The tattooed man saw Su Ming dare to come up to block himself. His face could not help but reveal a disdainful look. The small body like Su Ming is not bragging. He can directly fall down with one hand.

“Kid, now is not the time for you to scream Hero. If I have already ran away,” the tattoo man said that he was ready to start with Su Ming.

As a result, the tattooed man suddenly became complicated and changed. He found that he couldn’t move. The place where his shoulder was caught by Su Ming seemed to be caught by a big iron tong. He asked what he had tried and found himself unable to move even a little. Bit.


Su Ming didn’t talk nonsense with him. He grabbed the hand that asked the shoulder and slammed it on the back of the tattooed man. Then he saw Su Ming knees and lifted it. He held the hand that asked the back of the head and slammed hard. Let the tattooed man’s face come into close contact with his knee.

Su Ming has already opened the Malphite’s Ability. At this time, the machine is endless. Don’t look at the tattooed man who looks fierce. In fact, it seems that Su Ming seems to beat him more than pinch the chick.


Just for this, the tattooed man couldn’t stand, and the mouth called out pitifully, and then the whole person was half-squatting on the ground, licking his face and mourning, it looked very painful.

Then everyone took a closer look and suddenly shocked, asking what was just hit by Su Ming, his face was bleeding, his nose and bones were all collapsed, and it seemed like he was beaten and stopped. of.

The tragic man of the tattooed man shocked everyone. Only Su Ming’s face was normal at this time. For this group of loan sharks, Su Ming was totally unsympathetic.

If you are not here today, Su Ming can guarantee that the Mukè mother and daughter will be even worse.

“Who else wants to fight, hurry up” Su Ming rushed to the tattooed man and said a few gangsters. The tone was full of domineering. Playing such a group of gangsters did not require any difficulty for Su Ming.

“brothers give it to me!”

I don’t know which gangster shouted first. After the tattooed man, the group of gangsters suddenly rushed over to Su Ming. He could beat him but he could only beat him. Can four or five people beat him?

However, after a few seconds, Su Ming told them the actual action, you really can’t beat it.

Since the use of Malphite’s Ability, Su Ming is not ready to use other Ability, sure that this Ability is not as domineering as Lee Sin Ultimate, and the enemy is destroyed.

But after this Ability made Su Ming become more powerful, Su Ming could be more violent, that is to say, Su Ming didn’t have that many fancy skills, and you simply sang and conquered with powerful power.


The first rushed gang was caught by Su Ming and saw Su Ming twisting gently. The little punk broke his left arm.

After screaming, he lost his fighting power. In fact, Su Ming has already kept his hand. If Su Ming uses all his strength, the left arm of this person may be completely abolished.

The second rushing gangster was not good enough to take it, Su Ming slammed down and slammed the punch into the punch, then slammed the guy.

The arm was slightly forced, and the little punk was lifted directly into the air to a backflip. Listening to the screaming sound, it is estimated that this guy was not dropped.


Su Ming caught the third punk and punched it up. There was nothing else that was messy. It was a clean, straight-looking fist.

But the power of this fist is too big, the little punk has not yet reached the front of Su Ming, it was hit by a punch on the ground, it seems that the sound of screaming is not small.

For a moment, the small doorway of Mukè’s house suddenly screamed and screamed. I don’t know what happened to the tragedy.

There are still two little punks that don’t dare to move at this time. Su Ming seems to be standing there, and what happened in just a few seconds is both in their eyes.

This person is too ferocious. The two little gangsters have lost the courage to fight with Su Ming. They are standing there and are afraid to move.

This ferocious act scared the middle-aged drunk and Liu Guilan. They didn’t even think of it. It seems that Su Wenwen’s Su Ming was so fierce.

On the contrary, Mukè was relatively calm at this time, because Mukè was also aware of the behavior of Su Ming playing a dozen or so people at the school gate at school, knowing that Su Ming was not as simple as it seems.

Especially the middle-aged drunkard felt that there was a chill in his back. He really didn’t expect Su Ming to be so ferocious. Otherwise, the middle-aged drunkard wouldn’t dare to rush for Su Ming.

The tattooed man wiped the blood of his face, and all the mixes seemed to count him as the worst. No way, who made him the most arrogant at first.

“Do you want money?” Seeing the tattoo man slowed down, Su Ming asked.

Su Ming is quite familiar with these mixed people. These people just have to fight. They will give them a chance if they disagree.

Tattooed men have had some fears about Su Ming. This person is too perverted, and the tattooed man knows that he has provoked people who should not be provoked today.

Anyway, after being taught this way, the tattooed man is even more afraid to swear with Su Ming, but the loan-sharking man, the tattoo man can’t do it.

I saw the male face of the tattoo, and said: “big brother, I am not fooling you. This is really not something I can do. He owes money to our Boss. I can only count as one errand.”

“Truth tells you.” The tattooed man honestly said to Su Ming: “I really can’t afford money today. I go back to the top and are stopped, but next time Boss will send someone over, I can’t help it.” ”

Tattoo males have a very painful heart at this time. It’s not as simple as being stopped by the money. The key next time Boss might let him come over, isn’t it time to be stopped?

So in desperation, the tattoo man used a bitter meter for Su Ming, hoping that Su Ming could let him go.

The words of the tattooed man made Su Ming fall into meditation. It is true that Su Ming did not expect that the tattooed man was only asking for money. It is not his ability to owe money.

Even if I took the tattoo man away today, the next time the tattooed Boss can send someone, and Su Ming can’t guarantee that he is there every time. The best way is to solve it once.

So Su Ming paused and said, “Where is your casino?”

“Why do you ask this?” The tattooed man did not respond.

“Take me to your casino.” Su Ming continued.


This time, don’t say that it is a tattooed man, even the Mukè mother and daughter on the side are stunned.

: Thanks to the “recruiting horses” book friends for the reward.

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