“You shouldn’t give him money.”

Mukè sighed said to Su Ming, looking at the middle-aged drunk who was happy to leave.

Mukè didn’t know how many times I watched it. Every time I got the money, I immediately left. I didn’t ask for the words of their mother and daughter. They only continued when they had no money.

When the money is in his hands, it is equivalent to a meat bun and a dog. It is gone, and how much money can be spent on him.

Liu Guilan said at the same time: “young man, thank you very much, this money is what I owe you, and I will give it back when I return enough.”

Don’t look at Liu Guilan is an ordinary person, and life is not rich, but Liu Guilan does not like to arbitrarily owe, but there is no way to 50,000 yuan too much, and Liu Guilan can now take out 5,000 yuan. So this money can only temporarily owe Su Ming.

Su Ming smiled and said, “Aunt is fine. If something happens in the future, you can call me directly.”

After that, Su Ming took out his mobile phone and left his phone number to Liu Guilan. Su Ming did it on purpose, to prevent Mukè’s father from coming back next time. If Liu Guilan called, he could catch up in time. come.

“I’m going to eat at my house today, I bought a chicken to prepare a stew for Little Ke,” Liu Guilan said.

Today, Liu Guilan took over in advance, and she thought that she had a lot of pressure to learn from the high school. In order to supplement Mukè, Liu Guilan was very willing to buy a chicken directly to prepare for Mukè.

When I returned home to Liu Guilan, I killed the chicken and cleaned it. The middle-aged drunkard went to the door, and everyone knows what happened next.

The last time I helped a lot in the vegetable market, Su Ming, Liu Guilan wanted to ask Su Ming to eat, but that time Su Ming left early, and today there is a chance.

However, Su Ming waved his hand and said: “Without Aunt, there is still something in my family. If I don’t go home, I guess my family is in a hurry.”

At this time, I still leave the space to Mukè. Their mother and daughter are better. After all, this happened. Su Ming feels that it is not good to go to dinner at this time.

“Aunt, then I will go first.” After saying hello, Su Ming smiled again at Mukè, then turned and left.

Mukè looked at the back of Su Ming’s departure and couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Su Ming had some time lost at Mukè’s house, so she called Qin Shiyin and didn’t go to her today because Su Ming father was at home today. When she was at school, Su Ming was not too late to go back. .

After returning home, Su Ming came to her room. The first thing was directly to summon Little Na. I asked, “Little Na, did I have the Complete Completed?”

Little Na replied: “Congratulations to the host, just now Mukè’s family is sad that the Mission host has been completed”

“It’s done.” Su Ming listened to sighed in relief, but Su Ming didn’t have a sense of accomplishment. The Mission was too technical and costly.

“Right, my Integral Points should be enough for Raffle?” Su Ming suddenly thought that he seemed to have enough 40Integral Points.

Little Na continued to answer in a nice voice: “The host currently has 40Integral Points. Does the host confirm Raffle, this time Raffle will consume the host 40Integral Points.”

“Confirm Raffle.”

Su Ming not at all The habit of Integral Points is basically enough for Raffle, and there is no use for Integral Points.

“Lady Luck is Smiling ”

Su Ming has been accustomed to the screen scrolling during Raffle, and I am looking forward to the sound that will come out at the moment the screen freezes.

Every time you win a Hero, you will first pass a line of this Hero, and then Hero will appear. This time, a male voice with Charm is heard.

The Cardmaster Twisted Fate, there is a Hero wearing a western cowboy hat with a Twisted Fate in his finger, no doubt this is The Cardmaster.

Twisted Fate As the evergreen tree in the League of Legends, it can be said that after numerous versions of the change, Twisted Fate has always been a hero with excellent performance, Su Ming is very much looking forward to this win Twisted Fate Which Ability .

“Congratulations to the host, Win The Cardmaster Twisted Fate’s Ability Pick a Card”, the system’s prompt sounded.

Ability Name: Pick a Card

Ability Introduction : The Cardmaster’s Ability allows him to choose the Twisted Fate in red, yellow and blue, three colors.

In reality, the Optimization is optimized, and the host opens the Themaster of the Cardmaster, which can incarnation gambling, master all gambling, and become the king of the table.

“What the hell”

Even knowing that each of the Facilities pulled out by System is very bullish, but after seeing the Impact Introduction of The Cardmaster, Su Ming couldn’t help but admire it.

It’s really only you can’t think of it, no System can do it, and what a powerful Ability System can make it out.

I still remember watching the gambling gods and gambling movies in my childhood. Su Ming has always admired it. I really didn’t expect that one day I could incarnation the reality of gambling.

At the same time, it can be said that with this Ability, Su Ming will be hungry anyway, no money, no need to find a casino to get two.

Early the next morning, Su Ming came to the school as usual. After arriving at the classroom, Su Ming found that all the people in the class were watching themselves, and even some people sitting in front of them frequently looked back at themselves.

And Su Ming is very keenly aware that many classmates in the class looked towards their own eyes, with murderous.

“What’s the matter, is it that after I slept for a night, I became handsome again?” Su Ming touched his face, some strangely said.

“Su Ming, your kid can.” After sitting down, Jiang Xiaojun on the side immediately looked at Su Ming with a wretched look.

When Jiang Xiaojun used this look to see himself, Su Ming knew that the guy was thinking of something unhealthy, so Su Ming asked, “What happened? Is it really handsome?”

“I bother”

Jiang Xiaojun looked at Su Ming with great defiance and then asked: “I heard that after you left school yesterday, you were directly in the classroom with School Beauty. Is it true?”

Su Ming was shocked and immediately asked: “Damn, do you know that?”

Jiang Xiaojun glanced at Su Ming and said, “What do you know I know? The whole class knows what it is.”

Su Ming: “……………”

: The update is coming. The author is currently saving the manuscript. After a while, there is a chance to break out. I hope that all the book friends will support it. If the score is not good, the editor will not arrange the recommendation. I am afraid that there will be no chance of breaking out. .

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