches began to appear in the front section.”

“I deliberately reduced Studio during this time, guaranteed enough rest time, and also took some medicine, not only did not improve, but it was even more serious.” Li Yuanshuang said.

His body is only the most clear to himself. Li Yuanshuang knows that his body is getting more and more uncomfortable. It is hard to sleep every night.

Li Yuanshuang said that Su Ming didn’t feel right. It is reasonable to say that headaches are not a big problem. If you take some medicine and rest, it will be good soon.

But Li Yuanshuang is getting worse and worse. This is really strange. Su Ming asked: “What do the doctors at the hospital say?”

“They said that I have no problem with my body. It is better to pay more attention to rest.” Li Yuanshuang’s face was a little helpless.

“Do you check it?”

Su Ming asked again, he was worried about what Li Yuanshuang had in his head. If that is the case, it is better to check the instruments of Western medicine.

Li Yuanshuang knew what Su Ming was worried about and said: “I have done a full-body examination and my brain has also done ct without any problems.”

“This is strange”

Su Ming thought about it for a moment and said, “Let your hand reach over and I will take a look at it.”

Li Yuanshuang After extending the white arm, Su Ming put out two fingers on the pulse of Li Yuanshuang’s wrist. About a minute later, Su Ming took the hand off.

Su Ming didn’t need so much time if it was normal, but Li Yuanshuang’s situation was very different. Su Ming took care of it for more than a minute and found nothing.

“Your body is no different from normal people,” Su Ming said, wondering.

Li Yuanshuang smiled a bit and said, “The doctors said the same thing. Is it really that I am under too much pressure?”

What makes Su Ming even more strange is that System hasn’t had any movements during this time. Su Ming even feels that System is evaporating if it is not available.

Under normal circumstances, System will release the Mission, and then Su Ming gets some hints from the Mission, this time the System did not play according to common sense.

Su Ming can only say: “I will give you a try first.”

Things can only be done this way. Anyway, System has given instructions that Soraka’s power of the stars can heal all the pain and control what went wrong with him. As long as he can cure it, he will not do it.

Professor Li’s Hosekeeper immediately took the sterilized silver needle, and Su Ming let Li Yuanshuang do it, and began to pin Li Yuanshuang’s brain.

After more than a few minutes of 40, Su Ming ended the needle and asked: “Sister Yuan, how are you feeling?”

Li Yuanshuang slowly opened his eyes and stood up. His face showed a pleasant smile and said: “Su Ming, you are amazing, I feel much better.”

Su Ming listened to this and suddenly sighed in relief, saying that Soraka’s Ability really awesome.

It’s not too late, Su Ming said before he said: “If you haven’t been completely good for two days, Sister Yuan remember to call me.”

However, three days later, Li Yuanshuang’s phone really came over.

Li Yuanshuang said on the phone: “Su Ming, my head started to hurt again, and this time it hurts a lot.”

“What, the pain is so bad?” Su Ming couldn’t help but be surprised. It is reasonable to say that this should not happen.

There is no way to elaborate on the phone, Su Ming said: “Sister Yuan, you wait for me, I will pass.”

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